620. Jesus, holy, undefiled

1 Jesus, holy, undefiled,
Listen to a little child;
Thou hast sent the glorious light,
Chasing far the silent night.

2 Thou hast sent the sun to shine
O'er this glorious world of Thine,
Warmth to give, and pleasant glow,
On each tender flower below.

3 Now the little birds arise,
Chirping gaily in the skies;
Thee their tiny voices praise
In the early songs they raise.

4 Thou by Whom the birds are fed,
Give to me my daily bread;
And Thy Holy Spirit give,
Without Whom I cannot live.

5 Make me, Lord, obedient, mild,
As becomes a little child;
All day long, in every way,
Teach me what to do and say.

6 Make me, Lord, in work and play,
Thine more truly every day;
And, when Thou at last shalt come,
Take me to Thy heavenly home.

Text Information
First Line: Jesus, holy, undefiled
Author: E. M. Shapcote
Language: English
Publication Date: 1920
Topic: Youth and School Life
Tune Information
Composer: J. B. Dykes
Key: D Major

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