Browsing topics in Lift Up Your Hearts: psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Church YearLent#25God moves in a mysterious way
Church YearLent#110As of old God promised us in
Church YearLent#130Jesus on the mountain peak
Church YearLent#131Christ, we climb with you the mountain
Church YearLent#132Lord, who throughout these forty days
Church YearLent#133Swiftly pass the clouds of glory
Church YearLent#134Thoughout these Lenten days and nights
Church YearLent#135Coming down from heaven above
Church YearLent#136나를위해험한산길오르신그발 (Jesus, who for my sake walked the road to Calvary)
Church YearLent#137Christ, the life of all the living
Church YearLent#138No one can do like Jesus
Church YearLent#139Since we are surrounded
Church YearLent#140I want Jesus to walk with me
Church YearLent#141Somos pueblo que camina (We are people on a journey)
Church YearLent#142We are people on a journey
Church YearLent#157Meekness and majesty, manhood and Deity