16281. In Heav'n The Heart O'erflows With Love

1 In Heav’n the heart o’er­flows with love,
And ev­ery eye be­holds its God;
The pass­ions now no long­er rove,
The soul is washed in Je­sus’ blood.

2 Sin is for ev­er ban­ished thence,
Ecstatic rap­tures fill the mind;
The low de­lights of flesh and sense
Are changed for plea­sures all re­fined.

3 Oceans of bliss in­ces­sant roll,
Nor Sa­tan tempts, nor tyr­ants frown;
No tran­si­ent clouds o’er­spread the soul
And guilt and grief are ne­ver known.

4 Oh could we drop this cum­brous clay,
Soon would we climb the up­per road;
On wings of love fly swift away,
Till we shall reach the throne of God.

Text Information
First Line: In Heav’n the heart o’er­flows with love
Title: In Heav'n The Heart O'erflows With Love
Author: Benjamin Beddome, 1717-1795
Meter: LM
Source: Hymns Adapted to Public Worship (London: Burton & Briggs, 1818)
Copyright: Public Domain
Notes: Alternate tunes: UXBRIDGE by Lowell Mason, VOM HIMMEL HOCH from "Geistliche Lieder," WALTHAM by John B. Calkin
Tune Information
Meter: LM
Key: C Major
Source: Psalmodia Evangelica by Thomas Williams, 1789
Copyright: Public Domain

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