Browsing topics in The Tribute of Praise: a collection of hymns and tunes for public and social worship, and for the use in the family circle and Sabbath school

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Time and Eternity#91Jesus, we bow before thy throne
Time and Eternity#133Lord, we believe to us and ours
Time and Eternity#139Now let my soul, eternal King
Time and Eternity#150Thou Lamb of God, thou Prince of Peace
Time and Eternity#151How pleasant, how divinely fair
Time and Eternity#170How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
Time and Eternity#186Early, my God, without delay
Time and Eternity#284Am I a soldier of the cross
Unfaithfulness Lamented#32Shepherd of souls, with pitying eye
Unfaithfulness Lamented#70Jesus, my Advocate above
Unfaithfulness Lamented#80O Spirit of the living God
Unfaithfulness Lamented#84Jesus the Lamb of God hath bled
Unfaithfulness Lamented#181My God, my portion, and my love
Unfaithfulness Lamented#185Sing we the song of those who stand
