Browsing topics in One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism: an African American ecumenical hymnal

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Trust#552When we must bear persistent pain
Trust#555Where can I run but to my Jesus?
Trust#559Be still and know that I am God
Trust#583Christ is made the sure foundation
Victory#42In the name of Jesus
Victory#124Break Thou the bread of life
Victory#342God sent His Son, they called Him Jesus
Victory#372Victory is mine
Victory#376I heard an old, old story, how a Savior came from glory
Victory#399He has done great things for me
Victory#403Stand up, stand up for Jesus
Victory#411Real, real, Jesus is real to me
Victory#416He's done so much for me, I cannot tell it all
Victory#604A better day is coming
Victory#694I will sing to the Lord; glorious his triumph!
Voice of God#684Come, let us ring out our joy to the LORD
Wholeness#191Come to the fountain
Wholeness#412I've a message from the Lord, Hallelujah!
Wholeness#532Shackled by a heavy burden
Wholeness#551Sometimes I feel discouraged
