133. Bearing the Cross

Burden of shame and woe!
How does the heart o’erflow
At thought of him the bitter cross who bore!
But we have each our own,
To others oft unknown,
Which we must bear till life shall be no more.

And shall we fear to tread
The path where Jesus led,
The pure and holy one, for man who died?
Or shall we shrink from shame,
Endured for Jesusname,
Our glorious Lord, once spurned and crucified?

Then, ’mid the woes that wait
On this our mortal state,
Patience shall cheer affliction, toil, and loss,
And though the tempter’s art
Assail the struggling heart,
Still, Saviour! in thy name we bear the cross.

Text Information
First Line: Burden of shame and woe!
Title: Bearing the Cross
Author: Bulfinch
Meter: 10s. M.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1866
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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