1 Joyful the message of Gospel grace,
Calling every nation;
Come to the Savior and seek His face,
Here’s a full salvation;
Behold the way that leads from sin,
Brightly, brightly shining,
And He that believeth shall walk therein,
And dwell in the beautiful land.
Come, O come ye, come ye to the waters!
Ho! every one that thirsteth,
O come without money and buy!
Come, O come ye, come ye to the waters!
Ho! every one that thirsteth,
O come without money and buy!
2 God is the refuge and strength of all,
He a sure foundation;
They that will trust Him shall never fall,
He’s our great salvation;
O, come, and be forever blest,
Seek, and ye shall find Him;
There’s rest for the weary, eternal rest,
A home in the beautiful land. [Refrain]
3 Happy the people that know the Lord,
In His truth confiding;
Happy the people that love His word,
In His law abiding;
The Lord, our buckler and our shield,
Giveth grace and glory,
And He will no good thing from them withhold,
Who walk in the light of His love. [Refrain]