16165. Moonbeams Are Streaming

1 Moonbeams are stream­ing,
When at dawn of East­er Day,
Angel forms gleam­ing
To ho­ly wo­men say,
"Christ is up­risen
From death’s dark pri­son;
Come, view the ho­ly place
Where Je­sus lay!"

2 Magdalen weep­ing
Sees two an­gels of the sky
Watch soft­ly keep­ing,
As Je­sus draw­eth nigh.
"Rise, Ma­ry, speed thee!
Lone hearts now need thee;
Go, tell My breth­ren I
Ascend on high!"

3 To Peter wail­ing
Who his Lord hath thrice de­nied,
Comes Love un­fail­ing—
Comes Christ, the Cru­ci­fied.
Dark scru­ples clear­ing
With ac­cents cheer­ing,
All Pe­ter’s pe­ni­ten­tial
Tears He dried!

4 Two sad ones walk­ing,
Sorrowing for Christ’s dear sake,
He join­eth, talk­ing,
And with them bread doth break.
Faith their sight aid­eth,
As His form fad­eth:
Burned not their hearts with­in
Them while He spake?

5 Ten saints des­pair­ing
Meet for mu­tu­al so­lace kind;
Comes Je­sus, bear­ing
Fair hope and joy en­twined.
Sweet peace be­queath­ing,
Then on them breath­ing,
Preach ye, bap­tize ye all,
Absolve and bind!

6 Golden the sto­ry
Of the se­raphs, as they sing
Redemption’s sto­ry,
The tri­umph of their king.
With joys abound­ing,
Bright notes re­sound­ing,
Hark, how the sil­ver bells
Of Hea­ven ring!

Text Information
First Line: Moonbeams are stream­ing
Title: Moonbeams Are Streaming
Author: George Pierce Grantham, 1833-1885
Language: English
Source: Carols Old and Carols New by Charles L. Hutchins (Boston: The Parish Choir, 1916)
Copyright: Public Domain
Tune Information
Name: [Moonbeams are stream­ing]
Composer: George Pierce Grantham
Key: G Major or modal
Copyright: Public Domain

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