185. I know the doom that must befall me

I know the doom that must befall me,
But know not when, or where, or how;
It may be that my God will call me
To-day, tomorrow, nay, or now;
Ere yet this present hour is fled
This living body may be dead.

Lord, let me die to self each hour,
And at the last Thy presence give,
Then Death may try his utmost power,
He can but make me truly live;
Then welcome my last hour shall be
When, where, and how it pleases Thee.

Text Information
First Line: I know the doom that must befall me
Title: I know the doom that must befall me
German Title: Ich weiss es wird mein Ende kommen
Author: S. Franck (1711)
Language: English
Publication Date: 1863
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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