Browsing Elements of Worship in The White Ribbon Hymnal: or Echoes of the Crusade, compiled for the National and World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union

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ElementHymnFirst Line
Benediction#130God be with you till we meet again
Closing Songs#37Now the day is over
Closing Songs#115bBlest be the tie that binds
Closing Songs#115aAbide with me! fast falls the eventide
Closing Songs#130God be with you till we meet again
Confession Songs#162aRock of Ages, cleft for me
Gospel Acclamation Songs#85How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord
Offertory#155aPraise God, from whom all blessings flow
Opening Hymns#162dCome, Thou Fount of every blessing
Opening Hymns#162cAll hail the power of Jesus' name
Prayer Songs#115aAbide with me! fast falls the eventide
Scripture Songs#36aThe Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want
Songs of Response#117aLord, speak to me, that I may speak
Songs of Response#123aNearer, my God, to Thee