12354. Our Christmas Song

1 Dear Savior, as we come today
To carol forth Thy praises sweet
In joyous song, we humbly pray,
Be present with us as we meet.

All glory to our God on high!
Peace and good will from Heav’n He sends;
Good tidings, good tidings,
Of that great joy which never ends.

2 In ages past a radiant host
In heav’nly strains the birth proclaimed
Of Him who came to save the lost,
To heal the blind, the halt, the maimed. [Refrain]

3 But now in feebler lay we greet
The dawning of fair Christmas morn;
We pour our treasures at Thy feet,
And swell the chorus, Christ is born! [Refrain]

4 “The Lord is come,” Earth gladly cries,
With joy ring out the chimes so clear!
Now wakes the anthem of the skies,
The Savior of the world is here! [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: Dear Savior, as we come today
Title: Our Christmas Song
Author: C. Louise Bell (1897)
Refrain First Line: All glory to our God on high!
Language: English
Source: Song-Land Messenger No. 2 by Anthony J. Showalter (Dallas: Showalter-Lincoln Company, 1898)
Copyright: Public Domain
Tune Information
Name: [Dear Savior, as we come today]
Composer: J. Howard Entwisle
Key: G Major or modal
Copyright: Public Domain

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