Browsing Elements of Worship in RitualSong: a hymnal and service book for Roman Catholics

Select an element:

ElementHymnFirst Line
Confession Songs#954Come, you sinners, poor and needy
Creedal Songs#903Baptized in water
Doxology#586Good Christians all, rejoice and sing!
Gloria#291Glory to God in the highest
Gloria#309Glory to God in the highest
Gloria#317Lord God, heavenly King, almighty God and Father
Gloria#331Lord God, heavenly King
Gloria#342Glory to God in the highest
Gloria#364Gloria in excelsis Deo
Gloria#387Glory to God in the highest
Gloria#389Glory to God in the highest
Gloria#390Lord God, heavenly King
Gloria#391Lord God, heavenly King
Gloria#392Glory to God in the highest
Gloria#393Glory to God in the highest
Gloria#507Glory to God in the highest
Gloria#511¡Gloria, gloria, gloria en las alturas a Dios! (Glory, glory, glory, glory be to God on high!)
Gospel Acclamation Songs#239bPraise to you, Lord Jesus Christ
Gospel Acclamation Songs#249bPraise to you, Lord Jesus Christ
Gospel Acclamation Songs#255bPraise to you, Lord Jesus Christ
