Browsing topics in The New Century Hymnal

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Year CPassion Sunday#338Una espiga dorado por el sol (Sheaves of summer turned golden by the sun)
Year CPassion Sunday#343Jesus took the bread, daily gift of God
Year CPentecost#54O praise the gracious power
Year CPentecost#56Soplo de Dios viviente (Breath of the living God)
Year CPentecost#59Holy Spirit, ever dwelling
Year CPentecost#60O Spirit of God, O life-giving breath!
Year CPentecost#64Fire of God, undying flame
Year CPentecost#284Joys are flowing like a river
Year CPentecost#285O holy Dove of God descending
Year CPentecost#286You moved on the waters, you called to the deep
Year CPentecost#289Come forth, O Love divine
Year CPentecost#324Baptized into your name most holy
Year CPentecost#373They did not build in vain
Year CPentecost#375Christ Jesus, please be by our side
Year CPentecost#387O Christ, the great foundation
Year CPresentation#51O sing a song of Bethlehem
Year CPresentation#117Lift up your heads, O mighty gates
Year CPresentation#585O God, we bear the imprint of your face
Year CPresentation#600How lovely is your dwelling
Year CPresentation#601How lovely is your dwelling
