Browsing topics in New English Praise: a supplement to the New English Hymnal

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Lent 3#628And didst thou travel light, dear Lord
Lent 5#627And can it be that I should gain
Lent 5#651O Wisdom, coming forth from the mouth of the Most High
Marraige#618This is the day the Lord has made
Maundy Thursday#623I come with joy to meet my Lord
Maundy Thursday#698We pray thee, heavenly Father
Palm Sunday#641Come, let us follow where our Captain trod
Proper 10#647Will you come and follow me
Proper 12#698We pray thee, heavenly Father
Proper 14#647Will you come and follow me
Proper 14#699How shall I sing that Majesty
Proper 15#637Hark, my soul! It is the Lord
Proper 19#640Let every Christian pray
Proper 2#618This is the day the Lord has made
Proper 20#628And didst thou travel light, dear Lord
Proper 21#646When in our music, God is glorified
Proper 22#628And didst thou travel light, dear Lord
Proper 24#699How shall I sing that Majesty
Proper 25#626Amazing grace! — how sweet the sound
Proper 3#636Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father
