19. Victory!

1 I was lost, now I’m saved by the blood of the Lamb
That was shed on the cross for me;
Taken out of the pit and the deep, miry clay,
Praise the Lord for victory!

O victory! glad victory
Is coming down from heav’n to my soul!
Faith is the victory that overcomes,
And makes the wounded spirit whole.

2 At the cross there is rest for the sin-burdened soul;
Hear His kind invitation, “Come!”
All thy burdens on Him He invites thee to roll,
And no more in sin to roam. [Refrain]

3 Brother, you, too, may come for the fullness of love;
Perfect peace shall to you be giv’n;
Ev’ry doubt, ev’ry fear Christ will surely remove,
And will guide thee home to heav’n. [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: I was lost, now I'm saved by the blood of the Lamb
Title: Victory!
Author: C. E. R.
Refrain First Line: O victory! glad victory
Publication Date: 1910


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