Browsing topics in A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship. 16th ed.

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Confession and PenitenceFreedom from sin in heaven#373Our sins, alas! how strong they be!
Confession and PenitenceHope reviving#359And shall I sit alone
Confession and PenitenceHuman frailty#351Weak and irresolute is man
Confession and PenitenceInconstancy lamented#350The wandering star and fleeting wind
Confession and PenitencePreparation of heart#362Lord, teach us how to pray aright
Confession and PenitencePreparation of heart#363Return, my roving heart, return
Confession and PenitenceReturn and pardon#364Return, my soul, unto thy rest
Confession and PenitenceReturn and pardon#365My soul with patience waits
Confession and PenitenceReturn and pardon#366My Father, let me hear thy voice
Confession and PenitenceReturn and pardon#367How long shall dreams of creature-bliss
Confession and PenitenceReturn and pardon#368O blessed souls are they
Confession and PenitenceReturn and pardon#369He's blessed who has thy pardon gained
Confession and PenitenceReturn and pardon#370O Thou, the wretched's sure retreat
Confession and PenitenceReturn and pardon#371Lord, we have wandered from thy way
Confession and PenitenceReturn and pardon#372Times without number have I prayed
Confession and PenitenceSeeking divine aid#357Oh help us, Lord! each hour of need
Confession and PenitenceSeeking forgiveness and a clean heart#352Blest instructer, from thy ways
Confession and PenitenceSeeking forgiveness and a clean heart#353Forgive us, for thy mercy's sake
Confession and PenitenceSeeking forgiveness and a clean heart#354O Thou that hear'st when sinners cry
Confession and PenitenceSeeking forgiveness and a clean heart#355Show pity, Lord ; O Lord, forgive
