199. A mighty sound from heaven

1 A mighty sound from heaven
at Pentecost there came,
and filled the place of meeting
with rushing wind and flame;
what Christ had promised now occurred
as each Apostle spoke the word
beneath the Spirit's thunder,
and to the ears of all who heard
proclaimed salvation's wonder.

2 In Salem's street was gathered
a crowd from many a land,
and all in their own tongues did
the Gospel understand,
for by the triumph of the Son
the curse of Babel was undone
when God did send the Spirit;
so to the blessèd Three in One
be honour, praise, and merit.

3 Then come, all Christian people,
keep festival today,
for God the Holy Spirit
dwells with the Church alway:
and grieve him not, O Christian soul,
his grace within shall make you whole
in body, mind, and spirit,
until you reach the promised goal,
a kingdom to inherit.

Text Information
First Line: A mighty sound from heaven
Author: George Boorne Timms, 1910-1997 (alt.)
Language: English
Publication Date: 2010
Topic: Hymns for the Church Year: Pentecost
Copyright: Words by permission of Oxford Universiety Press
Tune Information
Arranger: Alec Wyton, 1921-2007
Key: D Major
Source: Dutch melody
Copyright: Arrangement ownership untraced

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