16328. How Strong Thine Arm Is, Mighty God!

1 How strong Thine arm is, migh­ty God!
Who would not fear Thy name?
Jesus, how sweet Thy grac­es are!
Who would not love the Lamb?

2 He has done more than Mos­es did,
Our pro­phet and our king;
From bonds of hell He freed our souls,
And taught our lips to sing.

3 In the Red Sea by Mo­ses’ hand
Th’Egyptian host was drowned;
But Christ’s own blood hides all our sins,
And guilt no more is found.

4 When thro’ the de­sert Is­ra­el went,
With man­na they were fed;
Our Lord in­vites us to His flesh,
And calls it liv­ing bread.

5 Moses be­held the pro­mised land,
Yet ne­ver reached the place!
But Je­sus brings His fol­low­ers home
To see His Fa­ther’s face.

6 Then shall our love and joy be full,
And feel a warm­er flame,
And sweet­er voic­es tune the song
Of Mo­ses and the Lamb.

Text Information
First Line: How strong Thine arm is, migh­ty God!
Title: How Strong Thine Arm Is, Mighty God!
Author: Isaac Watts
Meter: CM
Language: English
Source: Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1707
Copyright: Public Domain
Notes: Alternate tunes: TWENTY-FOURTH from "Repository of Sacred Music" by John Wyeth, WALSALL by Henry Purcell, WANAMAKER by John R. Sweney
Tune Information
Meter: CM
Key: g minor
Source: English Traditional
Copyright: Public Domain

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