Why such short music files?

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Both the MIDI file and the “Recording” of Richard Smallwood's I LOVE THE LORD, HE HEARD MY CRY are extremely truncated, basically just giving the first line. Why?


These files come from a couple of hymnals that have antiphonal refrains with the first line of the hymn. Music files linked at the top of automatically generated using available music files, usually selected because we have more resources from some hymnals. The best way to find music files is to got to the Media section on the page and see what is available under the Audio tab.

I just wish there was a design element that would deprecate such autogeneration when a full-tune version is available. I usually have no great need for audio files, but when I do this sort of thing slows me down, and makes me worry about church folks who come here with a great need for such a file and relatively little acquaintance with the fine points of the database interface.