Fanny Crosby

Fanny Crosby
Short Name: Fanny Crosby
Full Name: Crosby, Fanny, 1820-1915
Birth Year: 1820
Death Year: 1915

Pseudonymns: A.V., Mrs. A. E. Andrews, Mrs. E. A. Andrews, Mrs. E. L. Andrews, James L. Black, Henrietta E. Blair, Charles Bruce, Robert Bruce, Leah Carlton, Eleanor Craddock, Lyman G. Cuyler, D.H.W., Ella Dare, Ellen Dare, Mrs. Ellen Douglass, Lizzie Edwards. Miss Grace Elliot, Grace J. Frances, Victoria Frances, Jennie Garnett, Frank Gould, H. D. K., Frances Hope, Annie L. James, Martha J. Lankton [Langton], Grace Lindsey, Maud Marion, Sallie Martin, Wilson Meade, Alice Monteith, Martha C. Oliver, Mrs. N. D. Plume, Kate Smiley, Sallie Smith, J. L. Sterling, John Sterling, Julia Sterling, Anna C. Storey, Victoria Stuart, Ida Scott Taylor, Mary R. Tilden, Mrs. J. B. Thresher, Hope Tryaway, Grace Tureman, Carrie M. Wilson, W.H.D.

Frances Jane Crosby, the daughter of John and Mercy Crosby, was born in Southeast, Putnam County, N. Y., March 24, 1820. She became blind at the age of six weeks from maltreatment of her eyes during a spell of sickness. When she was eight years old she moved with her parents to Ridgefield, Conn., the family remaining there four years. At the age of fifteen she entered the New York Institution for the Blind, where she received a good education. She became a teacher in the institution in 1847, and continued her work until March 1, 1858. She taught English grammar, rhetoric and American history.

This was the great developing period in her life. During the vacations of 1852 and 1853, spent at North Reading, Mass., she wrote the words to many songs for Dr. Geo. F. Root, then the teacher of music at the blind institution. Among them were, "Hazel Dell,", "The Honeysuckle Glen," "Rosalie, the Prairie Flower," "Music in the Air," "Proud World, Good-bye, I'm Going Home," "All Together", "Never Forget the Dear Ones," and others. Subsequently she wrote the words for the cantatas of The Flower Queen and The Pilgrim Fathers, all of which were very popular in their day, though it was not generally known at the time that she was the author.

While teaching at the institution she met Presidents Van Buren and Tyler, Hon. Henry Clay, Governor Wm. H. Seward, General Winfield Scott, and other distinguished characters of American history. Concerning Mr. Clay, she gives the following: "When Mr. Clay came to the institution during his last visit to New York, I was selected to welcome him with a poem. Six months before he had lost a son at the battle of Monterey, and I had sent him some verses. In my address I carefully avoided any allusion to them, in order not to wound him. When I had finished he drew my arm in his, and, addressing the audience, said through his tears: 'This is not the first poem for which I am indebted to this lady. Six months ago she sent me some lines on the death of my dear son.' Both of us were overcome for a few moments. Soon, by a splendid effort, Mr. Clay recovered himself, but I could not control my tears." In connection with her meeting these notable men, we might add that Miss Fanny Crosby had the honor of being the first woman whose voice was heard publicly in the Senate Chamber at Washington. She read a poem there on one occasion. In addition to the thousands of hymns that she has written (about eight thousand poems in all), many of which have not been set to music, she has published four volumes of verses. The first was issued in 1844 and was entitled The Blind Girl, and Other Poems, a second volume, Monterey, and Other Poems, followed in 1849, and the third, A Wreath of Columbia's Flowers, in 1858. The fourth, Bells at Evening and Other Verses, with a biographical sketch by Rev. Robert Lowry, and a fine half-tone portrait, in 1897, the sales of which have reached a fourth edition. The book is published by The Biglow & Main Co., New York.

Though these show the poetical bent of her mind, they have little to do with her world-wide fame. It is as a writer of Sunday-school songs and gospel hymns that she is known wherever the English language is spoken, and, in fact, wherever any other language is heard.

Fanny was married March 5, 1858, to Alex. Van Alstyne, who was also a scholar in the same institution in which she was educated.

She began to write Sunday-school hymns for Wm. B. Bradbury in 1864. Her first hymn,
"We are going, we are going
To a home beyond the skies",
was written at the Ponton Hotel on Franklin Street, New York City, on February 5th of that year. This hymn was sung at Mr. Bradbury's funeral in January, 1868. Since 1864 she supported herself by writing hymns. She resided in New York City nearly all her life, where, she says, she is "a member of the Old John Street M. E. Church in good standing." She spent regular hours on certain days at the office of The Biglow & Main Co., the firm for which she did most of her writing, and for whom she has composed over four thousand hymns. Her hymns have been in great demand and have been used by many of our most popular composers, among whom may be mentioned Wm. B. Bradbury, Geo. F. Root, W. H. Doane, Rev. Robert Lowry, Ira D. Sankey, J. R. Sweney, W. J. Kirkpatrick, H. P. Main, H. P. Danks, Philip Phillips, B. G. Unseld, and others. She could compose at any time and did not need to wait for any special inspiration, and her best hymns have come on the spur of the moment. She always composed with an open book in her hand, generally a copy of Golden Hymns, held closely over her eyes, bottom side up. She learned to play on the guitar and piano while at the institution, and has a clear soprano voice. She also received a technical training in music, and for this reason she could, and did, compose airs for some of her hymns. One of these is,
"Jesus, dear, I come to Thee,
Thou hast said I may,"
both words and music of which are wonderfully sweet. "Safe in the arms of Jesus", probably one of her best known hymns, was her own favorite. Fanny loved her work, and was happy in it. She was always ready either to sympathize or join in a mirthful conversation, as the case may be. The secret of this contentment dates from her first composition at the age of eight years. "It has been the motto of my life," she says. It is:
"O what a happy soul am I!
Although I cannot see,
I am resolved that in this world
Contented I will be;"

This has continued to be her philosophy. She says that had it not been for her affliction she might not have so good an education, nor so great an influence, and certainly not so fine a memory. She knows a great many portions of the Bible by heart, and had committed to memory the first four books of the Old Testament, and also the four Gospels before she was ten years of age.

Her scope of subjects is wide, embracing everything from a contemplation of heaven, as in "The Bright Forever" and "The Blessed Homeland", to an appeal to the work of this world, as in "To the Work" and "Rescue the Perishing." The most of Fanny's published hymns have appeared under the name of Fanny J. Crosby or Mrs. Yan Alstyne, but quite a large number have appeared under the nom de plumes of Grace J. Frances, Mrs. C. M. Wilson, Lizzie Edwards, Ella Dale, Henrietta E. Blair, Rose Atherton, Maud Marion, Leah Carlton, nearly two hundred different names.

-Biographies of Gospel Song and Hymn Writers (excerpts)

Van Alstyne, Frances Jane, née Crosby, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was born at South East, Putnam County, New York, March 24, 1823. When six weeks old she lost her sight. About 1835 she entered the New York City Institution for the Blind. On completing her training she became a teacher therein from 1847 to 1858. In 1858 she was married to Alexander Van Alstyne, a musician, who was also blind. Her first poem was published in 1831; and her first volumes of verse as A Blind Girl, and Other Poems, 1844; Monteresy, and Other Poems, 1849; and A Wreath of Columbia's Flowers, 1858. Her first hymn was "We are going, we are going" (Death and Burial), which was written for Mr. Bradbury and published in the Golden Censer, 1864. From 1853 to 1858 she wrote 20 songs, which were set to music by G. F. Root. Her songs and hymns number some 2,000 or more, and have been published mainly in several of the popular American Sunday school collections, and often under a nom de plume. About 60 have come into common use in Great Britain. The majority of these are taken from the following American collections:—
i. From The Shining Star, 1864.
1. Softly on the breath of evening. Evening.
ii. From Fresh Laurels, 1867.
2. Beautiful Mansions, home of the blest. Heaven.
3. Jesus the Water of Life has given. The Water of Life.
4. Light and Comfort of my soul. In Affliction.
5. There's a cry from Macedonia. Missions.
6. We are marching on with shield and banner bright. Sunday School Anniversary.
iii. From Musical Leaves, 1868.
7. 0 what are you going to do, brother? Youth for God.
iv. From Sabbath Carols, 1868.
8. Dark is the night, and cold the wind is blowing. Affliction anticipated.
9. Lord, at Thy mercy seat, Humbly I fall. Lent.
v. From Silver Spray, 1868.
10. If I come to Jesus, He will make me glad. Peace in Jesus.
11. 'Twill not be long—our journey here. Heaven anticipated.
vi. From Notes of Joy, 1869.
12. Little beams of rosy light. The Divine Father.
13. Press on! press on! a glorious throng. Pressing towards the Prize.
vii. From Bright Jewels, 1869.
14. Christ the Lord is risen today, He is risen indeed. Easter.
15. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord! Sing 0 ye people, &c. Holiness of God.
16. Jesus, keep me near the Cross. Near the Cross of Christ.
17. Saviour, bless a little child. A Child's Prayer. Written Feb. 6, 1869.
viii. From Songs of Devotion, 1870.
18. Pass me not, 0 gentle Saviour. Lent. Written in 1868.
19. Rescue the perishing, care for the dying. Home Missions.
ix. From Pure Gold, 1871.
20. Great is Jehovah. King of kings. Greatness of God.
21. I would be Thy little lamb. The Good Shepherd.
22. Lead me to Jesus, lead me to Jesus. Desiring Jesus.
23. To the work, to the work, we are servants of God. Home Missions.
24. Why labour for treasures that rust and decay? The Fadeless Crown.
x. From the Royal Diadem, 1873.
25. I am Jesus' little friend. For Infant Schools.
26. Jesus I love Thee. Loving Jesus.
27. Mourner, wheresoe'er thou art. To the Sorrowing and Penitent. Written Oct. 3, 1871.
28. Never be faint or weary. Joy in Jesus.
29. Only a step to Jesus. Invitation.
xi. From Winnowed Hymns, 1873-4.
30. Loving Saviour, hear my cry. Lent.
xii. From Echoes of Zion, 1874.
31. Say, where is thy refuge, my brother? Home Missions.
xiii. From Songs of Grace and Glory, 1874.
32. Thou my everlasting Portion. Christ the Portion of His People.
xiv. From Brightest and Best, 1875.
33. All the way my Saviour leads me. Jesus the Guide.
34. I am Thine, O Lord: I have heard Thy voice. Holiness desired.
35. O come to the Saviour, believe in His name. Invitation. Written, Sep. 7, 1874.
36. O how sweet when we mingle. Communion of Saints. Written in 1866.
37. O my Saviour, hear me. Prayer to Jesus for blessing and love.
38. Only Jesus feels and knows. Jesus the Divine Friend.
39. Revive Thy work, O Lord. Home Missions.
40. Saviour, more than life to me. Jesus All and in All.
41. To God be the glory, great things He hath done. Praise for Redemption.
xv. From Calvary Songs, 1875.
42. Come, O come with thy broken heart. Invitation.
xvi. From Gospel Music, 1876.
43. Here from the world we turn. Divine Worship.
44. When Jesus comes to reward His servants. Watching,
xvii. From Welcome Tidings, 1877.
45. O hear my cry, be gracious now to me. For Pardon and Peace.
xviii. From The Fountain of Song, 1877.
46. Lord, my trust I repose on Thee. Trusting in Jesus.
xix. From Good as Gold, 1880.
47. In Thy cleft, O Rock of Ages. Safety in Jesus.
48. Sound the alarm ! let the watchman cry. Home Missions.
49. Tenderly He leads us. Christ the Leader.
50. 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer. The Hour of Prayer.
In addition to these hymns, all of which are in common use in Great Britain (mainly through I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs and Solos, the Methodist Sunday School Hymn Book, the Silver Street Sunday Scholars Companion, and other collections for Sunday schools), there are also "A blessing for you, will you take it?" (Pardon through Jesus); "My song shall be of Jesus" (Praise of Jesus); “Now, just a word for Jesus"(Home Missions); "Onward, upward, Christian soldier" (Pressing Heavenward); 44 Sinner, how thy heart is troubled" (Invitation); "'Tis a goodly, pleasant land" (Heaven anticipated); and "When the dewy light was fading" (Death anticipated). All of these are in I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs & Solos. Mrs. Van Alstyne's most popular composition is "Safe in the arms of Jesus" (Safety in Jesus). This was written in 1868, at the request of Mr. W. H. Doane, to his well-known melody with which it is inseparably associated, and published in Bright Jewels, 1869. Mrs. Van Alstyne's hymns have sometimes been published anonymously; but the greater part are signed by a bewildering number of initials.
The combined sales of the volumes of songs and hymns named above have amounted in English-speaking countries to millions of copies. Notwithstanding the immense circulation thus given to Mrs. Van Alstyne's hymns, they are, with few exceptions, very weak and poor, their simplicity and earnestness being their redeeming features. Their popularity is largely due to the melodies to which they are wedded.
Since the above was in type we have found that the following are also in common use in Great Britain:—
51. Suppose the little cowslip. Value of Little Things.
52. Sweet hour of prayer. The Hour of Prayer. These are in Bradbury's Golden Chain, 1861.
53. Never lose the golden rule. Love to our Neighbours. In Bradbury's Golden Censer, 1864.
54. I will not be afraid at night. Trust in God. In Bradbury's Fresh Laurels, 1867.
55. Praise Him, praise Him, Jesus our, &c. Praise of Jesus. In Biglow & Main's Bright Jewels, 1869.
56. More like Jesus would I be. More like Jesus. In Perkins & Taylor's Songs of Salvation, 1870.
57. Behold me standing at the door. Christ at the Door. In Biglow & Main's Christian Songs, 1872.
58. If I come to Jesus. Jesus the Children's Guide.
59. Jesus, Lord, I come to Thee. Trust in Jesus.
60. Let me learn of Jesus. Jesus the Children's Friend.
61. Singing for Jesus, O singing for Jesus. Singing for Jesus.
62. There is a Name divinely sweet Holy Name of Jesus.
Of these hymns Nos. 58-62 we have not been able to trace.

--Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907


Van Alstyne, Frances J., p. 1203, ii. From the American collections of recent date we find that Mrs. Van Alstyne is still actively engaged in hymn-writing. In the Funk and Wagnalls Company Gloria Deo, 1903, there are about 30 of her hymns, most of which are new. They are all signed, and some are dated, but we have not space to quote the first lines and subjects, as this hymnal is not an official collection of any denomination. Another name, "Mrs. S. K. Bourne" is credited in the same hymnal with about 40 new hymns. If this signature is not another pen-name of Mrs. Van Alstyne's (and these pen-names and initials of hers are very numerous), we can only say that she has a very successful understudy in "Mrs. S. K. Bourne."

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Wikipedia Biography

Frances Jane van Alstyne (née Crosby; March 24, 1820 – February 12, 1915), more commonly known as Fanny J. Crosby, was an American mission worker, poet, lyricist, and composer. She was a prolific hymnist, writing more than 8,000 hymns and gospel songs, with more than 100 million copies printed. She is also known for her teaching and her rescue mission work. By the end of the 19th century, she was a household name.

Texts by Fanny Crosby (3529)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
යේසුස් මගේයයි සෙත් ලත් වදන් (Yēsus magēyayi set lat vadan)Fanny Crosby (Author)Sinhala2
A beautiful Star of purest lightFanny Crosby (Author)English2
A blessing for you, will you take it?Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)English3
A century of promiseFanny Crosby (Author)English1
A cloud from the sea is risingFanny Crosby (Author)English3
A cry, a wild and piercing cryFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
A Deus demos glória, com grande fervorFanny Jane Crosby (Author)Portuguese3
A Dios demos gloria, pues grande es élFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish4
A Dios sea gloria, es el CreadorFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
A feast of love togetherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
A few more marchings wearyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English23
A foe is abroad, like a tyrant he reignsFanny Crosby (Author)English4
A glorious song is ringing in my heartFanny Crosby (Author)English1
A great reform, the time is nearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
A heavenly guest is knockingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
A little golden sunbeamF. J. Crosby (Author)English3
A little talk with Jesus, How it smooths the rugged roadR. L. Allan (Author)English18
A little while, and then for meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
A merry little robin in a greenwood treeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
A message of mercy, a message of loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
A message sweet is borne to meFanny Crosby (Author)English2
A prayer on the wings of an angelFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English4
A sinner lost amid the gloomFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
A sinner lost, and yet I cameFanny Crosby (Author)English1
A soul has left its houseMrs. Van Alstyne (Author)English2
A storm gathers dark over the foam crestedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
A stronger faith, dear SaviorFanny Crosby (Author)English1
A trembling soul I come to TheeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
A voice from Calvary's cross we hearFanny Crosby (Author)English2
A voice from the spirit landF. C. (Arranger)English1
A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, A wonderful Savior to meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English266
A year ago our happy songs We mingled withFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
A year of precious blessingsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
A young bird sangFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Abide with us, dear Savior, Abide with us, we prayFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Abiding faith, O Lord, be mineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Abiding, gracious Lord, in TheeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Accept the gift we bringFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Across the blue waters the message of graceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
أعد علي حديثاFanny J. Crosby (Author)Arabic1
Addanto aldaw maturogacFanny Crosby (Author)Tagalog2
After the clouds their flight have spedFanny Crosby (Author)English1
After the mist and shadowFrancis Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Agayat rebbengmo Padam a taoFanny Crosby (Author)Tagalog2
Al min tillid er til JesusFanny Crosby (Author)Danish2
¡Alabadle, fiel Salvador compasivo!Fanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Alas how long have I refusedFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Alguna vez ya no estaréFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish6
அழிவோரை காப்போம் (Aḻivōrai kāppōm)Fanny Crosby (Author)Tamil2
All, all to Jesus, I consecrate anewFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
All day I have gleaned with the reapersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
All day long the Savior standsFanny Crosby (Author)English2
All for Jesus, all for Jesus! All my being's ransomed powersFanny Crosby (Mrs. Van Alstyne), 1823-1915 (Author)English2
All for Jesus, all for Jesus, All to Him I'd freely giveFanny Crosby (Author)English1
All hail, blessed morningFanny Crosby (Author)English3
All hail the day our Lord was bornFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
All hail, ye veteran soldiersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
All is ready, the Master saidFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
All my doubts like clouds have vanishedFanny Crosby (Author)English2
All praise to Jesus, Savior, KingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
All the day in sweet communionFanny Crosby (Author)English1
All the way along, Jesus is my songFanny Crosby (Author)English1
All the way my Savior leads meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English321
All the world to song awakingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
All to Thee, O Savior mineFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Alleluia, Christ is risen! loud proclaimFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
المجد لله البهي الجلالFanny J. Crosby (Author)Arabic1
Almost in sight of the harborFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Alone with thee, my SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Along the line of soldiersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Als die Pilger zieh'n wir heimFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Als Jesus auf die Erde kam, Kam er für michFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Ama a tus prójimosFanny J. Crosby (Author)Spanish8
Amid the changing scenes of timeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
An dem hehren, goldnen MorgenFanny J. Crosby (Author)German3
An dem Kreuze sich enthuellteFanny Crosby (Author)German2
安穩在耶穌手臂 (Ānwěn zài yēsū shǒubì)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Chinese3
أنا محتاج لربيFanny Crosby (Author)Arabic1
And I shall see Him face to faceFanny Crosby (Author)English2
And is the time approachingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Angel voices breathing everFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Another day is overFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Another day is past, 'Tis evening tideFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Another day of sacred restFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Another happy, golden yearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Another happy hour has passedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Another hour with Jesus, Our loving Savior KingFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Another Sabbath day has comeFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Another voice is stillFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Another year of labor, and labor not in vainFrances Jane Van Alstyne (Author)English7
أنت خلي ونصيبيFanny Crosby (Author)Arabic1
Anthems to God aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Apo, cucuanac, timecmot' denggecFanny Crosby (Author)Tagalog2
Arbejd, tro arbejd tro som Guds Tjernere boarFanny Crosby (Author)Danish2
Are we all safe in JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Are we walking close to JesusFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Are we walking in the counsel of the Lord?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Are you anchored on the Rock of Ages?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Are you happy in the Lord, Tell it out with gladnessFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English18
Are you walking with the Savior, as you journey here belowFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Are you weary, sin oppressedFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Arise, and run with patienceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Arise, come ye forth, and forever break the chainFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Arise, go forth to conquer, Young champions for the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Army of Jesus, marching to conquerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Army of the living GodFrancis Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Art thou troubled, sin oppressedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Art thou weary, soul, of strayingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
As God has kindly blessed usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
As I am, no merit pleadingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
As the bird flies home to its parent nestFanny Crosby (Author)English4
As the buds their leaves unfoldingFanny Crosby (Author)English1
As the distant streams unitingFanny Crosby (Author)English1
As the host of God, to battle with the foeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
As the rosy beams of descendingFanny J. Crosby, 1875 (Author)English2
As Thou wilt, O Savior, lead usFanny Crosby (Author)English1
As we journey by the waysideFanny Crosby (Author)English1
As we journey from earth to the kingdom aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
At early morn, with trembling stepFanny Crosby (Author)English1
At evening time it shall be light, When fades the day of toil awayFanny Crosby (Author)English5
At morn and at noon I will praise himFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
At our post bravely standFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
At peace with thee, O King of kingsFanny Crosby (Author)English2
At the beautiful gate of the pure and blestFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
At the close of the day when my labor is o'erFanny Crosby (Author)English2
At the cross I found my Savior, And my boasting there shall beFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
At the cross I was kneelingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English11
At the feet of my RedeemerFanny Crosby (Author)English2
At the fountain, precious fountainFanny Crosby (Author)English1
At the fountain, weary traveler come and rest theeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
At the gate that leads to glory, from the rugged path of sinFanny Crosby (Author)English1
At the portals waitingFanny Crosby (Author)English1
At thy heart the Lord is standingFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Atë lavdëroje, që bën mrekulli!Fanny Crosby (Author)Albanian2
Auf dem großen LebensmeereFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Auf, du Schar der KreuzesstreiterFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
Auf, ihr Christen, Auf, erwachtFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Auf nun, Christi StreiterFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Auf und schart euch um die KreuzesfahneFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Auf zum Werk, auf zum WerkFanny Crosby (Author)German6
Auf zum Werk, denn sieh, der MorgenFanny J. Crosby (Author)German5
Auferstanden! Hallelujah!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)German3
Aunque sean como granaFrancisca H. Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Aus Erbarmen nimm mich ArmenF. J. Crosby, 1823-1915 (Author)German2
Aviva tu obra, O Dios, Ejerce tu poderFanny J. Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Aviva-nos, Senhor! Oh, dá-nos teu poder!Fanny Crosby (Author (refrain))Portuguese2
Avívanos, Señor, Con nueva bendiciónF. Crosby (Adapter)Spanish2
Avívanos, Señor; Sintamos el poderFanny J. Crosby (Adapter)Spanish5
Awake, and hail the rosy lightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Awake, and shout HosannaFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Awake, awake, O heart of mineFanny Crosby (Author)English12
Awake, awake, O Zion, lift thy voiceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Awake, awake, obey the callFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Awake, awake, our festive day is dawning nowF. J. C. (Author)English7
Awake, awake, the Master now is calling usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English65
Awake, awake the morning dawnsFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Awake, behold the Lord's AnointedFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Awake, for the trumpet is soundingFanny Jane Crosby (Author)English8
Awake, O voice of musicFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Awake, O ye careless, arise and awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Awake, O Zion's daughter, Awake from sorrow's nightFanny R. Crosby (Author)English7
Awake, ye that slumber, Awake from your sleepFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)English4
Away, away, not a moment to lingerFanny Crosby (Author)English6
Away, away the tempting bowlFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Away, away to Sunday SchoolFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
أيها السياح قولواFanny J. Crosby (Author)Arabic1
Aza mba mandao ahy ry Mpamonjy oFrances J. Crosby (Author)Malagasy2
Back from the weary wanderingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Backward, turn backward, O time in your flight, Bring me my sunny days, happy and brightFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Banges Herz, dein Gott dich rufetFanny Crosby (Author)German7
Be careful, O be carefulFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Be kind to each otherS.E.D. (Author)English18
Be kind to those around usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Be silent, be silent, a whisper is heardFanny J. Crosby (Author)English50
Be strong and courageous whatever may befallFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English5
Be strong, O Christian soldiers, Lay not our armor downFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Be thou exalted forever and everFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)English10
Be with me all my journeyFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Be with me every moment, Savior mineFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Beautiful bells of Eden fairFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English5
Beautiful country, pure and blestFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Beautiful hills of gloryFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Beautiful mansions, home of the blestV. (Author)English3
Beautiful Sabbath, how peaceful the lightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Beautiful sea, O beautiful seaFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Beautiful songs that here we singFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Beautiful star of promiseFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Beautiful sunshine, child of the morningFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Beautiful way, hallowed and blestFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Behold a fountain, deep and wide, Behold its onward flowFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Behold a host to victory ledFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Behold, a royal army, with banner, sword and shieldFanny J. Crosby (Author)English24
Behold, behold the hallowed placeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Behold, behold the wondrous loveFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)English3
Behold like a hostFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Behold me standing at the doorF. J. Crosby (Author)English52
Behold the army of the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Behold the army of the Sunday-schoolFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Behold, the bridegroom cometh, O church of God ariseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Behold the cross, the bloodstained crossFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Behold, the dawn is breakingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Behold the Lamb of God, Who takes our sins awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Behold the lovely springtimeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Behold the Master now is callingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Behold the Savior standing and knocking a the doorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Behold, what manner of love The Father on us hath bestowed (Crosby)Fanny Crosby (Author)English1
Behold where he stands at the doorFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Behold ye a fountainF. J. V. (Author)English2
Beleb Dein Werk, o HerrFrances Jane van Alstyne Crosby, 1820-1950 (Author)German1
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, And thou from thy sins shall be freeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Bena konfido, ĉe mi Jesu'Frances Jane Crosby (Author)Esperanto2
Benedizioni dal cieloFanny Crosby (Author)Italian2
Beside the still waters with JesusFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Beyond the care, the toil and strifeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Beyond the gates that never closeFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Beyond the ills that vex usFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Бүх дэлхийн харж чадахгүй байгаа сүмийг бид (Bükh delkhiin kharj chadakhgüi baigaa sümiig bid)Fanny Crosby (Author)Mongolian2
別忘記我,慈愛救主 (Bié wàngjì wǒ, cí'ài jiù zhǔ)Fanny Crosby (Author)Chinese2
Bleeding, dying, all for meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Blessed are they who early seekFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English1028
Blessed be the Lord, our SaviorFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Blessed Bible, book of goldFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
Blessed Bible, how we prize theeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Blessed day, when pure devotionsF. J. Crosby (Author)English10
Blessed hope of my salvationFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Blessed Jesus, in Thy foldFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Blessed Lord, how good Thou artFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Blessed name above all othersFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Blessed news from heaven aboveFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)English3
Blessed Redeemer, full of compassionFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Blessed Redeemer, graciously hear usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English13
Blessed Redeemer, how precious thou artFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Blessed Redeemer, through faith in thy nameFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Blessed refuge of the soulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Blessed Savior, as we partFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Blessed Savior, hear Thou meFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Blessed Savior! King of Glory!Fanny Crosby (Author)English2
Blessed Savior, my RedeemerFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Blessed Savior, we beseech theeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Blessed Savior, while we gatherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Blessed Sunday school, I love theeFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Blessed thought that here belowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Blessed union, sweet communionFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Blessed words of loving kindnessFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Blest are the hungry, they shall be fedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Blessed are the poor in spirit, Children of the lowly oneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Blest are the poor in spirit, Who trust in the Savior's dear nameFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Born, from oppression thy people to saveFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Bow down Thine ear and hear my callFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Break forth, break forth, O joyful heartFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Breaking through the clouds that gatherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English34
Bright is our pathway, homeward to theeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Bright is the daystar shining for meFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Bright till our Lord's returningFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Brighter and brighter the way is growingFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English7
Brightly dawns the golden morningFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Bring in the children, O bring them todayFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English4
Bring the Easter lilies fairFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Bring your loving gifts to JesusFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Bringt sie herein! denn es ist noch RaumFanny Crosby (Author)German4
Broken hearted, empty handed, Weak and poor I come to TheeMrs. E. A. Andrews (Author)English5
Broken in spirit and laden with careFanny J. Crosby (Author)English15
Brother is your face toward the Canaan of restFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Brüder, auf zu dem Werk in dem Dienste des HerrnF. J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)German10
Bursting from the gates on highFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Bwana, U sehemu yanguFanny Crosby (Author)Swahili1
By and by, when the reapers comeF. J. C. (Author)English4
By day or night, in joy or painFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
By friends and faithful teachersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
By his angel host attendedFanny Crosby (Author)English2
By our Father called to laborFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
By the sea, the tranquil seaFanny Crosby (Author)English1
By Thy blessed Spirit, SaviorF. J. Crosby (Author)English4
Called of God, the sons of LeviFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Calling, calling, hear the Master callingFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Came they in the early morningFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Can we read our title clearFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Can you read a clear title to the mansions in the skyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Care for the desolateFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Carol, carol, joyfully, Glory in the highestFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Carol, children, carol, tune your happy voicesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Carol, sweetly carol, Happy songs todayJ. C. F. (Author)English3
Carol sweetly carol, A Savior born todayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English40
Caroling gently, caroling sweetlyFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Carry me tenderly, Jesus, my SaviorFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Carry the message of Jesus our KingFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Carry the standard bravelyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Cast thy care on Jesus, weary, troubled soulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Ĉe la kruco tenu minFanny Crosby (Author)Esperanto2
Cease my heart, these earthly clingingsFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Cheer thee, brother, art thou wearyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Cheerily hail the Christmas mornFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Cheerily on, O endeavorers, awayFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Child of God, be not discouragedFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Children of the kingdom while we journey hereFanny Crosby (Author)English7
Children, sing, gladly singFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Children, what a lovely pictureFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Children's voices sweetly singing, Fill with joyFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Chiming, chiming, sweetly chimingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Christ hath risen, hallelujahFanny Crosby (Author)English8
Christ the Lord has purchased meFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Christ, the Lord is coming to his loved ones againFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Christ the Lord, is risen today, He is risen indeedFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Christian brethren, over the mainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
Christian, is thy soul progressingFanny Crosby (Author)English5
Christian soldiers all, hear our Leader's callFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Christian workers, hear again the Master's patient callF. J. C. (Author)English4
Christians, wake, no longer sleepFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Christ's delays are not denialsFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Church of Christ, thy Lord is callingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Clap your hands rejoicingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Cleanse thou me from secret sinF. J. C. (Author)English3
Cleansed in the blood that was shed on the treeFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Cling closer to Jesus, O languishing soulFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Close to Thee, O Lamb of GodFanny Crosby (Author)English7
Cold is the night windFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Come and help me, O my SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Come and join the glorious armyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Come and meet us LordFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Come and worship our CreatorFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Come away, come away, Hark the bells are ringingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Come away, O ye thirsty, to the watersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Come away, the bells are callingFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Come back, come back to thy Father's homeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Come, burdened souls, with all your guiltFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Come close to the Savior, thy loving RedeemerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English21
Come, come away to the house of prayerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Come, come, mercy is freeFanny Crosby (Alterer)English2
Come ever and help usFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Come from the world apartFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Come, give us a hand in the temperance causeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Come, gracious Lord, still nearer come to meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Come, heavy laden and wearyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Come, heavy laden one, sighing for restFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Come Holy Ghost, and touch my tongueFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Come, Holy Spirit, Like a dove descendingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Come home, come home, my child, O where art thou?Fanny Crosby (Author)English2
Come in, come in, O blessed oneFanny Crosby (Author)English6
Come in, come in, O Savior mineFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Come in, come into the grand old arkFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Come in our midst, O gracious LordMrs. Van Alstine (Author)English7
Come join our noble temperance bandFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Come, learn of the meek and lowlyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Come, let us adore Him, the bountiful giverFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Come, let us join with one accord, To magnify and bless the LordF. J. C. (Author)English4
Come, let us tell what the Lord for us hath doneFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Come, Lord, and let thy power On each and all descendFanny Crosby (Author)English12
Come, love, hasten with meF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
Come, my Redeemer, come, Be Thou my stayFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Come, O child of sorrowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Come, O come, and let us worshipFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Come, O come, Thou heavenly Dove, Our hope, our strength divineFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Come, O come, to the ark of restFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Come, O come to the fountain so freeFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Come, O Holy Spirit, While we meet for prayerFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Come, O my soul, my every power awakingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Come, O come with thy broken heartMrs. Fanny Jane (Crosby) Van Alstyne, 1823- (Author)English26
Come one and all, this year for JesusF. J. Crosby (Author)English5
Come out into the sunshineFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Come, poor sinner, to the blessed, blessed feastFanny Crosby (Author)English9
Come, rally round his standardFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Come, saith the Holy OneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Come, sinner come, O why, why delayFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Come Spirit come in mighty powerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Come, stay thy feet by the sheltering RockFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English9
Come, strike the highest note with meFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Come to Bethesda, sin oppressedFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Come to Him who still is pleadingFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Come to Jesus, come today, He invites youFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Come to the cross, thy Redeemer is thereFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Come to the fount of healingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Come, to the fount of mercyFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Come to the fountain of mercy and liveFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English7
Come to the mercy seat, there shalt thou restFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Come to the Savior, hear His loving voiceFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
Come to the Savior passing byFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden (Crosby)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Come unto me, ye weary, Sorrowing ones oppressedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English18
Come, weary traveler, haste, haste awayFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Come, weary wanderer, to the dear Savior nowFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Come where the Master is calling us awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Come, while the Savior callsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Come, with all thy sorrow, Weary wandering soulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English13
Come with flowers adorningFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Come with happy facesFanny Crosby (1820-1915) (Author)English7
Come with rejoicing, come with delightFanny Crosby (Author)English17
Come with thy sins to the fountain, Come with thy burden of griefFanny J. Crosby (Author)English20
Come with us to Zion the city of GodFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Come, ye who from your hearts believeFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Coming, coming, we are comingFanny J. Crosby, 1875 (Author)English12
Coming now with footsteps freeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Coming out of darkness, coming into lightFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Comprado con sangre por CristoFanny J. Crosby (1820-1915) (Author)Spanish12
Comrades rally round the standard of the Lord of hostsFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Con voz benigna te llama JesúsFanny J. Crosby (Author)Spanish18
Conquering now and still to conquerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English46
Consecrate me now, Jesus, my RedeemerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Consecrate me, O Lord, from thisFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Consecrated from this hourFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Conta-me a história de Cristo, grava-a em meu coraçãoFanny Crosby (Author)Portuguese2
Cool from the walls of ElimFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Corazones siempre alegresFanny J. Crosby (1820-1915) (Author)Spanish1
Cristo, acércame a la cruzFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish3
Cristo es guía de mi vidaFanny J. Crosby (Author)Spanish5
Cristo, tú eres para mí más que vidaFanny J. Crosby (Author)Spanish1
Crowds are behind thee, crowds are beforeFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English4
Crown Him, crown Him, over all nations victoriousFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Crown Him with rejoicing, sing His matchless praiseFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Crowns of glory in the land in the land of the blest, We shall receive when our toils are overFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Cuac ti namnama a nasantoanFanny Crosby (Author)Tagalog2
Cuando al fin se termine nuestra vida terrenalFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish5
Cuando aquí los afanes de mi vida cesan yaFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Dá-me Cristo, e toma o mundoFanny Crosby (Author)Portuguese1
當我人生工作畢,要從漲潮橫渡過 (Dāng wǒ rénshēng gōngzuò bì, yào cóng zhǎngcháo héngdùguò)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Chinese2
Dankt dem Herrn, seine Gnade ist freiFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Dark is the night, and cold the wind is blowingFanny Crosby (Author)English14
Day by day, and hour by hourFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Day by day in love and favorFanny Crosby (Author)English5
Day by day our time is passingFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Day had softly fadedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Day is ended, O how calmlyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Dear brother, how our early daysFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Dear Father in heaven, We now beseech TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Dear Jesus, canst Thou help me?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Dear Jesus, how thankful and happy are weFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Dear Jesus, Thou wilt hear meFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Dear Lord, I look to Thee, Thou art my all in allFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Dear Lord, in simple faith aloneFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Dear Lord, Thy precious blood was shed for meFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Dear mother, you will lay me soonF. (Author)English2
Dear Redeemer, loving SaviorFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Dear Savior, let Thy watchful eyeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Dear Savior, these commands of thineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Dear Savior, thou Shepherd that leadeth thy flockFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Dear Savior, through grace we have promisedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Dear Savior, we ask Thee in mercyFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Dear Savior, we give theeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Dear Savior, from thy throne aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English14
Dear Savior, may Thy blessingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Dear Savior, though our mortal eyesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Dear Savior, we gather Once more at Thy throneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Deep and deeper fell the shadowsFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English4
Deep and grand in tones sublimeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Deine LiebeFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
Dejo el mundo y sigo a CristoFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)Spanish5
Der er lægedom ved kildenFanny J. Crosby (Author)Norwegian2
Descend, O flame of sacred fireFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Det är ljuft att ha en vän i JesusFanny Crosby (Author)Swedish1
ധീ-രരാ-യ് മു-ന്നേ-റി പോകാം (Dhī-rarā-y mu-nnē-ṟi pēākāṁ)Fanny Crosby (Author)Malayalam2
Die Schul' ist ein Weinberg, ein Garten des HerrnFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Dies bleibt mein Ruhm, dass Christi BlutFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Dies mein Bekenntnis, Jesus ist meinFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Dig glæd, Guds barn, o, dig glæd og singFanny Crosby (Alterer)Norwegian1
Dime la historia de CristoFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish7
Dinac labsan ken lipatanFanny Crosby (Author)Tagalog2
Dir, Jehova ZebaothFanny Crosby (Author)German4
Disciples of Jesus, why stand ye here idleFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Divine Redeemer, come, we prayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Do not forget the golden ruleFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Do not let us longer tarry when there's work that must be doneFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Do thy work manfully, Trust in the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Do we love our gentle SaviorFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Do we thirst for living waterFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Do you know the little bandFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Do you know what makes us happyS. Martin (Author)English2
Don't drink it, boys, don't drink itFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Don't forget the SabbathFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord (Chorus)Fanny Crosby (Author)English1
Draw me, O Lord, with the cords of Thy loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Draw nearer, my Savior, in mercy beholdFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Drawing nearer my home, drawing nearer todayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Drawn is the curtain of the nightFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Drifting away from the Savior, Casting reproach on the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English13
Drifting away in my dark despairFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Drüben vom himmlischen StrandeFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
Du mein einzig Teil im LebenFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Du mein ewig treuer JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)German5
Du min Skat og Del for efigtFanny J. Crosby (Author)Danish2
Dwell in me, O blessed SpiritFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Dyra förvissningFanny Crosby (Author)Swedish3
Dyre Jesus, du har sagtFanny Crosby (Author)Danish3
Early, O my SaviorFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Ee ndugu, twendeni kazini kwa BwanaFanny Crosby (Author)Swahili2
Eilet hin, eilet hinFanny J. Crosby (Author)German4
Eilt, das heil'ge Licht zu tragenFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Ein leises Wort mit Jesus, wie mich das beglücktFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Ein mächtiger Retter ist Jesus, mein HortFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Eine Heimat liegt drüben am seligen StrandF. J. C. (Author)German2
Einst bricht des Lebens SilberbandFanny Crosby (Author)German4
Einst bricht in mir der SilberstrangFanny J. Crosby (Author)German3
Einst kommt der Tag voll Glanz und LichtFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
Einst weicht die Nacht, der Tag bricht anFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Einzig dich, mein HerzensheilandFanny Crosby (Author)German1
En dag min solvsnor bris te skalF. J. Crosby (Author)Norwegian2
En Jesucristo, mártir de pazFanny J. Crosby (Author)Spanish15
En Sion Jesús hoy reinaFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Endast ett steg till JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)Swedish2
என்னை கடந்து செல்லாமல் (Eṉṉai kaṭantu cellāmal)Fanny Crosby (Author)Tamil2
Enter the sepulcher, search it with careFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Entreat me not to leave thee, My heart goes with thee nowFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Er, der Hueter Isr'lsFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Er du beredt, naar din herre kalderFanny Crosby (Author)Danish2
Ere the rosy morning brightFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Erlöst bin ich darf es wohl rühmenFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Erlöst durch Gnade! Sel'ges WortFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Erlöst! o ich will es verkünden!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Erlöst, wie erfreut mich die BotschaftFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Ernste, feierliche StundeFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
Es ist nur ein Schritt zu Jesu!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Es Jesús mi amante guíaFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Esaa'o'omȯhehehane nenaestonanė ho'ėvaFanny Crosby, 1820-1915 (Based on)Cheyenne2
Escape to the mountain, arise, and awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Escape to the mountain, the storm is upon usFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Estou aqui, Jesus, em confissãoFanny Crosby (Author)Portuguese2
Eternal life through Christ the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Eternity is drawing nearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Evening bells, evening bells, pealingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Evening shades around us gatherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Ever abiding, Thou keepest my heartFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Ever new from year to yearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Ever since I gave my heart to JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Ever to the rightFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Every day, every hour, Let me feel Thy cleansing power (Chorus)Fanny Crosby (Author)English1
Every day is beautifulFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Every passing moment brings us nearerFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Ew'ger Fels, du Hort der DeinenFanny J. Crosby (Author)German3
Fading, slowly fading, sweet Sabbath dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Faith in Jesus, firm and trueFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Faith like a solid rockFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Faith wings my soul to TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Falling, falling, ever fallingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Falter not, nor look behind theeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Far away amid the darknessFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Far away beyond the deepFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Far away beyond the shadows, Through the rifting clouds aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Far away my steps have wandered, On the rugged mountain's browFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
Far away my steps have wandered, Long in paths of sin I strayedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Far, far beyond the storms that gatherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Far, far from home, an exile on the deepFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Far out on the cold rugged mountains of sinFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Far over the mountain the Shepherd is callingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Farewell, vain world, I'm going awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Fass, meine Hand, Ich bin so schwach und hilflosFanny J. Crosby (Author)German3
Fast fades the golden sunF. J. van Alstyne (Author)English5
Father above, a blessing I seekFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Father, art thou gone foreverFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Father, lead Thy little childrenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English14
Father, look upon us nowFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Father, now our offering takeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Father, our Father, 'tis eveningFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Father, we come to Thee nowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Father, we pray thee, grant our petitionF. J. C. (Author)English2
Father, when thine ancient peopleFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
فديت بالدم الكريمFanny Crosby (Author)Arabic1
Fearless and faithful, trusting and trueFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Fels in der Wüste, im Sturme mein SchildFanny J. Crosby (Author)German3
Finns h'r ett aangerfullt hj'rtaFanny Crosby (Author)Danish2
Firm as a rock I will cling to my SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Firm as a rock, that in the mighty oceanFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Firm in the right let us cheerily go, and boldlyF. J. C. (Author)English3
Firm on the Rock I standFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
First among the Christian gracesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English11
Flow on, thou sparkling riverFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Fly, fly to the city of refugeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
For Him who bore our guilt and sinFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
For the blessed source of truthFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
For this sweet hour, O God aboveFanny (Author)English3
For this sweet hour, O heavenly KingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
For Thy goodness, O my SaviorFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Forth from the shores of self my spirit sailsFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Forward, Christian soldiers, marching on our wayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Forward, forward, hear the King's commandFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Forward, soldiers, bold and fearlessFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Forward we go joyfully to the conflictFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Fountain of life that flows for meFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Four little fingers said one dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Frelser, mer end liv for migFanny J. Crosby (Author)Danish2
Frelseren mig altid lederFanny J. Crosby (Author)Danish2
Friends of temperance, duty calls youFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Friends of temperance, quick to armsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Fröhlich hüpfend, sprudelnd, munterFanny Crosby (Author)German1
From a cottage in a dellLily (Author)English1
From north to south, from east to westFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
From the boughs and leafy branchesFanny Crosby (Author)English3
From the early morning lightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
From the hundred sheep which the Shepherd's careFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English9
From the rock amid the desertFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
From the towering hills that riseFanny Crosby (Author)English4
From the world with sin alluringIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
From worldly thought and busy careFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Führe mich, o mein HeilandFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Fulfilled is the promise, a Savior is bornFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Für den Meister war's gesprochenFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Gaa mig ei forbi, o frelserFanny Crosby (Author)Danish2
Gagetan! Regtaan!Fanny Crosby (Author)Tagalog2
Gallant soldiers, hear the trumpet soundingFanny Crosby (Author)English5
Gather the little ones into the foldIda Scott Taylor (Author)English3
Gather them in, for there yet is roomFanny J. Crosby (Author)English27
Gathered in a peaceful dwellingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Gathering sheaves for the Master I loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Geh' mir nicht vorbei, o Heiland, hör' auch mein GeschreiFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Geh' mir nicht vorbei, o Heiland, höre mein GeschreiFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Gehe nicht an mir vorüber, Heiland, höre michFanny Crosby (Author)German3
Gehe nicht vorbei, o HeilandFanny Crosby (Author)German14
Geht auf die Straßen ausFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Geht dort die KönigsheereFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
Gentle Savior, God of loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English11
Gentle Savior, meek and lowly, Precious name so dear to meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Gentle Savior mine, O, the joy divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Gentle Savior, yes, I love theeFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Gentle Shepherd, Savior dearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Gentle words that sweetly fallFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Gerettet und heil Durch des Heilands VerdienstFanny Crosby (Author)German4
Getrost, voran, ihr SchnitterFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
Gird on, gird on your armor, and awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Gird on the royal armor Go forth in Jesus' nameFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Girded for battle, our forces we bringFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
Give, give, cheerfully giveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Give, said the little streamFanny J. Crosby (Author)English30
Give me the mind of JesusIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
Give praise to God, my grateful soul Join all my powers to singFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Give, said the morningFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Give thanks unto God, the Creator of allFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Give to the poor, O childrenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Glad hosannas upward riseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Glad tidings, glad tidings, O wonderful loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English13
Gladly, gladly merry bells are tellingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Gleich wie die Lerche himmelwärtsFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
¡Gloria! ¡Gloria! a Jesucristo el BenditoFanny J. Crosby (Author)Spanish2
¡Gloria! ¡Gloria! a Jesús Salvador nuestro, ¡Canta, tierra! Canta su gran amor (Pelegrín)Fanny Crosby (Author)Spanish5
¡Gloria! ¡Gloria! a Jesús Salvador nuestro, ¡Alabadle! Cantad a su bondad (Andersen)Fanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Glorious is the morningFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Glory ever be to JesusFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English4
Glory, glory, all is gloryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Glory, glory, glory! Great is the LordF. J. C. (Author)English2
Glory, glory, glory, Lord our CreatorF. J. C. (Author)English5
Glory, glory, hallowed be His nameFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Glory to God for the joy to meetFanny Crosby (Author)English31
Another year's rich mercies proveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English35
Glory to God in the highest! Whence are the voices we hearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Glory to God in the highest! Glory to God! Glory to God! (Crosby)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Glory to God, our strength and our Redeemer!Fanny Crosby (Author)English2
Glory to Jesus, my King and my LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Go and seek the little wanderersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Go and speak to othersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Go and tell Jesus, O, desolate heartFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Go and witness for the MasterFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Go as a witness for JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Go bear the joyful tidingsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Go forth and work with a willingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Go forth, go forth in our armor cladFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Go forth with joy and gladnessFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Go forward, the signal is waving afarFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Go forward to battle, ye soldiers of GodFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Go in faith, O weary heartFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Go, leave thy heart with Jesus(F. J. C.) (Author)English6
Go on, go on, rejoicingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Go on, go on, ye souls made freeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Go on in the glorious causeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Go on your way rejoicingF. J. Crosby (Author)English3
Go, proclaim the joyful tidingsFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Go tell the story of grace and gloryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Go thou alone to JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Go to Jesus, go in secretFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Go to Jesus with thy sorrow, There thy burdened soul relieveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Go to the lost that perishFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Go to thy Savior, O sad and opprest [oppressed]Sallie E. Smith (Author)English3
Go when the daylight is dyingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Go where the sandFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Go work in the vineyard 'tis Jesus commandsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Go work today in the vineyard of the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
God bless our Christian UnionFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
God bless the hearts before him hereFanny Crosby (Author)English1
God does not give me all I askFanny Crosby (Author)English2
God grants thee yet a little spaceFanny Crosby (Author)English2
God hath charged his holy angelsFanny Crosby (Author)English2
God is calling to His armyIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
God is giving, largely givingFanny Crosby (Author)English1
God is here, and that to bless usFanny Crosby (Author)English1
God is love, His word proclaims itFanny Crosby (Author)English3
God is love, the gentle summer tellsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
God is with me every day, When I work or when I prayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
God keep us in His tender careFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
God loved the world so tenderly, His only Son He gaveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English28
God of eternal truth, Joyful we praise GheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
God of eternity, Author of timeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
God of eternity, Savior and KingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English17
God of our sires that joyful sangFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
God of our strength, enthroned aboveFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English14
God our Father, we would praise theFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
God so loved the world, that in mercy He gaveFanny Crosby (Author)English12
God watch between us tenderlyIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
God, who gave us each a talentFanny Crosby (Author)English7
God will not hear deceitful tonguesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
God will take care of you, Be not afraidFanny J. Crosby (Author)English20
God's tender mercy far exceedsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
God's trumpet is sounding, To arms! is the callFanny Crosby (1820-1915) (Author (Chorus))English1
God's word from the Bible shines brighter and brighterFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Going, ah, yes, I am going Home with my Savior to restFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Goldner Morgen, Tag der WonneFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Good news, good news from the heavenly heightsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Good news, good news from the promised landFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Good news to every nationFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Good night, dear friendsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Good night, 'tis thusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Goodnight, goodnight, my brotherFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Gott wird dich tragenFanny J. Crosby (Author)German3
Gottesfels voll Majestät, dessen Haupt vom Sturm umwehtFanny Crosby (Author)German5
Gracious Lord, for Thy compassionLizzie Edwards (Author)English1
Gracious Lord, thou canst make me cleanFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Graciously, tenderly, Jesus my SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Grandaĵojn li faris! Al Di' estu glor'!Fanny Crosby (Author)Esperanto2
Grata certeza, ¡soy de Jesús!Fanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)Spanish2
Gratefully I worship TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Great and mighty is the God who reignethFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Great is Jehovah, King eternal over land and oceanFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Great is Jehovah, King of kingsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Great is the Lord, the Prince of life and gloryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Great is the Lord, who ruleth over allFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Great is the love that brought meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English12
Great Jehovah, mighty LordF. J. Crosby (Author)English8
Guds Son pa korsets stamFanny Crosby (Author)Swedish2
Guide me, loving Savior, all my path alongFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Guide me, O my Savior, guide me, Let me clasp Thy handFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Guiding down life's rapid riverFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Gliding over life's fitful watersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English18
Habt ihr treulich gesucht die SchafeF. J. Crosby (Author)German3
Had earth no thorns among its flowersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
Had I but the faith of pious AbelF. J. C. (Author)English6
Ha'i mai ika lono 'no IesuFanny J. Crosby (Author)Hawaiian3
Hail, all hail, the Prince of GloryFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Hail, hail, hail, beautiful sky, beautiful skyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Hail, hail the morn whose tranquil eyeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hail, sacred morn! When from the tomb the Son of God aroseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Hail, Thou once rejected Savior, Now exalted on Thy throneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Halleluja, Jesus lebet, LobgetönFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Hallelujah! hallelujah! Hear the angel host aboveFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Hallelujah, hallelujah! Shout aloud Jehovah's praiseFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Hallelujah, Jesus saves me, O the sweet and precious storyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Hallelujah, join the chorusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Hallelujah, praise to JesusFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Halt' meine Hand, Du teurer Heiland JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Halte mich dem Kreuze nahFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Haŋ, Ate maḣpiyata uŋFanny J. Crosby (Author)Dakota1
Hana e! hana e! na kauwa a IesuFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)Hawaiian3
Happy faces, turning now to ZionF. J. C. (Author)English2
Happy hearts rejoice todayIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
Happy hearts we are bringingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Happy in Jesus, happy in JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Happy in the Lord my SaviorFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Happy little birds are weIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
Happy little pilgrims, we should never be sadFanny Crosby (Author)English14
Happy we, young and freeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Hark, a voice like a trumpet callFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Hark! from the joyland hear the songFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
Hark, hark again, angelic voices blendingMaud Marion (Author)English2
Hark! hark! the battle cry is sounding over the hillFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Hark! hark! the bellsFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Hark! hark! the Merry Christmas bellsF. C. (Author)English2
Hark, hark, the sabbath bells are ringingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Hark! hark! the song from youthful voices breakingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Hark, hark the song, gliding alongFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Hark, hark the song, our souls to rapture wakingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hark, I hear the invitationFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Hark! ten thousand harps and voicesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Hark, the bride and Spirit sayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Hark, the choral anthem ringingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Hark, the gentle Spirit pleadingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Hark, the gospel trumpet sounding, Hear its echo far and wideFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Hark, the joyful soundFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hark, the mighty tones sublimeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English12
Hark, the song of holy raptureFanny J. Crosby (Author)English17
Hark! the voice of Jesus crying, "Who will go and work today?"Crosby (Author)English1
Hark, there comes a whisperFanny J. Crosby (Author)English41
Hark, those blessed angel voicesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hark, 'tis the gospel trumpet sounding far and nearF. J. C. (Author)English3
Hark, 'tis the voice of the Savior calling, Come unto me, come unto meFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Hark to the Master's earnest callF. J. C. (Author)English2
Has your heart no room for Jesus?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hast thou a trial, heavy to bear?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Hast thou trimmed thy lamp, my brotherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Haste away, O haste awayFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Haste, let us worshipFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Haste we on, the Master callethFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Hasten, ye weary, why do you lingerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Have ye heard of the land of promiseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Have ye heard of those who journeyedFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Have you a burden too heavy to bear, Tell it to Jesus, in confidence sweetIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
Have you any cross to bear?Ida Scott Taylor (Author)English1
Have you sought for the sheep that have wanderedFrancis Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English11
Have you spent a pleasant dayFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English8
He captive led captivityFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English4
何等奇妙救主是耶穌我主 (Héděng qímiào jiù zhǔ shì yēsū wǒ zhǔ)Fanny Crosby (Author)Chinese4
He feedeth his flock like a shepherd, And tenderly guideth their wayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
He feedeth His flock like a Shepherd, Where pastures are blooming and fairF. J. Crosby (Author)English4
He feedeth his flock like a shepherd, The weak by His mercy is strongFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
He giveth us the victoryFanny Crosby (Author)English4
He has come, our Lord and SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
He has finished His work, and His journey is overFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
He is coming, the Man of sorrowsAlice Monteith (Author)English6
He is knocking, will you hear him nowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
He knows, let this my comfortFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
He leadeth His own with a gentle handFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
He riseth exalted, his people to saveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
He saves me, each moment he saves meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
He that guardeth Israel Slumbers not, nor sleepsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
He who brought his ancient peopleFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
He who safely keepethFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
He whose birth a mighty throngFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hear again the gospelFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hear me, blessed Jesus, Bid all fear [fears] departFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hear me now, O gentle SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hear, O Lord, we beseech TheeFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Hear the battle cry resoundingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Hear the everlasting songFanny Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)English2
Hear the gentle voice that calls theeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Hear the gospel invitation, Come to Jesus, will you come?Fanny Crosby (Author)English1
Hear the holy angels' voicesIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
Hear the Lord's commandment and the call obeyFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Hear the robins blithely singIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
Hear the Spirit pleading, soft and lowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Hear the timely warning, ye who tarryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hear the voice of Jesus pleadingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Hear the words of gospel truthFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hear us, O Savior, while we prayFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Hear ye the song in the house of prayerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Heard ye the voice of the Master call?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Heavenly Father we beseech Thee, Great Thy blessing ere we partFanny J. Crosby (Author)English21
Heavenly Father, grant Thy blessing through Thy well beloved SonF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
Heiland, mehr als Alles mirFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
Heiland, mehr als Leben mir, halt' mich immer, immer nah' bei dirFanny J. Crosby (Author)German3
Heiland, mehr als Leben mir, ich will haltenFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Heiland, mehr denn Leben mirFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Heiland, meiner Seele WonneFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
Heil'ger Geist, wir sind versammeltFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
Heilig, heilig, heilig ist der Herr, Jauchzt ihm, ihr VölkerFanny J. Crosby (Author)German4
Heilig, heilig, heilig singt dem Vater heiligFanny Crosby (Author)German3
Hela vägen går han med migFanny J. Crosby (Author)Swedish5
Help me, O Lord, the God of my salvationF. J. Crosby (Author)English3
Help us to labor on, Savior, for TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Help us to worship Thee, Savior divineFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Her paa livets FarevandeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Here from the world we turn, Jesus to seekF. Crosby (Author)English28
Here in Christian love we meetFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Here in Thy name we are gatheredFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Here is not my rest, Jesus knoweth bestFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Here, Lord, in thy holy placeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Here, while we gather now, Lord, in Thy nameFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Heri kumjua Yesu BwanaFanny Crosby (Author)Swahili2
Herr, ich sehne mich nach dirF. J. Crosby (Author)German2
Herr, prüfe mich, erfahre meinen SinnFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Herr, vor dem Gnadenthron'Fanny J. Crosby (Author)German4
Herrlicher Sabbat, wie lieblich und mildF. J. Crosby (Author)German3
He's the chief among ten thousandFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Hide me, O my Savior, hide me In Thy holy placeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English64
Hier stehen gegürtet zum Kampf wir bereitFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
His banner of love is over meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hither, ye desolate, starving for breadFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Hlengiwe—Limnandi lelizwiFanny Crosby (Author)Ndebele2
Ho, everyone that thirsteth, Come drink a full supplyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Hold Thou my hand, O SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hold Thou my hand so weak I am and helplessGrace J. Frances (Author)English54
Holy Comforter divine, let Thy beams upon us shineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Holy Father, grant thy blessing On the closing Sabbath hourFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Holy, great, and gloriousFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord! Sing, O ye people, gladly adore HimFanny J. Crosby (Author)English94
Holy Sabbath, day of rest, by our great redeemer blestFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Holy Spirit, gentle DoveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, Rest upon us from aboveF. J. C. (Author)English2
Holy Spirit, we are waitingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Holy Spirit, while we gather At this consecrated hourFanny J. Crosby (Author)English11
Home and friends, our only idols!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Home in the beautiful Eden aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Hoomaikai, ia Iesu ko kakou Hoola!Fanny Crosby (Author)Hawaiian3
Ho'opa'a ia'u e Iesu eFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)Hawaiian3
Hope has left me, all is darkFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hope of endless gloryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Hope on, hope on, O troubled heartFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Hör' der teure Heiland sprichtFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Horch! dein Heiland, der ladet dich einFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Hört den Ruf aus Macedonien: O helft uns!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Hört ein kleines Lied für JesumFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Hosanna in the highest, hear the joyful soundFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hosanna in the highest, In Salem's temple fairFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hosanna to Jesus, who reigneth foreverFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hosanna to Jesus, with rapture I singFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Hour by hour we trust in JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
How bright is our prospect, O soldiers of JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
How calm and still, in death's embraceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
How can I ever leave theeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
How can my footsteps failFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
How can we fall if the Savior upholds usFanny Crosby (Author)English1
How can we forget Him, our blessed Redeemer?F. J. Crosby (Author)English2
How dear to my heart, when the pathway is lonelyF. J. Crosby (Author)English7
How dear to the heart of the Shepherd aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
How happy the children who trust in the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
How I thank Thee, O my FatherFanny Crosby (Author)English2
How kind is our FatherIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
How like the fearful giantFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
How lovely on the mountain, The feet of those who bringFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
How many in our favored landFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
How oft have I pictured, alone to myselfFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
How oft have we heard of the river of lifeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
How oft in holy converseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
How oft our souls are lifted upFanny Crosby (Author)English2
How our hearts burn withinFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
How peaceful dawns the anniversary mornFanny Crosby (Author)English1
How precious our wonderful SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
How precious the promise I read in the wordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
How shall I come to JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
How sweet in every trying sceneFanny Crosby (Author)English5
How sweet is our refuge who firmly believeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
How sweet the call of mercyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
How sweet the chiming Sabbath bellsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
How sweet the hour of praise and prayerFanny Crosby (Author)English3
How sweet the Sabbath morningFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
How sweet to hide ourselves awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
How sweet to rest, secure and blestFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
How sweetly over the mountain of Zion, lovely ZionFanny J. Crosby (Author)English16
How tenderly he leadeth meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
How tranquil, how calm is the night, when to the sleeping earthFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
How tranquil, how serene the nightFanny Crosby (Author)English2
How tranquil the slumberFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
How we love to sing of the starFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Hum little bee, in the nodding cloverIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
Humbly confessing our need, O LordFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Humilde á tus piesFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Hurrah, for sparkling waterFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
حين ينتهي عمري من ذا العالم المريعFanny Crosby (Author)Arabic1
I am clinging, O my SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I am coming, O my Savior, and Thy name is all my pleaFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I am coming, O my Savior, For Thy child I long to beFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
I am dreaming of a cottageFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I am far from the land of my birth, motherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
I am happy in my Savior, And rejoicing in His loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I am happy in the Lord, Tor I now can trust His wordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I am happy, O my SaviorFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
I am hiding in the Rock, the Rock of ages pastFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I am in the army, a soldierFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
I am Jesus' little friend, On His mercy I dependFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
I am Jesus' little, little friendMrs. Clara M. Wilson (Author)English3
I am justified by faithFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I am leaning, O my FatherSallie Smith (Author)English1
I am learning a song that with joy I shall singFanny Crosby (Author)English1
I am learning the song of the ransomed aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I am looking up to Jesus, simply trusting in his nameFanny Crosby (Author)English1
I am nearer, drawing nearerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
I am praying, blessed SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English37
I am ransomed by the blood my Redeemer shed for meFanny Crosby (Author)English1
I am redeemed, O praise the LordFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English5
I am rejoicing, trusting and hopingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
I am resting in hope, I am looking awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
I am resting in hope, I am safe in his careFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I am resting in the Lord, trusting on His gracious wordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
I am resting on the promise of the blessed KingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I am resting, sweetly resting, O my SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I am saved through the blood of my crucified LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I am saved, yes, I'm savedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I am singing all the day, Hallelujah to JesusFanny Crosby (Author)English1
I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voiceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English668
I am thinking of home and my motherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I am thinking of home in Immanuel's landFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I am toiling on a restless oceanFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I am trusting him who died for meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
I am trusting in the dear RedeemerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I am trusting in the Lord and rejoicing all the whileFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I am trusting in the promise, Of the blessed King of kingsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
I am walking with the Lord, and believing in His wordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
I am washed in the blood that flows for meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I am weary, gentle angelFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I am weary of sin, and I long to be freeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I am with you, O how precious is this promise of the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I ask, O Lord, in simple faithFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I ask, O Lord, that mine may beFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
I ask, O Lord, that Thou will leadFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
I believe in God the Father, Who created heaven and earthFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I believe in the mercy of Jesus aloneFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I bless the Lord whose faithful handFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
I came a wanderer, and aloneFanny Crosby (Author)English1
I came and knelt at Jesus'Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I came to God and my soul was lostFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I came to Jesus poor and weakF. (Author)English4
I came to the cross and my burden was heavyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I came to the fountain of blessing, And looking to Jesus in prayerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
I came to the fountain of blessing so freeFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I cannot keep from singing My songs of joy and loveMinnie B. Lowrie (Author)English1
I cannot sing the old songs, for me their charm is overFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I cannot tell how happy I am each day to knowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I carried it all to JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I come as I am, for I dare not delayFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I come, O gracious LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
I come to thee, I come to Thee, Thou precious lamb who died for meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
I cried to Thee, my SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I do not know the pathwayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I found the love that long I soughtFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I gave my all to JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I give my heart to Thee, O blessed SaviorIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
I had wandered from the mission, where like a summer dayFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I have a faith in Christ my Lord, That spreads aloft its wingsFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I have a Friend, a loving Friend, Who gave His life for meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
I have a friend and He came to seek meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
I have a home in glory, With mansions bright and fairSallie Martin (Author)English2
I have a precious, faithful guideFanny Crosby (Author)English4
I have come from the clear, flowing fountainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I have come just now from the wayside wellFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I have found a blessed refugeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
I have found a friend divine, Wont you love Him too?Sallie Smith (Author)English2
I have found a Friend in Jesus, That the world can never beFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I have found a precious Savior, Such a friend so kind and trueFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I have heard the welcome storyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
I have hid Thy word in my heart, O LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I have laid my all, dear Savior, at Thy feetFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I have laid my burden down Where the crimson waters flowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English19
I have learned The sweetest songFanny Crosby (Author)English1
I have longed for the bliss of pardonFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
I have peace with God, sweet peace at lastFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I have stood upon the mountainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I have the witness, Lord, withinFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I have trusted my RedeemerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I have trusted, O Lord, in Thy promise divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
I hear a loving voiceFanny Crosby (Author)English3
I hear the voice of Jesus say, Follow Me, come follow MeFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I hear them sing of Jesus and call Him precious FriendIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
I heard a voice, a loving voiceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I heard a voice, a trusting voiceFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I hope to meet you all in gloryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I knelt beside the narrow gateFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I know I am born of the spiritFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I know, I know that in my Father's dwellingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I know, I know 'tis Christmas timeIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
I know I shall not sail aloneIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
I know in whom I am trustingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I know in whom my soul believesFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English4
I know not the hour of His coming, nor how He will speak to my heartFanny J. Crosby (Author)English18
I know not what a day may bringFanny Crosby (Author)English5
I know not what to askFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I know of a jewel whose lustreFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
I know that a home in the mansions of lightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I know that He in whom I trustFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I know that Jesus loved meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I know that my Redeemer lives, who bore the cross for meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I know that where my Savior dwellsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I know there's a rest that remaineth for meFanny Crosby (Author)English3
I know thy hand upholdeth meFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English5
I know 'tis the voice of my Savior that whispersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
I longed to be a child of GodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
I love my Jesus more and moreFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I love the holy Bible, Because therein I seeFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
I love the name of Jesus, that [the] name the angels singV. (Author)English1
I love the name of Jesus, the precious Lamb of GodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I love to sing for Jesus (Taylor)Ida Scott Taylor (Author)English1
I must have the Savior with meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English20
I must walk through the valley and the shadowFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I need, O Lord, a stronger faithFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
I need Thee, O my Savior, When doubts and fears ariseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I need Thee, O my Savior, I need Thy constant careF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
I need thee, O my GodF.----- (Author)1
I often wonder why the Lord should beIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
I redeemed thee, saith the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
I rocked him in his cradleFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I saw the brow of natureFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I see the light, 'tis comingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I shall know Him, I shall know Him (Chorus)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I shall sleep but a moment, what joy will be mineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I sing of His mercy, His wonderful loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I sing of His mercy, I sing of His loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I sing the love of Jesus, and the notes divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I sing the olden storyIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
I sit at the feet of JesusFanny Crosby (Author)English1
I sought in tears my Savior's crossFanny Crosby (Author)English7
I sought the humble dwellingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I stood alone in mute despairFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I stood on the brink of ruinFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I thank Thee, Lord, that in Thy bloodFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I want no other hand, O LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
I want that my feet should be firm on the RockFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I want to serve Jesus todayFanny Crosby (Author)English1
I was in bondage, but now I am freeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I was lost, but Jesus found me, Hallelujah! to His nameFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I will bless the Lord and praise Him evermoreF. J. Crosby (Author)English3
I will cling to the cross where I first found restFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I will go and tell my SaviorFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English10
I will go, I cannot stayMartha J. Lankton (Author)English18
I will not be afraid at nightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
I will not be weary, though trials may comeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English11
I will not doubt my Savior's loveFanny Crosby (Author)English1
I will praise the Lord for His love to meFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English4
I will praise the Lord with heart and voiceFanny Crosby (Author)English1
I will sing of Him who saves meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I will sing of my Lord, And His mercy to meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I will take my cross, and bear itFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I will tell the world around meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I will tell you the wonderful story againFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I will trust in him, my firm abiding FriendFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I will trust thee, Jesus, my RedeemerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
I will trust thee, O my SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I will walk from day to dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I would be a little rainbowIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
I would be Thy little lamb, Savior dearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
I would ever follow TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
I would seek and find Thee nowF. J. C. (Author)English3
Ich bin dein, o Herr, deine Stimme sprachFanny J. Crosby (Author)German5
Ich bin dein, o Herr, denn du nahmst michFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Ich muss meinen Heiland habenFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
Ich sing' von meinem JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Ich vernahm, o Herr, dein gewaltig WortFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Ich weiß nicht, was der Tag mir bringtFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Iesu mau ku'u kahuhipaFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)Hawaiian3
If any man now will hearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
If He, my Lord, is with me stillFanny Crosby (Author)English1
If I come to Jesus, He will make me gladFanny J. Crosby (Author)English47
If in the valley where the bright waters flowF. J. Crosby (Author)English5
If kneeling at the gate of prayerFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
If my disciple thou wouldst be, Take up the cross and follow MeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
If thy life is filled with sorrowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
If we feel the love of JesusFanny Crosby (Author)English3
If we want to dwell with JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
If you listen to me I will tell you a storyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Ikkun et Skridt til JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)Danish2
I'll hie me down to yonder bankFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
I'll never let go the anchorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
I'll praise, I'll praise the name of JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
I'll praise my Redeemer for all he has doneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I'll praise the Lord, and this my songFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
I'll sing aloud the grace divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I'll sing the glory of the LordFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I'm a little pilgrim On my way to heavenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
I'm happy, I'm happy as mortal can beFanny Crosby (Author)English1
I'm happy, so happy, no words can expressFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I'm looking up for the comingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
I'm nearing the valley that leads to TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
I'm trusting, only trustingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
I'm working for the MasterFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Immer moecht' folgen dirFanny Crosby (Author)German2
In a little while more, these rolling yearsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In a lowly manger sleeping, Calm and still a Babe we seeFrances Jane Van Alstyne (Author)English11
In a world of beautyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In Christian love unitedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
In constant communion, O Savior, with TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In darkness art thou walkingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In His mercy Jesus sought meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In my Father's dwelling aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
In my heart there's always room for JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
In our duty Lord to TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In our gladness we are singingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
In our labors for the MasterFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
In our Sabbath dwellingF. J. Crosby (Author)English4
In pastures green He leadeth meFanny Crosby (Author)English1
In perfect peace I now can sayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In perfect peace, O gracious LordFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
In perfect trust, I now commitFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In the battle of life, O, let us rememberFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
In the boat so gently rockingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In the bonds of friendship strongFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In the book which Thou art keepingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English13
In the bright and shining way we are marching onward stillCarrie M. Wilson (Author)English2
In the Canaan that lies over JordanFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
In the cross, in the cross (Chorus)Fanny Crosby (Author)English1
In the cross of Christ I triumphIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
In the cross of Christ my SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In the cross of the SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
In the daily round of the life we runFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
In the day when he gathers his jewelsF. J. C. (Author)English5
With the glorious morning, Verdant fields adorningFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
In the field of Christian duty there's a place for every oneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
In the footsteps of the MasterFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
In the glory of the Father When our Lord shall come againFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
In the good old way where the saints have goneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English13
In the grand old ship of ZionFanny Crosby (Author)English3
In the house of many mansions, With its portals bright and fairFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
In the house of my Father aboveFanny Crosby (Author)English2
In the journey of life, when troubled thoughts ariseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
In the land of ancient story, Where the palms their branches hungFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In the Lord is our hope On his word we are stayedMartha J. Lankton (Author)English2
In the march of life through the toil and strife (Crosby)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
In the murmur of the breezeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
In the pleasant days of childhoodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
In the royal army, soldiers of the KingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
In the secret of his presence He will hide meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
In the silent watches of the nightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
In the strength of the Lord weFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
In the struggle of life there's a conquest to winFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
In the temple sang the childrenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In the twilight of the morning, When the shadows steal awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
In the way cast up for the ransomedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In the west the beams of dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
In the wondrous book of natureFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In their little coats of greenIda Scott Taylor (Author)English3
In this world, so full of beautyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
In thy book, where glory brightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In Thy cleft, O rock of agesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English68
In thy holy name, O Lord we comeF. J. C. (Author)1
In thy house are many mansionsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In Thy name and not our ownFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
In thy perfect peace divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
În tot locul mă conduceFanny Crosby (Author)Romanian2
In truth and grace I want to growFanny Crosby (Author)English3
In yonder radiant world aboveFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Ina e ula kou hewaFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)Hawaiian3
Into the great beyond"Sallie Martin" (Author)English2
Into thy keeping our hearts we giveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Inty ny olonao, Jeso Tompo oFanny J. Crosby (Author)Malagasy2
Is it well with thee?Mrs. F. J. V. A. (Author)English1
Is it well with us, my brotherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Is my hope on the rifted rockFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Is the light of beauty waningFanny Van Alstyne (Author)English2
Is there a heart that is waitingAnnie L. James (Author)English26
Is there any one here that is willing todayFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Is there any sad heart that is heavy ladenMrs. F. J. A. (Author)English6
Is your hope of glory bright? are you walking in the light?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Ist dein Jesus deine LustFanny J. Crosby (Author)German3
It is more blessed to give than receiveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
It is sweet to have a friend in JesusFanny Crosby (Author)English1
It was spoken for the Master, O how lovingly it fellFanny J. Crosby (Author)English16
I've a Friend on the other sideIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
I've a golden crown in the promised landIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
I've a tender and loving FriendIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
I've been to the fountain of blessingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I've found a pearl, a priceless pearlFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
I've had a talk with JesusIda Scott Taylor (Author)English3
Jag är din, o Gud, jag har hört din röstFanny Crosby (Author)Swedish2
J’ai l’assurance de mon salutFanny Crosby (Author)French2
Jeg er din, o Gud, jeg har hørt din røstF. J. Crosby (Author)Norwegian2
Jene große Schar der ErlöstenFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Jerusalem in grandeurFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Jerusalem the beautiful, On Zion built of oldFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Jesu, håll mig vid ditt korsFanny J. Crosby (Author)Swedish3
Jesus kär, gå ej förbi migFanny J. Crosby (Author)Swedish5
Jesu, zieh' zum Kreuze michFanny J. Crosby (Author)German6
Jesus, bless Thy little onesIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
Jesus, bless us with Thy SpiritFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author (Stanza 4))English1
Jesus, blessed Jesus, loves his children wellIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
Jesus, blessed Master, more than all to meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Jesus, blessed Savior, Grant my earnest prayerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Jesus, blessed Savior, Thou art ever nighFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus came and sought meFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus das Wasser des Lebens gibtFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Jesus das Wasser des Lebens schenktFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Jesus, dear, I come to Thee, Thou hast said I mayFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Jesus, dein Heiland, mit freundlichem BlickFanny J. Crosby (Author)German3
Jesus det levande vatten gerF. J. Crosby (Author)Swedish2
Jesus dig innerligt kallar till sigF. J. Crosby (Author)Swedish4
Jesus, du 'r allt foer migFanny J. Crosby (Author)Swedish2
Jesús el Maestro nos llamaFanny J. Crosby (Author)Spanish1
Jesus from bondage His people will saveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Jesus führt mich allerwegenFanny J. Crosby (Author)German5
Jesus, gentle Shepherd, Listen while we singFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus, halt' mich nah' zum KreuzFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
Jesus, halte mich beim KreuzFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Jesus has brought me from darkness to lightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Jesus has opened up a fountainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Jesus has promised me a home in heavenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus has promised salvationF. J. C. (Author)English2
Jesus has saved me and cleansed me from sinIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
"Jesus" He awaciŋ uŋ woFanny J. Crosby (Author)Dakota2
Jesus, hear a little child, May I be kind and gentleFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus, help me, I am wearyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Jesus, hold mig n'r dit korsFanny J. Crosby (Author)Danish2
Jesus, hold mig ved dit korsF. S. Crosby (Author)Norwegian2
Jesus I bless Thee, Savior divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Jesus, I come to Thee, Longing for restFanny J. Crosby (Author)English32
Jesus I long for Thee, While here I roamFanny Crosby (Author)English11
Jesus, I love Thee, Thou art to meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
Jesus, I love Thee, Thou dost knowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Jesus, I my sins confessFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Jesus, if Thy child should strayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Jesus is looking for theeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus is our Shepherd, on His faithful breastFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Jesus is pleading with my poor soulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English60
Jesus is tenderly calling thee Home from the paths of sinFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus is tenderly calling you homeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English452
Jesus is waiting to save you, bring Him your burden of sinFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus, keep me near the crossFanny J. Crosby (Author)English644
Jesus, lead my heart to TheeFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Jesus, let me cling to theeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Jesus loves me and I'm happyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus loves me when I prayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Jesus, loving Shepherd, Guard Thy little flockIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
Jesus makes us shine like a lamp at nightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Jesus my ark of restFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Jesus, my hope, my refugeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus, my Lord, Thy voice I hearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Jesus, my only Hope, Friend ever dearF. J. C. (Author)English6
Jesus, my Refuge eternalFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Jesus my Savior, blessed Redeemer, Leading me on so kindly and tenderlyFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus, my Savior, will call me to restFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus, my Shepherd, Call with a sweet commandFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Jesus, my Shepherd and Savior divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Jesus, my soul would flyLizzie Arnold (Author)English1
Jesus, neve'nooxe!Fanny Crosby (Author)Cheyenne2
Jesus, our loving ShepherdFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Jesus ruft freundlich verlor'ne nach HausFanny J. Crosby (Author)German5
Jesus saa inderlig kalder dig hjemF. J. Crosby (Author)Norwegian2
Jesus, Savior hear my call, Sinful though my heart may beFanny J. Crosby (Author)English20
Jesus, Savior, hear me, O graciously hear meFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus, Savior, look upon usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Jesus, Savior, Lord of all, At Thy feet I humbly fallFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus, Savior, on thy breastFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Jesus, Savior, we have promisedFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus, Savior, we implore theeFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Jesus, Savior, comfort meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Jesus, Savior, O, how trustfullyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Jesus sitting on the mountainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Jesus, spotless Lamb of GodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus standing by the seaFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Jesus the help of His peopleFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Jesus, the meek and lowlyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Jesus, the Savior, is born todayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Jesus, the Savior is passing this way, Come, there is healing for theeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus, the Savior is waiting and knockingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Jesus, the Shepherd, knowsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Jesus the water of life will giveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English43
Jesus, Thou art calling meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus, Thou canst make meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Jesus, Thou mighty Lord, Great is Thy name (Crosby)Fanny Crosby (Author)English10
Jesus, Thy precious blood I would extolFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus touched my sinful heartFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus, vid ditt kors jag starFanny J. Crosby (Author)Swedish2
Jesus wants these hearts of oursFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus washed my sins away, Blessed be His name foreverFanny J. Crosby (Author)English14
Jesus, we come to Thee, Trusting Thy loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Jesus whispers, I will be Faithful to the endIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
Jesus will tenderly care for His ownFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Jesus zur seligen Heimat dich ziehtFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Jetzt, in sel'ger AndachtszeitFanny J. Crosby (Author)German4
Jewels for the Master, O, how glad are weFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Jézus ölébe bizton hajtom fejem le énFanny J. Crosby (Author)Hungarian2
Jimmie, said his kind protectorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
緊握我手!我是這樣的無依 (Jǐn wò wǒ shǒu! Wǒ shì zhèyàng de wú yī)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Chinese2
救主耶穌,聽我呼求 (Jiù zhǔ yēsū, tīng wǒ hū qiú)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Chinese2
Jöjj, ó jöjj, árva szíveddelFanny Crosby (Author)Hungarian2
Joy! again the earth is wakingMaud Marion (Author)English2
Joy and light, joy and lightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
Joy at the pearly gatesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Joy in my sadness, hope in my tearsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Joy, joy, joy, joy, joy, joy, joy, at the pearly gatesFanny Crosby (Author)English11
Joy, joy, mercy has pardoned meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Joy, joy to all, O happy, happy tidingsFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Joy, our Redeemer liveth, awakeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Joy to all, a Savior comethFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Joyful away to Pisgah's mountainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Joyful once again we singFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Joyful the message of gospel graceFanny Van Alstyne (Author)English6
Joyfully, joyfully gather and singFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Joyfully now our hearts are glowingF. J. C. (Author)English4
Joyfully sing, let us joyfully singFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Just beyond the silent river, Over on the other shoreFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Just from the fountain, and now we can singFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Justified by faith in TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
കാ-തു തുള-യ്ക്കും കര-ച്ചിൽ! (Kā-tu tuḷa-ykkuṁ kara-ccil)Fanny Crosby (Author)Malayalam2
Keep close to the Savior, No otherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Keep close to the Savior, O turn not asideFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Keep me near Thee, blessed Savior (Crosby)Fanny Crosby (Author)English1
Keep me, O Lord, this day O keep thou meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Keep step, keep step to the army treadFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Keep step with the Master, whatever betideFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
Keep thou my steps, O Lord, lest I should strayFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Keep Thou my way, O Lord, Myself I cannot guideF. J. Crosby (Author)English9
Keep Thou my way, O Lord, be Thou ever nighFanny J. Crosby (Author)English14
Keep thy faith steady, my brotherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Keep your faith brightIda Scott Taylor (Author)English3
خلني قرب الصليبFanny J. Crosby (Author)Arabic1
Ki'i i na auwana neiFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)Hawaiian3
Kind angel of mercy, O, close not the gateFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Kind Gottes, harre still und feinFanny J. Crosby (Author)German4
Kj're Fader, o velsign osFanny J. Crosby (Author)Danish2
Kleine Blüten sind wir hierFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Knocking, knocking, who is there? Waiting, waiting, O how fair!Mrs. Harriet B. Stowe (Author)English1
Know each other, blessed comfortFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Komm doch zur Quelle des LebensFanny Crosby (Author)German5
Komm, Geist des VatersRobert Bruce (Author)German2
Komm', o komm', komm', o komm', du gebrochenes HerzF. J. Crosby (Author)German2
Komm, sprich ein Wort für Jesum!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)German3
Komm uns in Gnaden entgegenFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
ക്രൂശോടണച്ചെന്നേശു (Krūśēāṭaṇaccennēśu)Fanny Crosby (Author)Malayalam2
Ku berbahagia yakin teguhFanny Crosby (Author)Indonesian2
Kuna mtu angojaye Fanny Crosby (Author)Swahili1
Kusisqa kani, salvoña kaspaFanny Crosby (Author)Quechua1
Kwa huruma nikubaliFanny Crosby (Author)Swahili2
Kwake Yesu mbinguni Fanny Crosby (Author)Swahili1
La muerte pronto llegaráFanny J. Crosby (Author)Spanish1
لا تغض الطرف عنيFanny J. Crosby (Author)Arabic1
Lade sie ein! denn es ist noch RaumFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Lamp of my feet, thy guidance lendIda Scott Taylor (Author)English3
Lass den teuren Heiland einFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Lasst uns frohe Geber seinFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Laurels, fresh laurels for the Sunday schoolFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Lay hold on the hope set before youFanny J. Crosby (Author)English28
Lay your sins at Jesus' feetFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Lead me, O my Savior, lead me, whom have I to trust besideFanny Crosby (Author)English10
Lead me, O my Savior, lead me, Closer would I cling to TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English14
Lead me to Jesus, lead me to Jesus, Teach me to love Him, teach me to prayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
Lead me to Jesus, my soul is so wearyFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Lead on, O King eternal, with banner, sword and shieldFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Lead to the shadow of the Rock of refugeF. J. Crosby (Author)English6
Lean sweetly on Jesus, O child of His careFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Leaning on Thee, my SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Leave it all with JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Leave me not, O blessed Savior, hold my trembling handFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Leave not for tomorrow the work of todayF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
Leave the world of sin and drossIda Scott Taylor (Author)English4
Lejos de mi Padre DiosFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)Spanish9
Lejos fui del santo DiosFanny J. Crosby (1820-1915) (Author)Spanish2
Lest my steps grow weak, or wanderFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Let earth Jehovah's praise declareIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
Let faith in Christ my heart inspireFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Let hearts and hands be joined in oneFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Let it come, O Lord, we pray Thee (Chorus)Fanny Crosby (Author)English1
Let me learn of JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English23
Let me sing, let me sing, O my Savior, of TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Let me sing, the Lord has blessed meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Let not Jesus plead in vainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Let not your heart be troubled, Rest in the Lord your KingF. J. Crosby (Author)English3
Let our hearts be always cheerfulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English11
Let our hearts be full of sunshineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Let the blessed Savior inFanny J. Crosby (Author)English15
Let the love of God like the ocean surges rollFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Let the nations awake to the signs of the timesFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English5
Let them rest, let them restFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Let us all from day to dayFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Let us away, no longer delayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
Let us be kind for Jesus was kindFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Let us freely give todayIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
Let us join to sing His PraiseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Let us lift up our voices in songFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Let us look along the vista of two hundred years of moreFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Let us magnify the Lord for the pages of His wordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Let us mingle our voices in chorus todayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Let us pray for a blessing of GodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Let us rejoice togetherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Let us sing again the praise of the SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Let us sing of the wonderful mercy of GodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Let us take our place in the field of graceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Let us try to work for JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Let us work and pray togetherFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Let us work for God and follow His commandsF. J. Crosby (Author)English3
Life has many a pleasant hourFanny J. Crosby (Author)English16
Lift aloft the cross of JesusFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Lift aloft the cross of Jesus (Chorus)Fanny Crosby (Author)English1
Lift aloud your songs of praiseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Lift high the Savior's crossFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Lift the royal standard high, with a firm and steady handFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Lift up the trumpet, O loud let it ring, Jesus is mighty to saveFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Lift up thine eyes O watchmanFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Lift up your voice, ye faithfulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Light and comfort of my soulFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Light of all who come to theeFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English4
Light of the wandering Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Like a bird on the deep far away from its nestFanny J. Crosby (Author)English48
Like a mighty army, Loyal, true, and braveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Like a pretty sunbeam shiningFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Like a strong and mighty armyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Like a tree beside a riverFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Like a vine whose tender branchesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Like a wayward child I wanderedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
Like an army brave, See our standard waveFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Like an army We are marching in the service of the LordSallie Martin (Author)English7
Like angels' hearts so pure and whiteIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
Like dews of the morning Thy mercies descendFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Like gentle dew the blessingsFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Like merry birds we comeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Like some sweet bird that upward fliesFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Like the heroes who gave us the land that we loveFanny Crosby (Author)English5
Like the leaves that fade and witherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Like the pretty pansiesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Like the restless waves of oceanFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Like the sound of many waters Rolling on through ages longFanny J. Crosby, 1874 (Author)English10
Like the still, quiet fall of the silent dew of nightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English12
List, 'tis the Savior callingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
List, to the bells in the steeples (Crosby)Fanny Crosby (Author)English2
List to the clanging bells of timeFanny Crosby (Author)English2
List to the songs of the childrenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Listen and learn what the silence will teachFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Little beam of rosy lightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Little bells of Easter, we will gently swayFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Little blossoms bright are weFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Little blue eyes gently closingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Little buds of promise, innocent and sweetIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
Little children, come awayFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Little children, every oneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Little children, live for JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Little children, may be heralds of the great salvationFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Little children, one and allFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Little gentle breath Coming and going awayF. J. Crosby (Author)English5
Little hands are clapping nowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Little hands, work awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Little modest violet blueMiss Fanny Crosby (Author)English10
Little moments bring the hoursFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Little steps from day to dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Little temples Lord are weIda Scott Taylor (Author)English3
Little thoughtful pansiesIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
Little voices happy voicesFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Live for Him who loves usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Living for Jesus only for JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
لك يا ربي واهب قلبيFanny Crosby (Author)Arabic1
علمي يقين يسوع ليFanny Crosby (Author)Arabic1
Lo, I am with you alway, from lips divine we hearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Lo our father's God is with usFanny Crosby (Author)English5
Lo! the day is breakingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Lo, the day is overFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Lo! the desert rock is yieldingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Lo the earth to beauty wakingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Lo the golden fields are smilingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English16
Lo the Sabbath morning breakingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Lo the tuneful melody breathingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Lo the war cloud is past and the struggle is o'erFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
¡Load, load, a Dios por su bondad!Fanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)Spanish2
Lonely hearts to comfortFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Long ago the loving SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Long ago the Savior bought meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Long I tried to bear the burdenF. J. C. (Author)English3
Look above O look aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Look away to the cross of the crucified oneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Look not behind thee; O sinner bewareFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Look not on the wine when it moves in the cupFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Look to Jesus, O look and liveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Look to Jesus onlyFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Look unto me, saith JesusF. J. Crosby (Author)English4
Look up and be joyful O watchman of ZionFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Look up and press onwardFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Look up look up desponding oneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Look up look up O troubled oneFannie Crosby (Author)English3
Look up, look up O watchmanFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Look up look up ye weary onesF. J. Crosby (Author)English6
Look up, O weary trembling oneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Look up thou poor neglected oneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Lord, again we seek thy templeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Lord, among the manyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Lord, at Thy mercy seatFanny J. Crosby (Author)English83
Lord, be with and watch between usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Lord, behold in Thy compassionFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Lord, for thy gift of graceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Lord, I adore Thee, GladlyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Lord, I hear thy patient SpiritFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Lord, I know I cannot perishFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Lord, I sought and found thee preciousF. J. C. (Author)English3
Lord, in my helplessnessIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
Lord, my sorrows now are pastFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Lord, my strength and my RedeemerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Lord, my trust I repose in TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
Lord, my wayward heart is brokenF. J. C. (Author)English11
Lord, on thee my strength reliesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Lord, take my heart, my wandering heartFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Lord, that mine eyes may be openedFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Lord, the way is cold and drearyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Lord, 'tis finished, all is o'erFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Lord, to thee in deep contritionFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Lord, we beseech Thee, come in Thy loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Lord, we come, thy name to worshipFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Lord, we gather in Thy nameFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Lord, where thou wilt, it matters not to meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Lord, with all my heart I praise TheeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Loud, as when the shining angelsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Loud let the anthem ringFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Loud swell in choral numbersFanny J. Crosby, 1871 (Author)English7
Louvai, louvai Cristo, o bom Mestre divino!Fanny Crosby (Author)Portuguese2
Love Him, love Him, all ye little childrenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Love immortal, love unchangingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Love's redeeming work is finishedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Loving Redeemer, behold us todayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Loving Savior, bend Thine earFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Loving Savior, Gracious LordFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Loving Savior, hear my cryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English40
Loving Savior, while we greet TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Lowly at Thy feet, O Savior, I am kneelingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Loyal to Jesus our watchwordF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
Lycklig i JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)Swedish2
Ma ko Iesu mau lima, Ma kona poli noFanny J. Crosby (Author)Hawaiian3
මා සිහිකරන් දයාවී (Mā sihikaran dayāvī)Fanny Crosby (Author)Sinhala2
மா தயாள ஆண்டவா, உம் முகம் காட்டிடும் (Mā tayāḷa āṇṭavā, um mukam kāṭṭiṭum)Fanny Crosby (Author)Tamil2
Make room, make room for JesusFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Make Thine abode with meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Make thou my heart thy templeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Mannubbotco, di agsardayFanny Crosby (Author)Tagalog2
Mannubbotco idalannac (Crosby)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Tagalog2
Many, many times I have wanderedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Many moments mount in timeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Many powers within earth's bosomFanny Crosby (Author)English1
March, march away to the world's great fieldFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
March on, march on to victory, to victoryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
March onward, march onward, our banner of lightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
March steadily onward to the battlefield awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Marching along with banner and songFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Marching, marching, marching on life's journeyFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Marching on we come with the gush of joyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Marching, we are marchingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Marching with gladness on our wayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Master, in the vineyard of thy loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Master, Thou callest, I gladly obeyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
M'chtige GottessohnFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
മേൽ വീട്ടിൽ എൻ യേശു ഹാ! സ്നേഹമായ് വിളിക്കുന്നു വിളിക്കുന്നു (Mēl vīṭṭil en yēśu hā! snēhamāy viḷikkunnu viḷikkunnu)Fanny Crosby (Author)Malayalam2
Medita en silencio; se oye hablarFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Mein Herz mit Sehnsucht wartet deinFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Mein Lebensweg geht himmelanFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Mein Leib und Seele freuen sich dein!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Mein Vaterland, dein Name wirdFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Meinen Heiland such ich gerne allezeitFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Merrily, merrily, tripping along, cheerilyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Merrily, O merrily the time glides byFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Merry Christmas bells are ringing (Crosby)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas (Crosby)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Merry laughing, sparkling waterFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Merry, merry chiming bells, Clear and sweet their carol swellsAunt Fanny (Author)English17
Meu Senhor, sou teu, tua voz ouviFanny J. Crosby (Author)Portuguese2
Mi mano ten, Señor, pues flaco y débilFanny J. Crosby (Author)Spanish1
Mi mano ten, Señor, pues yo soy débilFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish1
Mi mano ten, Señor, tan flaco y débilFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
'Mid the wild and fearful blastFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English6
Mighty Rock, whose towering formFanny Crosby (Author)English45
Mil veces con mi CristoFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Min sang, den er om JesusFanny Crosby (Author)Norwegian2
Min sang skall bli om JesusFanny Crosby (Author)Swedish2
Mine the cross, and thine the gloryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
Mine the Savior's words to pleadFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
¡Mirad! Reales huestesFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Mitawanikiya kiŋFanny J. Crosby (Author)Dakota1
Moerk Natten er, og Vinden kold frembryderFanny J. Crosby (Author)Danish2
Moment by moment thy love I needFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
More and more I need TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
More like Jesus I would be, Let my Savior dwell with meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English71
Morning star, in splendor shiningFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Mortal tongue cannot revealFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Mother, tell me, do not trembleFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Mourner, lay thy broken heartFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Mourner, wheresoever thou artFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English20
Muede und schwer beladenFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Mungu Mtukufu aliye BwanaFanny Crosby (Author)Swahili1
Murmuring softly, caroling gentlyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
My Advocate is on the throneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
My blessed Redeemer, I'm trusting in TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
My faith, inspired with rapture, singsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
My faith is clinging to the cross so dearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
My faith is stayed on Thee, O LordIda Scott Taylor (Author)English3
My faith looks up where pastures greenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
My faith to the land of the blestFanny Crosby (Author)English1
My full heart is bounding, its conflict is pastFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
My happy soul rejoices, the sky is bright aboveFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
My heart in its fulness breaks forthF. (Author)1
My heart is in the homeland where every storm shall ceaseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
My heart is over yonderFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
My heart is overflowing with gratitude and praiseFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)English3
My heart is thrilled with love to GodIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
My heart is with Jesus, all praise to His nameFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
My heart o'erflows with bliss divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
My heart overflowing with rapture would singFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
My heart today with joy is singingFanny Crosby (Author)English1
My heart with joy is boundingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
My hope has found an anchor, a sure abiding homeF. J. C. (Author)English7
My hope is in Jesus my comfortFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
My name on the recordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
My sails are spread to meet the galeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
My Savior, in Thy love abidingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
My Savior knows the wayIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
My song shall be of Jesus, His mercy crowns my daysFanny J. Crosby (Author)English21
My soul has found a hiding place, Within my Savior's loveFanny Crosby (Author)English1
My faith has found a resting place, O blessed be the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
My soul is uplifted with rapture untoldFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
My soul looked out of its windowsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
My soul shall rejoice in Thy salvationFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
My soul shouts glory to the Son of GodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English11
My soul with rapture is boundingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
My soul, with rapture waits for TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English11
My trusting heart looks up to TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
My voice shalt Thou hear in the morning, O Jesus, my Savior, my all (Crosby)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
My way is dark, O Savior, hear my callFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
My will, O Lord, to Thine I bowFrances J. Van Alstyne (Author)English2
Naar Jesus kommer, at Loen uddeleFanny J. Crosby (Author)Danish2
Naar mit livsverk er endtFanny Crosby (Author)Norwegian2
Nah' zu dir, du Lamm des HerrnFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Näher zum Kreuz! o SehnsuchtsdrangMrs. Fanny J. Crosby (Author)German3
Näher zum Kreuz! O süßes WortMrs. F. J. Crosby (Author)German2
நம் தேவனுக்கு மகிமை புகழ்ச்சி (Nam tēvaṉukku makimai pukaḻcci)Fanny Crosby (Author)Tamil2
Nañginñgina ñgem toy biagFanny Crosby (Author)Tagalog2
När mitt livsverk är ändat och jag över floden gårF. J. Crosby (Author)Swedish2
Närmare korset, sjunger jagF. J. Crosby (Author)Swedish3
നാശ പാപികളെ രക്ഷിപ്പാൻ കൈയെ (Kēṇapēkṣiccīṭin vīṇēāre tāṅṅin)Fanny Crosby (Author)Malayalam2
Nay, touch it not, 'tis poisonFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Nayajj thaktwa JesusarFanny Crosby (Author)Aymara2
Ne bɛ a tanu, ne KisibaaFanny Crosby (Author)Bambara2
Near to the Savior, O come very nearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Nearer, Lord, our souls would beFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Nearer my home aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Nearer, O Lamb of GodFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Nearer the cross my heart can sayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English209
Nearer to Jesus, I would beIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
Nearing the harbor, nearing the strandFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Nearly there, O weary ChristianFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Neath the droppings of the fountainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Neho'ė Ma'heo'o he'ama, Pavevesevemenoo'ȯFanny Crosby (Author)Cheyenne2
Netaveho'otatsemeno, JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)Cheyenne2
Never be afraid to speak for Jesus, Think how much a word can doFanny J. Crosby (Author)English49
Never be faint or wearyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Never be sad or despondingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English65
Never lay down the armorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Never lose the golden ruleFanny J. Crosby (Author)English11
Never, never falter, Cheerily goMrs. Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Never shone a light so fairFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
News of redemption through Christ our LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Näher zum Kreuz durch Leid und SchmachFanny J. Crosby (Author)German4
N'her zum Kreuz, so spricht mein HerzFanny Crosby (Author)German2
你的罪雖像硃紅 (Nǐ de zuì suī xiàng zhūhóng)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Chinese2
Ni Jesus insalacannacFanny Crosby (Author)Tagalog2
Ni Jesus ti camangcoFanny Crosby (Author)Tagalog2
നിൻ വേദം എൻ കാലിന്നു ദീപമേ (Nin vēdaṁ en kālinnu dīpamē)Fanny Crosby (Author)Malayalam2
Ni wako wewe, nimekujuaFanny Crosby (Author)Swahili2
Nie omijaj mnie, o ZbawcoFrances (Fanny) J. Crosby (Author)Polish2
Night drew its veil around the place of prayerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Nimekombolewa na Yesu Fanny Crosby (Author)Swahili1
Nimm die Welt, doch gib mir JesusFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Nimm meine Hand in deineFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
നിന്റെ സ്വന്തം ഞാൻ, നിൻ സ്വരം കേട്ടു (Ninṟe svantaṁ ñān, nin svaraṁ kēṭṭu)Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)Malayalam2
നിശ്ചയമേശു എന്റെ സ്വന്തം (Niścayamēśu enṟe svantaṁ)Fanny Crosby (Author)Malayalam2
Njiani huniongozaFanny Crosby (Author)Swahili1
No book is like the Bible, For childhood, youth, and ageFanny J. Crosby (Author)English19
No book like the Bible, inspired from aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
No cross for me, O blessed Lord and Savior?Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English6
No cross to bear for JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
No God, no home, no refugeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
No home, no home, O hapless oneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
No hope of a hereafter, O desolate indeedFanny Crosby (Author)English1
No longer I'll wait, O my SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
No love to give, no tears to weepFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
No matter what the world may sayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
No me dejes, no me olvidesFanny J. Crosby (Author)Spanish1
No me pases, no me olvidesFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)Spanish9
No night beyond the river's brinkFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
No other name but Jesus, Before the throne I pleadFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
No other name but thine, O LordFanny Crosby (Author)English1
No sorrow there in yonder climeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
No te dé temor hablar por CristoFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish4
No te olvides nunca del día del SeñorFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
No wonder that we sing for joyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Not ajar, the gates of gloryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Not dreary the world weFanny C. (Author)English2
Not far from the gate of that beautiful cityFanny Crosby (Author)English7
Not forever, not foreverFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Not here, not here, not where the sparkling watersFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Not here, not here, O Lord, my KingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Not here the home for which we sighFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Not here thy rest, not here thy homeF. C. (Author)1
Not here we find a peaceful restFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Not mine the strength, O blessed LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Not my own, but unto JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Not tomorrow, but todayFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Not yet is the summer endedFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Notes of joy for the sabbath homeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Nou no au IesuFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)Hawaiian3
Now as we part, and heart to heartFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Now at a throne of graceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Now begin the heavenly race, The Savior callsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Now gird the Christian's armor onFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Now, gracious Lord, Thyself revealFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Now in this moment, now in this dayFanny Crosby (Author (refrain))English2
Now just a word for Jesus, Your dearest Friend so trueFanny J. Crosby (Author)English38
Now on wings of faith and gladnessIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
Now our pennies bringingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Now, peace like a river, my soul overflowsIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
Now the flowers of spring-timeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Now the Savior invites you to comeFanny Crosby (Author)English11
Now to the Father, God of earth and heavenFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Now to the Fountain of Life I am goingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Now wave the standard of the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Now we can sing with grateful heartsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Now with happy voicesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
N'r den sista basunen ljuderFanny J. Crosby (Author)Swedish2
N'r mitt lifs afton skymmerFanny J. Crosby (Author)Swedish3
Nu dig Jesus indbyder til sigFanny Crosby (Author)Danish2
Nu just er ord for JesusFanny Crosby (Author)Danish2
Nuoli! nuoli! he nu kamaha’o!Fanny Crosby (Author)Hawaiian2
Nun legt des Christen Harnisch anFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Nunca estéis desanimadosFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish3
Nur ein paar SonnenstrahlenFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Nur voran, frisch voran wie die Bibel uns lehrtFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
ஓ ஆண்டவரின் பிள்ளையே (Ō āṇṭavariṉ piḷḷaiyē)Fanny Crosby (Author)Tamil2
O! be warned of your danger, nor slight the day of graceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
O beautiful city of God aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O beautiful Eden, sweet homeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O bells of joy and gladnessIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
O bless the Lord, our souls, and all withinFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
O, bless the Lord, what joy is mine!Fanny Crosby (Author)English2
O blessed be the Lord For His eternal wordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O blessed, blessed Bible, our treasured book divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
O blessed home where those who meetFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
O blessed hope immortalFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O blessed [Sacred] hope that wings the soulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O Blessed Redeemer, I know I am ThineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
O blessed Savior, Friend divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O blessed Savior, Thine arms of love and mercyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O bönestund, så skön och dyrFanny J. Crosby (Author)Swedish1
O Book, that with reverence I honorFanny Crosby (Author)English2
O brethren, rise and singFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English1
O brother, life's journey beginningFanny Crosby (Author)English2
O burdened soul no longer waitFanny Crosby (Author)English3
O child of God, wait patientlyFanny Crosby (Author)English6
O children's day, farewell, farewellIda Scott Taylor (Author)English3
O Christian, awake, for the strife is at handF. J. Crosby (Author)English4
O Christian, awake, 'tis the Master's commandFanny J. Crosby (1820-1915) (Author)English9
O Christian, look up and be joyfulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O church of God, arise, Reach out thy helping handFanny Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)English4
O come let us lift our hearts to GodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O come, let us sing, and worshipIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
O come, sinner, come, there's room for theeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
O come, sinner, come, 'tis mercy's callFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
O, come to the Savior, believe in His nameFanny J. Crosby (Author)English21
O come, weary one to the only sure refugeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O come, will you comeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O dawn of peace and gladnessFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
O, den glæde, som bli'r vorFanny J. Crosby (Author)Norwegian2
O du hohes Lied der FreudeFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
O du ljufva boenestundFanny J. Crosby (Author)Norwegian2
O du starker Fels der ZufluchtFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
O Father in heaven, we now beseech theeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O Fatherland! beyond the silent riverFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O fly to the ark, poor soulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O for a heart to praise HimFanny Crosby (Author)English2
O for a place in the wide arms of mercyFanny Crosby (Author)English1
O for the mighty rising windFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O! For the noble mindFanny Crosby (Author)English1
O for the tongue of an angelFanny Crosby (Author)English3
O give us, Lord, a PentecostFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O Gott, dir sei Ehre, der Großes getanFrances Jane van Alstyne Crosby, 1820-1950 (Author)German1
O grieve no more thy SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O guilty one, haste to the city of refugeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
O hail blessed morn, when the Lord as He promisedFanny Crosby (Author)English1
O hallowed hour, O calmFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O hallowed hour, when grace divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O happy ones, that sweetly singFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O harre, harre, banges HerzFanny Crosby (Author)German1
O hear again the gospel trumpet soundingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O hear my cry, be gracious now to meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English46
O hear the gospel messageFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O hear the joyful messageJulia Sterling (Author)English3
O hear the Savior calling, In tones like music fallingF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
O hear the trump of joyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O heart, bereaved and lonelyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O hearts that are weary of toiling and tearsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
O help me, dear Lord, Thy love to praiseFanny Crosby (Author)English1
O Holy Spirit pureFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O, hør mit raab, vær naadig nu mod migFanny J. Crosby (Author)Norwegian2
O how bright, cheerfully bright, our Sunday SchoolFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O how light to the soul are its crossesFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English4
O how long will men refuseFanny Crosby (Author)English3
O how lovely is Thy templeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O, I am a son through faith in the NameFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O I love to think of Jesus on the dark and stormy seaFanny Crosby (Author)English5
O I see the shining angelsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O ich bete, treuer HeilandFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
O, ich möchte immer singenFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
O if my house is built upon a rockFanny J. Crosby (Author)English11
O ihr Erlösten, die GottFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
O in den Armen JesuFanny J. Crosby (Author)German6
O Jesus, my life, my comfortFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O Jesus, my Lord and SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English19
O Jesus, my RockFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O Jesus, my Savior, all glory to TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
O Jesus, my Savior, I come and confessFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O Jesus, my Savior, come nearer to meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O Jesus, my Shepherd and Savior divine!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O Jesus, Savior, hear my callFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O joyful hour, O hallowed placeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O Kedron, lovely Kedron, Whose pensive music blestFanny Crosby (Author)English1
O kom nu til Jesus, og tro paa hans NavnFanny J. Crosby (Author)Danish2
O komm, zu dem Heiland, und glaube an IhnFanny Crosby (Author)German1
O Lamb of God, whose sacred browFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O lay it down, lay it down (Chorus)Fanny Crosby (Author)English1
O let me be found in His serviceFanny Crosby (Author)English1
O let the light stream inFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O let us awake to our dutyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O let us live nearer to Jesus our LordFanny Crosby (Author)English2
O let your light, though little, shine outFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
O let your tongues with glad acclaimIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
O Liebe, hoch und wundersamFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
O light of my spirit and joy of my heartFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
O list to the grand old choralFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O list to the music that floats on the airFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O list to the voice of the prophet of oldF. J. Crosby (Author)English8
O look on the fields that are blooming todayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O Lord, I am a sinful childFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O Lord, my heart is thineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O Lord, my soul is happy in TheeFanny Crosby (Author)English3
O Love, amazing loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O love, beyond our highest thoughtFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
O love divine, amazing loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
O love of Christ, who once for usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O love that passeth knowledge, O Love whose beams have shoneFanny Crosby (Author)English2
O love unmeasured, vast and deepFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
O lovely star, whose radiant lightJennie Garnett (Author)English1
O loving Redeemer, what rapture is mineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O morn of bliss eternalFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O morrow land, abiding landFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English5
O music, how great is thy powerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O, my heart is full of gladness, and I cannot help but singIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
O my heart is full of joy, for my sins are washed awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O my Redeemer, how can I be silentF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
O my Redeemer, what a Friend thou art to meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English11
O my Redeemer, while thy throne addressingF. J. C. (Author)English4
O my restless, longing soulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O my Savior and Redeemer, I am ThineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O my Savior, grieved and slightedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O my Savior, humbly I am coming, comingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O my Savior, I am wearyFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)English2
O my Savior, keep me ever in the way that I should goFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O my Savior, may Thy SpiritFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O my Savior, hear me, Draw me close to TheeFrances Jane van Alstyne, 1820-1915 (Author)English12
O, my song is ever new and my faith is bright and clearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O my soul, and all within meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O my soul, the story tellFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O my soul, why art thou troubledFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O never be weary, with vigor pursueFanny Crosby (Author)English11
O our songs are glad and joyfulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O pity the erring; How little we know their moments of anguishF. J. C. (Author)English3
O praise the Lord, let all rejoiceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O praise the Lord, sing to his nameIda Scott Taylor (Author)English3
O praise the Lord, ye nations allFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O praise ye the Lord with a trumpet soundFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O pray for the wretched and perishing soulsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
O precious Redeemer, we come in our needFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O precious Redeemer, what rapture is mineFanny Crosby (Author)English1
O precious words that Jesus saidFanny J. Crosby (Author)English12
O rally round the standard of Christ, our royal KingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English12
O remember, Jesus loves you, and He knows each dayIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
O remember there's a work to be doneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O sailor on a treacherous seaFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
O Savior, I come like the poor, weary doveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O Savior, I long for Thy tender forgivenessFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O Savior, tarry yet, Hear me I prayFanny Crosby (Author)English1
O Savior, teach us how to prayFanny Crosby (Author)English2
O Savior, we have proved itFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O Savior, we would enterFanny Crosby (Author)English2
O Savior, I long for the gift of Thy graceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O Savior mine, who now beholdest meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O Savior, thy voice I hearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O Savior, we ask that thy Spirit may comeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O say, did you see on the brow of that nightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O say, have you heard of the [that] mansion [mansions] of lightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
O Schiffer auf dem wilden MeerFanny Crosby (Author)German2
O servant that, knowing Thy Master's commandFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O serve the Lord with gladnessF. J. Crosby (Author)English3
O s'g ett ord om JesusFanny Crosby (Author)Swedish3
O sieh mich stehen vor der TürFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
O sing, for the arm of JehovahFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O sing of my Redeemer, my Savior, Lord, and KingF. J. Crosby (Author)English4
O sing of the rapture, the holy delightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O sing the power of love divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English12
O singt vom Entzücken der seligen ScharFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
O sinner, on the brink of deathFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O sinner, why stand on the brink of despiarFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O softly the Spirit is whispering to meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
O songs of the beautiful, songs of the blest (Crosby)Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English4
O soul, from Calvary's crossFanny Crosby (Author)English3
O speak a little word for ChristFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O speak not, disturb not a meetingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O speak to the sinners around youFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O Spirit, come, dispel each cloud of sadnessFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
O Spirit of truth, from the Father aboveF. J. C. (Author)English3
O summer, lovely summerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O sweet is the voice of my ShepherdFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
O swell [sing] the song of JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O, take to yourselves the whole armor of GodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O, the blessed cross of Christ my story!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O the bliss of knowing JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O the bliss of one sweet hourFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O the bliss, the holy rapture when from earth we glide awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O the changes, constant changesFanny Crosby (Author)English2
O the children of the Lord have a right to shout and sing (Chorus)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O the Christmas bells are ringingFanny Crosby (Author)English1
O the crimson wave, hallelujahFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
O the deep, unfathomed oceanFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O the earth is full of sunshineIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
O the friends that now are waitingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English20
O the gladness and the glory Of the tender Easter storyFanny Crosby (Author)English2
O the happy time is comingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O the harvest days are pleasantFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O the height and depth of mercy (Chorus)Fanny Crosby (Author)English1
O the joy of knowing Christ is all I needFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O the joy that fills my heartFanny J. Crosby (Author)English16
O the joy, the bliss divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
O the joy while thus we meetFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English4
O the love that fills my soulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O the love, the constant raptureFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O the morning, happy morningFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
O the music rolling onwardFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
O, the precious gospel story, how it tell of love to allFanny J. Crosby (Author)English21
O the precious, precious momentsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
O the sad and troubled faces that we meet from day to dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O the sleep of just a momentFanny Crosby (Author)English4
O the song within my soulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O the unsearchable riches of ChristF. J. C. (Author)English83
O the weary night is waning, And the clouds are rolling byFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
O the wonderful love our Redeemer bestowsF. C. (Author)English4
O the wondrous love of ChristIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
O the wondrous love of Jesus, To redeem us with His bloodFanny Crosby (Author)English2
O theme of blest salvationFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O there is none like the blessed King of JudahF. J. C. (Author)English3
O think what our merciful Father hath doneFanny Crosby (Author)English2
O Thou in whom we live and move, The source of life, the fount of loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O, thou on earth beloved, adoredFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O Thou Rock of my salvation, Hope and refuge of my soulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English12
O Thou that hearest prayer, Now to my soul draw nearFanny Crosby (Author)English5
O thou that hearest prayer, Now from Thy throneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English11
O thou who hearest when I callFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O to be gentle and holyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O to be loved by Him whose praiseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O to be loving and serving the SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O to feel the love of JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O to think the Lord of glory shall so condescending beFanny Crosby (Author)English4
O trembling soul overwhelmed with fearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O troubled heart, be thou not afraidFanny J. Crosby (Author)English18
O troubled heart, behold and seeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O troubled heart, there is a balmFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O troubled heart, why seek in vainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O unermess'ne Liebe duFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
O very, very preciousIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
O wanderer on a dreary wasteFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O wandering souls, why longer roamA. Monteith (Author)English4
O we love the daisy flowersIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
O weary one, thirsty and faintFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O we're a tough and joyous bandFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O what a blessing, how can I express itFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English5
O what a message is Thine to meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O what a message our ears have heardFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O what a Savior, a wonderful SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O what a Savior is mineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O what are light afflictions hereFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O, what is thy hope for the futureFanny Crosby (Author)English4
O what is your prospect, poor sinner?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O what joy the believer may knowIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
O what shall I do to be saved? My sins like a mountain appearC. (Author)1
O what shall we gain if the cross we takeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
O what were life without thy loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O when shall we meet at the riverFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O when we remember the words of our LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O where is your hope for the futureFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
O why are you clinging to earth's fading flowersFanny Crosby (Author)English3
O why are you slighting the SaviorFanny Crosby (Author)English1
O wir singen ihn so gerne, jenen hehren SangFanny J. Crosby (Author)German3
O wonderful story of Jesus who cameFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O wonderful, wonderful Word of the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
O wonderful words of the gospelF. J. Crosby (Author)English20
O wondrous, deep, unbounded loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
O wondrous love, how can it be, That Jesus came to make us freeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
O wondrous power, the door of soundFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O wondrous word of truth divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O workers, happy in the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O world of joy untoldFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
O wunderbar süß ist die Botschaft!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)German3
O ye redeemed of the Lord, rejoiceFanny Crosby (Author)English11
O ye thirsty ones that languish on life's drifting sandFanny J. Crosby (Author)English22
O ye watchman sound the trumpetFanny Crosby (Author)English4
O Zion, lovely Zion, thou city built on highFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O Zion, lovely Zion, with strength and glory crownedF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
O Zion, lovely Zion, thou city of the faithfulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
Oda mi loju, mo ni Jesu!Fanny Crosby (Author)Yoruba2
Over an ocean deep and wideFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Over my heart like music stealingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Over the cold and chilly blastFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O'er the earth in wild commotionIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
Over the silver waters of a pearly streamFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Of a King we are the daughtersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Of Him I boast who shed for meFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Of Him who left His home aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Offer unto God thanksgivingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Oft have I heard a voice that saidFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
Oft I hear my Savior sayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Ogo ni f’Oluwa, to se ohun nlaFanny Crosby (Author)Yoruba2
O beautiful story of Jesus our LordFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
O, come to the Savior, His arms are extendedF. J. C. (Author)English11
O come, we are marching to Zion, The Sunday School army are we (Crosby)Fanny Crosby (Author)English5
O come with hearts rejoicingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O, how great His loving kindnessFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O how oft amid our laborFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O how sweet when we mingle with kindred spirits hereFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English9
O let us hear, as for our livesF. C. (Author)English2
O list to the watchman cryingF. J. Crosby (Author)English6
O my cup is overflowingFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English6
Oh, não consintas tristezas dentro do teu coraçãoFanny J. Crosby (Author)Portuguese2
¡Oh qué Salvador es Jesús, el Señor!Fanny Crosby (Author)Spanish4
¡Oh qué Salvador es mi Cristo Jesús!Fanny Crosby (Author)Spanish5
Oh, riquezas inestimávelFanny J. Crosby (Author)Portuguese2
O sing once more of JesusFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
O the blessed name of JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O the joy that we may know when united here belowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
O the peaceful resting landFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O the sweet and precious seasonsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
O to abide in JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
O to be nearer, nearerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
O what are you going to do, brother?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English13
O wondrous name, by prophets heardFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
¡Oíd! ¡Oíd! lo que nos manda el SeñorFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish4
Old Glory, we love thee, our emblem so trueFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Oluwa, emi sa ti gbohun ReFanny Crosby (Author)Yoruba2
Om din synd 'n 'r blodroedFanny J. Crosby (Author)Swedish3
On a dark and stormy oceanF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
On a desert wild and lonelyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
On a fearful brink I stoodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
On Calvary's distant mountainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
On joyful wings our raptured soulsFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
On let us go where the valley of Eden fairFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
On like the true and braveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
On, march on, O Army of EndeavorersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
On, marching on, while another year returningFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
On that bright and glorious morning, when the Son of Man shall comeFanny Crosby (Author)English12
On the cold barren hills I had wandered afarFanny Crosby (Author)English1
On the cross where Christ hung bleedingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
On the desert mountain strayingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
On the happy, golden shoreFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
On the hilltops, on the mountainsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
On the mount of wondrous gloryFanny Crosby (Author)English1
On the Savior cast thy burdenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
On the watchtower thou who standethFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
On the wild and barren mountainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
On to the battle frontFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
On to the work, for the fields are whiteFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
On wings of joy this gladsome day is bornFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Once a bright and lovely starFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Once again, before Thy throneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Once again of Jesus we would hearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Once again the songs of joyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Once again with delight we gatherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Once I walked in gloomy nightIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
Once I was lost, but now I can seeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Once Jesus was a child like meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Once more at rest my peaceful thoughtsF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
Once more we gather in our Sabbath dwellingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Once more we hail with pure and sacred pleasureFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Once more we lift our joyful eyesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Once more we lift our waiting eyesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Once more, within our SabbathF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
Once our gentle, loving SaviorFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
One blessed hour with Jesus, my closet closedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
One blessed hour with Jesus our LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English16
One by one the links are brokenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
One by one, the sheaves are gatheredFanny Crosby (Author)English1
One day I gave my heartIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
One little hour by yonder crossFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
One minute more to make thy choiceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
One moment's communion with JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
One more call, O can it beFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
One more day its twilight bringsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
One more day of toilingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
One song, and one only my spirit can singIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
One sweet hour alone with JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
One there is who loves theeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Only a beam of sunshineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English28
Only a broken heart, Savior, I bringFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
Only a doorkeeper though I may beFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Only a little while sowing and reapingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Only a little while, Pilgrims belowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Only a little word softly and kindlyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Only a look from my SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Only a look, my SaviorF. J. C. (Author)English8
Only a moment of parting and tearsFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Only a parting word, then we must goFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Only a river between usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Only a step to Jesus, Then why not take it nowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English65
Only Jesus feels and knowsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Only Thee, my soul's RedeemerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English17
Only Thy presence, O Savior divineFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English6
Only Thy tender love, Savior divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Only to live for Thy gloryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Only trust and obeyFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Only trusting in my SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Onward, Christian, press thy wayFanny J. Crosby, 1875 (Author)English2
Onward, ever onward, certain of the rightFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Onward go the sunbeamsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Onward let us never wearyFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Onward, moving onward, Hear ye not their gallant treadFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Onward now, the trumpet call is soundingMrs. Van Alstyne (Author)English5
Onward, O junior endeavorersF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
Onward! onward! ever pressing onwardFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Onward, onward, let the watchword beFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Onward, onward, looking unto JesusFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Onward, press onward, Christian EndeavorerF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
Onward, soldiers, onward! Trusting in the LordF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
Onward, soldiers, onward todayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Onward to labor, quickly awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Onward, upward, Christian soldier, Turn not back nor sheath thy swordFanny Crosby (Author (Verses))English10
Onward, ye pilgrims that journey to ZionFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Open mine eyes, dear SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Open, Open, Open the gates of the templeFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Open the door that so long you have boltedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Our blessed Redeemer came down from aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Our blessed Redeemer is passing this wayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Our boat is on a stormy seaFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Our Christian life is onwardFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Our closing hymn, O may it riseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Our country, our beautiful countryFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Our country, unrivaled in beautyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English14
Our Father has planted a beautiful treeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Our fatherland, thy name so dearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Our glad hosannas to Him who redeemed usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Our hearts are full of joy and songF. J. C. (Author)English3
Our hearts are light, our eyes are brightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Our hearts are young and joyousF. J. C. (Arranger)English1
Our hearts with joy are boundingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Our junior band is marching onF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
Our lives, we are told, are but fleeting at bestFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Our Lord and Savior bids us shineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Our merry, merry hearts are boundingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Our mission cry is, onwardFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Our native land to theeMiss Lily C. (Author)1
Our risen Lord and Savior is coming back againFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Our Savior's voice, how oft it comesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Our school is a vineyard, a garden of truthFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Our Shepherd watcheth over usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Our souls cry out HallelujahFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Our Sunday school, our Sunday schoolFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Our warfare will soon be accomplishedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Our weary days will soon be overFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Our willing service, Lord to TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Our youth is transient as a flowerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Out in the highways, the lanes, and the hedgesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Out in the sunshine of infinite loveFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English4
Out in the sunshine with Jesus my LordFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Out of the darkness into the light, shining in beauty, peaceful and brightFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Out of the shadow into the light, Shining in glory transcendently brightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Out on the billow, lured by tempterF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
Out on the deep, on a starless deepF. J. C. (Author)English3
Out on the desert looking, lookingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English59
Out on the midnight deepMrs. Fanny Jane (Crosby) Van Alstyne, (1823- ) (Author)English14
Out on the mountain, sad and forsakenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Out where the reapers are toilingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Outside the gate, and yet so near the fountainLizzie Edwards (Author)English4
Over and over again The story of Jesus I'll tellFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Over my spirit, silently musingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Over the river is glory landFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Over the river my loved ones have passedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Over the river they call meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Overcoming evil day by dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Pa de s'llas gyline strandFanny J. Crosby (Author)Danish2
Panie, wysluchać modlów chciej!Frances (Fanny) J. Crosby (Ch. Bruce), d. 1916 (Author)Polish2
Paso a paso Dios me guíaFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Pass me not, O gentle Savior, Hear my humble cryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English864
Pass not by, O Savior mineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Passing homeward, O how gladly, Comes the lifeboat to the landFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Pasu min ne Vi SavantoFanny J. Crosby (Author)Esperanto2
പാടിൻ ഇമ്പഗീതം ഇന്നേശു ജാതനായ് (Pāṭin impagītaṁ innēśu jātanāy)Fanny Crosby (Author)Malayalam2
Peace, be still, 'tis gently spokenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Peace in believing the words of my SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Peace that makes my labor sweetFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Peaceful as a weary childFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Peaceful my shelter and happy my restFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Peacefully resting, my Savior, with TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Peacefully, tranquilly, passing awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
പോ-കല്ലേ കടന്നെന്നെ- നീ- പ്രി-യ യേ-ശു-വെ (Pēā-kallē kaṭannenne- nī- pri-ya yē-śu-ve)Fanny Crosby (Author)Malayalam2
പേടിക്ക വേണ്ടാ ദൈവം കാണുന്നു (Pēṭikka vēṇṭā daivaṁ kāṇunnu)Fanny Crosby (Author)Malayalam2
Pilgrim, haste thee onwardFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Pilgrim in the world belowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Pilgrim in this vale belowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Pilgrim, rejoice, for the mantle of sinFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Pilgrims on the heavenly wayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Pois eu sei que Cristo guia meFanny Crosby (Author)Portuguese2
Pomaika'i wale, Iesu no ko'u!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Hawaiian3
Poor in spirit, pure in heartFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Poor souls that from Jesus are going awayF. J. C. (Author)English3
Poor, starving soul, there's room for theeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Por su misericordiaFanny J. Crosby (Author)Spanish3
போற்றி போற்றி இரட்சகர் இயேசுவை போற்றி (Pōṟṟi pōṟṟi iraṭcakar iyēcuvai pōṟṟi)Fanny Crosby (Author)Tamil2
Posaunenklang erschalltFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Praise, for His excellent greatnessFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Praise Him! praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English396
Praise our Creator and Savior eternalFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Praise the Lord, all ye people, O lift up your voiceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Praise the Lord and give himFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Praise the Lord and worship HimFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Praise the Lord, let all within usFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, break forth in songFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the earth hear His voiceFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Praise the Lord, the Rock of agesF. J. C. (Author)English6
Praise the Lord whose name transcendentFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Praise the Lord, ye saints of ZionIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
Praise the Rock of our salvation, Praise the mighty God above!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English11
Praise to the Holy One, Jesus our KingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Praise to the Lord, our RedeemerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Praise waits in ZionIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
Praise waits in Zion, O Savior for theeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Praise we all the Father with exulting voicesFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Praise ye the Lord, joyfully shout hosannaFanny J. Crosby (Author)English45
Praise ye the Lord, the God of our salvationFanny Crosby (Author)English7
Praise ye the Lord, the hope of our salvationFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Praise ye the Lord, the rock of our salvationFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Pranë kryqit mua më mbajFanny Crosby (Author)Albanian2
Pray for the fallen, o think of them kindlyFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Pray on, pray on, believing oneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Pray on, pray on, O trusting heartFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Pray on, pray on, O weary notFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Pray though the gate of mercy closedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Precious blessings we receiveFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English4
Precious, happy meetingFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Precious, precious storyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Precious Savior I have found theeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Precious Savior Lord of all, Thou dost mark the sparrow's fallFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Precious to me the name of JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Precious words like music stealingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Precious words of holy promiseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Preis sei dem Heiland, die Gnade ist freiFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Preist Ihn! preist Ihn! Jesum den treuen ErlöserFanny Crosby (Author)German10
Press forward, O soldiers, with banner and shieldFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Press on press on a glorious throngFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Press on, press on, O pilgrimF. J. C. (Author)English4
Press on, press on, with eager joyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Press on, press on, ye workersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English16
Press onward Christian workersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Press onward, press onward, and trusting the LordFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Press to the mark of our calling in JesusFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Pretty golden sunbeamsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Promptly on time we'll gather in our placesFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Prontamente às armas vamos nos chegarFanny J. Crosby (1823-1915) (Author)Portuguese2
Przy Twym krzyżu pragnę byćFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)Polish2
Pure and holy I would be, Jesus, Savior, dwell in meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Purify me purify meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
قد فديتني وامتلكتنيFanny Crosby (Author)Arabic1
求主使我近十架!(Qiú zhǔ shǐ wǒ jìn shí jià)Fanny Crosby (Author)Chinese4
去作工,去作工 (Qù zuò gōng, qù zuò gōng)Fanny Crosby (Author)Chinese2
¡Qué momentos de placer!Fanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Que segurança! Sou de Jesus!Fanny Crosby (Author)Portuguese4
Quero estar ao pé da cruz, de onde rica fonteFanny Jane Crosby (Author)Portuguese3
Quero o Salvador comigo e com ele vou andarFanny Jane Crosby (Author)Portuguese2
Quickly as Bethany's daughterFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Rädda de döendeFanny J. Crosby (Author)Swedish3
Raise the standard Christian armyIda Scott Taylor (Author)English3
ര-ക്ഷകൻ നയി-ച്ചിടു-മ്പോൾ (Ra-kṣakan nayi-cciṭu-mpēāḷ)Fanny Crosby (Author)Malayalam2
Rally, let us rally and for temperance boldly standFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Rally round the standard of the Savior KingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Rally, soldiers, one and allFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Ready and ripe for harvestFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Red de omkommende, doeende sj'leFanny J. Crosby (Author)Danish2
Redder de døende, Styrker de svageFanny J. Crosby (Author)Norwegian2
Redeemed and made perfect! O what do I hearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Redeemed, and with the price of bloodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Redeemed, how I love to proclaim itFanny Crosby (Author)English201
Redeemed, redeemed, Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb (Chorus)Fanny Crosby (Author)English1
Redeemed with blood by Him the crucifiedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Redeeming work is doneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Redemption, O wonderful storyFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)English1
Rejoice, O children of God, rejoiceFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Rejoice, rejoice, believer, And let thy joy and glory ever beFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Rejoice, rejoice, the promised time is comingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Remember in youth thy CreatorMaud Marion (Author)English6
Remido, eu vou proclamarFanny J. Crosby (Author)Portuguese2
Rescue the perishing, care for the dyingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English740
Rescue the perishing, bring home the wanderersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Rescue the perishing, duty demands itFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Rescue the souls that perishF. J. Crosby (Author)English4
Rest for the weary, O beautiful restFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Rest, happy rest in JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Rest in the Lord, O weary, heavy ladenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Resting just a momentFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Rett' die Verlorenen und die am SterbenFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Rettet die Irrenden, Sucht die Verlor'nenFanny J. Crosby (Author)German9
Rettet die SinkendenFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Return, O wanderer, to thy homeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Return, O ye lost ones, for why will ye strayFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Revive Thy work, O Lord, Now to thy saints appearF. Crosby (Author)English7
Revive Thy work, O Lord, Thy mighty arm make bareFanny J. Crosby (Arranger)English9
Rich are the mercies our God is bestowingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Rich are the moments of blessingFanny J Crosby (Author)English14
Riches unsearchable, riches untoldFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Ride on, O King anointedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Rien que toi dans la patrieFanny Crosby (Author)French2
Ring on, ring on, glad Easter bellsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Ring on, ring on, ring merrily onFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Ring out, ye bells of ages pastFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Ring out your hallelujahsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Ring the merry Christmas bells, Far and near, sweet and clearFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Ringing, sweetly ringingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English12
Rise in thy glory, O thou star of the morningFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Risen with Christ, O holy thoughtFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Risen with Jesus, how blessed are weFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
رنم لنا يا شاديFanny J. Crosby (Author)Arabic1
Rock and refuge of my soulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Rock in the desert, my Shield from the blastFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
Rojos son tus pecados, cual la grana Dios los veF. J. Crosby (Translator)Spanish2
榮耀歸真神 — 祂成就大事:(Róngyào guīzhēn shén — tā chéngjiù dàshì:)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Chinese2
Room for the penitent, burdened with sinFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Roses, roses, summer rosesIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
Round the cross like valiant soldiersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Round the tree of lifeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Rouse we, endeavorers, hark, hark the callFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Royal songs for the young and oldFanny Crosby (Author)English2
's ist ein Kampf zu besteh'nFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Sabbath bells are pealing, Thoughts of hallowed rest revealingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Sabbath day of sweet refreshingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Sabeis falar de tudo que neste mundo háFanny J. Crosby (Author)Portuguese2
Sad is the drunkard's lifeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Safe in the arms of JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English402
Safe on the rock I have anchoredFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Sagt es laut dass Gott die LiebeFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Salig forvisning, Jesus er min!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Norwegian2
Saliga visshet Jesus 'r minFanny J. Crosby (Author)Swedish3
Salvado con sangre por Cristo me agradaFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Salvador, a Ti acudo, Principe de amorFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)Spanish5
Salvador, mi bien eternoFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish9
Salvo en los tiernos brazosFanny J. Crosby (Author)Spanish8
Samla dem in ty 'n 'r det rumFanny Crosby (Author)Swedish2
¡Santo, santo, grande eterno Dios!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Spanish3
Save me O Lord, hear my humble cryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Saved, saved, O glory to God! (Chorus)Fanny Crosby (Author)English1
Saving faith in JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Savior, be Thou by my sideFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Savior, behold in Thy mercy nowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Savior, bless a little child, Teach my heart the way to TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English13
Savior, bless the children nowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Savior, bless the children's hourFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Savior, grant the children's prayerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Savior, help me sing today for TheeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Savior, hide me when the stormFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Savior, I have wandered from TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Savior, I trust in TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Savior, in mercy, care for the dear onesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Savior, in Thy Holy keepingFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Savior, lead us through the desertFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Savior, let me still abide in the shadow of thy wingsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
Savior, let Thy tender pityFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Savior, listen to our pleaFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Savior, may a little child Through thy grace be reconciledFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Savior, more than life to meFrances J. Crosby (Author)English398
Savior, on Thy word relyingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry (Chorus)Fanny Crosby (Author)English1
Savior, the day is decliningFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Savior, though long I have slighted TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Savior, Thy name I pleadFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Savior, upon us look tenderly nowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Savior, we pray Thee, from aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Savior, how I need TheeMarth J. Lankton (Author)English2
Savior, keep me every dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Savior, lead my erring footstepsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Savior, may a little child In its weakness, come to Thee?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Savior, one sweet song to TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Savior, we ask to be always Thine ownFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Savior, where Thou leadestFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Saw ye not the promised dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Say, brothers, will you meet usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Say, do we know what a Friend is nigh?Fanny Crosby (Author)English1
Say, what do you owe to the SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Say, what mean thy tears that startFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English5
Say, where is thy refuge, poor sinnerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English26
سبحوا اسم فادينا رب السماءFanny Crosby (Author)Arabic1
Scatter kind words all around youFanny Crosby (Author)English12
Scatter the seed, and trust in the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Schenk' uns, Vater, deinen SegenFanny J. Crosby (Author)German9
Se, de gyllne f'lten hvitnaFanny J. Crosby (Author)Danish2
Se eu tiver Jesus ao ladoFanny Jane Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)Portuguese1
Sé exaltado, oh Padre eternoFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Seal my heart with Thy forgivenessFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Search me, O Lord, and try this heart of mineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Season of song, O welcome once moreIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
See, from the morning landFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
See our little soldier bandFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
See the faithful now returningFanny Crosby (Author)English1
See, the glowing skies are brightMiss Fanny Crosby (Author)English3
See the light of hope is beamingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
See the loyal temperance armyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Sei getrost, mein HerzFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Sei stille, sei stille, wie heilig der OrtFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
Sel'ge Gewissheit, Jesus ist mein! Nun kann erst rect ich des Lebens mich freu'nFanny J. Crosby (Author)German9
Sel'ge Gewissheit, Jesus ist mein, O welche Wonne, gerettet zu seinFanny Crosby (Author)German4
Selig in Jesu Armen, sicher an seiner BrustF. J. Crosby (Author)German5
Selige Gewissheit, Jesus ist mein, HimmlischerFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Sel'ge Gewissheit, Jesus ist mein, süß wird es einst in der Herrlichkeit sein!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)German3
Selige Herrlichkeit, Jesus ist mein, O welch ein Vorrecht erlöset zu seinFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Seliges Wissen: Jesus ist meinFrances Jane van Alstyne Crosby, 1820-1950 (Author)German1
Send out the sunlight, the sunlight of cheerFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
Send the light, O send it quicklyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English19
Send the tidings, happy tidingsFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Send the tidings of salvation far and wide to every climeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Seven years along our journeyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Sfânt e, sfânt e, sfânt este Domnul!Fanny Crosby (Author)Romanian2
Shake, shake the branchesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Shall I wear a crownFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
"Shall we all meet again?" 'twas the voice of a motherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
She is coming home tomorrowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Shepherd of Isr'l, from thy throneMiss F. J. Crosby (Author)English2
Shepherd of love, O tenderly leadIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
是有福禱告良辰 (Shì yǒufú dǎogào liángchén)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Chinese2
Shining in darkness, by faith we beholdFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Shout for joy, ye holy throngFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Shout Hallelujah! shout Hallelujah! Joyfully sang that mighty throngFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Shout, shout for joy, the king in Zion reignethFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Show me Thy way, O Lord, And make it plainF. J. C. (Arranger)English11
Showers of blessing we're promisedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Si Jesús es quien me guíaFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish4
Sicher in Jesu Armen, sicher an seiner brustFanny J. Crosby (Author)German8
Sick and weary, broken heartedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Sieh Jesus steht vor deiner TürFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
¡Siempre el Salvador conmigo!Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915) (Author)Spanish2
Sig, hvad du t'nker gjoere nu, BroderFanny Crosby (Author)Danish2
Sig, hvor er din Tilflugt, so SynderFanny Crosby (Author)Danish2
Sikker i Jesu ArmeFanny Crosby (Author)Danish3
Silence! Silence!Fanny J. Crosby (Author)French2
¡Silencio! ¡Silencio! en este lugarFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Silêncio! Silêncio! Nenhum cochichar!Fanny Crosby (Author)Portuguese2
Simply trusting all the way, taking Jesus at His wordF. J. C. (Author)English10
Since Christ is mine, and I am HisFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Since Jesus is my friend, and I to Him belong (Crosby)F. J. Crosby (Author)English3
Sing again, O heart of mineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Sing aloud, sing aloud, Sing to the praise of ChristFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Sing, for the Savior loves us, we are His children allFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Sing, heart of mine, thy joy proclaimIda Scott Taylor (Author)English3
Sing me a song of the heavenly landFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Sing, my soul, proclaim the holy raptureFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Sing, O sing, let all be happyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Sing of Jesus, troubled heartFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Sing on, ye joyful pilgrimsCarrie M. Wilson (Author)English11
Sing praise to him who callethFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Sing to the Lord, and rejoice in his nameFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Sing to the Lord most holyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Sing unto God, our hope and our delivererF. J. C. (Author)English7
Sing when the morning lightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Sing with a tuneful heart, Song and adoreFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English5
Sing with a tuneful spirit, Sing with a cheerful layFanny Crosby (Author)English16
Singing again, O heart of mineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Singing for Jesus, singing for JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
Singing, singing, day by dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Singing, singing, light and freeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Sinking to his golden restFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Sinner, arouse, for the great day is comingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Sinner, how thy heart is troubledF. J. Crosby (Author)English20
Sinner, wake, no more delayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Sinner, wheresoever thou artFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Sinner, wouldst thou find a refuge?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Sit down by the side of your mother, my boyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
Sitting at the feet of Jesus, how we lose eachFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
සියල්ලේ සියල්ල වන (Siyallē siyalla vana)Fanny Crosby (Author)Sinhala2
Slow to anger, full of kindnessFanny Crosby (Author)English7
Slumber not, slumber not, for the time flies apaceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Smiling in its virgin beautyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Snart lefnadstraden brusten 'rFanny J. Crosby (Author)Swedish3
So great our Father's loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
So near the gate of mercyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
So near to the kingdom, yet what dost thou lackFanny J. Crosby (Author)English32
Soft and low there comes a whisperFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Softly fell the light of eveningFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Softly on the breath of eveningFanny Crosby (Author)English21
Softly, softly on my earFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Softly they comeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Soldiers for Jesus, remember our dutyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Soldiers for Jesus, rise, and awayFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English10
Soldiers for the King of gloryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Soldiers in the ranks of JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Soldiers of Jesus in battle arrayFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Soldiers of Jesus, rememberFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Soldiers of the army, soldiers of the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Soldiers of the King, O, hear the battle cryFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Solemnes resuenen las voces de amorFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish8
Som en fågel på flykt, fjärran bort från sitt boFanny J. Crosby (Author)Swedish2
Some day the silver cord will break, And earthly dreams and vigils ceaseFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Some day the silver cord will break, And I no more as now shall singFanny J. Crosby (Author)English206
Son of David, hear my cryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Song of ages everlastingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Sons of Temperance, rouse to actionFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Soon shall I rest in JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English14
Sound, sound the jubileeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Sound the alarm! let the watchman cryF. J. Crosby (Author)English12
Sound the gospel trumpet forthFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Sound the gospel trumpet, over the ocean wideFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Sound the trumpet, watchmanFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Sounding the watch cry, on we goFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Source from whence the streams of mercyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English14
Source of life's eternal springFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Sow with thy face to the sunshineFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Sowing, sowing in the early springFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Sowing the seed of the gospelFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Sowing the seed with rejoicingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Sowing to the SpiritFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Speak gently, speak gentlyF. J. Crosby (Author)English3
Speak not harshly when reprovingF. J. Crosby (Author)English3
Speed away, speed away on your mission of light (Crosby)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English73
Speed for thy life to the mountainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Speed our bark to reach the havenF. C. (Author)English3
Speed the tidings over the oceanFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Speeding away over the river of timeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Spirit of love divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Spread the sails and speed the vesselFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Sprich, wo ist dein Heil, armer SünderFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Spring in her verdant robesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Stand at your post with a courage sublimeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Stand at your post, ye watchmenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Stand fast in the cause of our MasterFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Star of the Morning, so radiant and brightFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Stars of night have now departedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Stay not till tomorrow, O sinner, ariseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Stay thee, weary wandering childFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Steer our bark away to the homelandFanny J. Crosby (Author)English14
Step by step my feet are treadingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Step by step, O loving SaviorFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Step by step, O Savior, lead usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Step over the threshold, and wander no moreFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Still I am singing, Jesus, of Thee, blessed Redeemer, so precious to meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Still of Jesus, only JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Still out of Christ, when so oft He has called youFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
Still prayers are stong, and God is goodFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Still undecided, Look to thy heart, Grieve not the SpiritFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Still without Jesus, far, far from homeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Strangers and pilgrims, we journey belowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Strength in our weaknessF. J. Crosby (Author)English4
Strike the harp of Zion, wake the tuneful layFanny J. Crosby (Author)English15
Strike the loud cymbals, echo the songFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Strike your harps, ye saints in gloryFanny Crosby (Author)English8
Suche vom GrabensrandFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Suchet die Irrenden, rettet die ArmenFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Suppose the little cowslipFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English9
Supreme Creator, King of kingsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Sur toi je me reposeFanny Crosby (Author)French1
Surely Jesus bore our sorrowsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Süße Gewissheit, Jesus ist mein, O welch ein Vor schmack des Himmels so rein!F. J. crosby (Author)German4
Sweeping down the ages, hear the joyful soundFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Sweeping majestic, in grandeur sublimeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Sweet as the tones that from the harp of natureFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Sweet assurance, thou hast sealed meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Sweet Easter bells a-chimeFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
Sweet hour of devotion, when earth-clouds departFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayerFrances Jane (Crosby) Van Alstyne (Author)English6
Sweet is the calm delightFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Sweet is the time when tuneful notes are swellingIda Scott Taylor (Author)English3
Sweet peace in believingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Sweet story of Jesus, me blessed RedeemerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Sweetest name in the realms aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Sweetly singing, offerings bringingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
سوف يزول العمر إذ يفصم حبل الفضةFanny J. Crosby (Author)Arabic1
Szent, szent szent, szent as Ur neveFanny Crosby (Author)Hungarian2
Tag mog mig, o milde FrelserFanny Crosby (Author)Danish2
Täglich will der Herr uns führenFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Take my hand, my FatherFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Take, O take my wayward heartFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Take the balm of consolationFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Take the cross, take the cross, hold it up to the worldFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Take the cross, the world forsakingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Take the hand thy Savior gives theeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Take the wings of the morning, speed quickly thy flightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
Take the world, but give me Jesus, All its joys are but a nameFrances J. Crosby (Author)English123
Take Thou my hand, and lead me, Choose Thou my wayJulia Sterling (Author)English6
Take thou my trembling handFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Take thy cross without repiningFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Take thy staff and journey onwardFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Take up, take up thy burdenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Te ruego, oh Dios: ¡Escúchame a mí!Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915) (Author)Spanish3
Teach me, O Lord, as a child I am weakFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Teach my little hands and feetFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English4
Tell it out with loud hosannas that Jehovah reignsF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
Tell it with joy, tell it with joy, Love in my bosom is glowingFanny Crosby (Author)English7
Tell me not of earthly pleasures that may leave me in a dayFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Tell me over and over again, while the bells are ringingFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
Tell me, spring, with balmy air, Violets blue, sweet, and fairFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Tell me the old, old story, Tell it to me, tell it to meMinnie B. Lowrie (Author)English1
Tell me the story of Jesus, Write on my heart every wordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English225
Tell out [Go tell] the joyful tidingsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Tell the glad story of Jesus who cameFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Tell the wondrous love of JesusFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Tell us not the world's a barren wasteF. V. A. (Author)English1
Tender, compassionate, gentleFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Tenderly He leads us, all our days belowF. J. Crosby (Author)English8
Tenderly sleeping, so tranquil and sweetFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Tenderly, soft and clear, music and love we hearFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Testvérek, jöjjetek!Fanny Crosby (Author)Hungarian2
Thank God for a perfect salvationFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Thank God for the feast of the gospelV. A. (Author)English2
Thanks be to God, who watches over His peopleFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Thanks be to Jesus, His mercy is freeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English11
Thanks for Thy word, O blessed RedeemerFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Thanks to God whose hand has led us through another happy yearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
The anchor I have lifted nowFanny Crosby (Author)English2
The army of the Sunday schoolFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
The blood of Jesus' precious giftFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The blood that Jesus shed for me, When groaning, dying on the treeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
The burning bush before himFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
The children are coming, united and strongFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
The children of the King are weIda Scott Taylor (Author)English3
The Christian flag, behold itFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
The Christian's home in gloryF. J. C. (Author)English2
The darkness gathersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The dawn is surely breakingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
The day is gone, its light is pastFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The day star hath risen, the night clouds have flownFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
The day was dawning to its closeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The door is open weary oneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The earth is the Lord's and the fullness (Crosby)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
The earth was filled with peace and lightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
The Easter lilies shed their rich perfumeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
The evergreen branches are waving around usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
The fields are ripe for harvestFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
The gospel trumpet sounds, Let those that hear obeyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
The heavens are smilingIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
The home beyond the shadowsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
The King has made a marriageFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The Lord appeared to Moses (Crosby)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
The Lord commanded AbrahamFanny Crosby (Author)English1
The Lord in His word has commandedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
The Lord in Zion reignethFanny J. Crosby (Author)English15
The Lord is coming, our redeemer, KingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
The Lord is ever graciousFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The Lord is good to all, our lipsIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
The Lord is my Keeper and this is my songFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The Lord is my refuge, my strength and shieldFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
The Lord is our Refuge; ye nations of earthFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The Lord is our Shepherd, precious Friend and GuideFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
The Lord is our StrengthFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The Lord's our rock, in Him we hideFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
The love of God providesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
The love of God, whose sacred bondFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
The Master commandeth his servantsFanny Crosby (Author)English1
The Master is calling, ariseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
The Master is come and calleth for thee; He stands at the door of thy heartFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
The midnight lamp is burning nowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The moon rose up in the clear blue skyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The New Year has come like a child in its gleeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The pensive light of eve returnsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
The promised day is dawningMrs. Edna L. Park (Author)English2
The pure in heart, the pure in thoughtFanny Crosby (Author)English1
The Sabbath hours are endingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
The Sabbath hours, the Sabbath hoursFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The Sabbath morn the Sabbath mornFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
The Savior calls, the spirit pleadsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The Savior hath risen, the morning is breakingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
The Savior is calling O sinnerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
The Savior with the chosen twelveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The Savior's little stars are weIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
The Savior is calling, how tender His voiceF. J. C. (Author)English3
The scales have fallen from my eyesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
The Shepherd is tenderly guidingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The Spirit is softly callingFanny Crosby (Author)English1
The sunny south dear sunny south Your eyes will soon beholdFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The sweetest name in heaven aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
The time is short the moments fewFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
The trump of the gospel is soundingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
The veil of night hung o'er the sleeping earthFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The voice of God is sweetly callingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The winds had ceased their carol the waters calmly sleptFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The winds had ceased their lullabyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
The word of God, how simpleF. J. C. (Author)English2
The world is but a fleeting dreamFanny Crosby (Author)English3
The world to life awakingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Then awake, then awake, happy song, happy song (Chorus)Fanny Crosby (Author)English1
There are shadows in the valleyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English15
There are songs, glad songs, that in dreams I hearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
There are songs that rise from our glad young heartsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
There are voices, angel voicesFanny Crosby (Author)English3
There are voices, gentle voicesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There cometh a dove on beautiful wingsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There is a blood-washed multitude, a mighty army strongFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
There is a bond of union sweet, not death itself can breakFanny Crosby (Author)English3
There is a calm and steady lightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
There is a calm for every stormFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
There is a Friend, a patient Friend Who loved us long agoFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
There is a Friend whose love is freeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
There is a gate of shining pearlFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
There is a healing at the fountainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
There is a home, a happy home, A beautious mansion fairFanny Crosby (Author)English2
There is a home where we may dwellFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
There is a joy that fills my soulFanny Crosby (Author)English1
There is a kind, persuading voiceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There is a land, a happy land, beyond the sunny skyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
There is a land, a sunny land, Whose skies are ever brightF. J. C. (Author)English1
There is a land where shines the lightFanny Crosby (Author)English2
There is a Light, a blessed LightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
There is a Name divinely sweetFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
There is a name of sweeter soundFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
There is a paradise of restFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English1
There is a place of refuge More dear than all besideFanny Crosby (Author)English1
There is a place where I would beFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
There is a power in Jesus' bloodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There is a radiant, sunny climeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
There is a star that shines aloftF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
There is a word whose magic thrillFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
There is an hour of calm reliefFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
There is an hour when silent griefFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There is constant joy abiding In Christ my Lord and KingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English14
There is gladness in my spirit, there is sunshine in my soulFanny Crosby (Author)English3
There is healing at the fountainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English22
There is in prayer a wondrous powerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
There is joy among the angels that fill the courts aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
There is joy in my heart all the dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
There is joy in my heart today, blessed LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
There is joy in my soul, for the Savior is mineFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
There is joy in the heart when its burden of sinFanny Crosby (Author)English1
There is joy in the service of Jesus our LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
There is joy within when faith is brightFanny Crosby (Author)English2
There is life in Jesus' name, there is lifeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
There is mercy at the cross, where my loving Savior diedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There is no condemnation To those in Christ, our LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There is no night in heaven (Crosby)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There is no one like the Savior, with His love so trueFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
There is no sweeter time than thisFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
There is One, that like a shepherd will defend our wayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There is pardon at the cross where my Savior diedHenrietta E. Blair (Author)English15
There is perfect cleansing in the precious bloodHenrietta E. Blair (Author)English15
There is rest for our pilgrim feetFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
There is work that we all may doF. C. (Author)English2
There [firm] stands a [the] rock on shores of timeF. J. C. (Author)English1
There was never in the worldFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
There was one who came and knelt at Jesus' feetFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
There's a balm, precious balm in the blood of the LambJennie Garnett (Author)English1
There's a beautiful haven, far over the seaFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There's a blessed Stranger at the doorF. J. C. (Author)English5
There's a chorus ever ringingFanny Crosby (Author)English3
There's a chorus ever sweetFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
There's a city that looks over the valley of death, And its glories can never be told (Crosby)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English53
There's a crown of rejoicing laid up for the faithfulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There's a crown of rejoicing, O reaperFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
There's a cry from Macedonia Come and help usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English23
There's a fount where the weary may drink and be blestFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There's a fountain ever flowing, All its cleansing power may knowFanny Crosby (Author)English1
There's a Friend that abides evermoreFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
There's a Friend unchanging, trueIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
There's a gate that is open to allFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There's a gentle voice within calls awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English43
There's a glorious jubilee, rolling on, rolling onFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There's a grand old song over the world todayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
There's a home for us in glory, by and byFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
There's a home, sweet home where the heart bowed downFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
There's a hope that can never be conqueredFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There's a joy that no thought can expressFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
There's a kind, gentle voice, full of pity and loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
There's a land that for ages has stoodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
There's a land unseen by our mortal eyesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
There's a land where the martyrs who diedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There's a light at the portal of mercy tonightFanny Crosby (Author)English1
There's a light within and its beams I seeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There's a mansion now preparingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
There's a message from the Lord, will you come?Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English2
There's a mission for us allFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
There's a precious Bible storyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
There's a promise from the Lord, hallelujahFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
There's a Rock in the desert where pilgrims may flyF. J. C. (Author)English2
There's a shout from a host with bannersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
There's a shout in the camp, for the Lord is hereFanny J. Crosby (Author)English21
There's a song in my heart, 'tis a song of joyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
There's a song in my soul that keeps ringingFanny Crosby (Author)English1
There's a song in the springIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
There's a song that comes from the years long pastFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
There's a star that arose on the beautiful nightFanny Crosby (Author)English3
There's a voice in my heart, and I hear it todayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
There's a voice that comes in my lonely hoursFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
There's a voice that speaks withinFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
There's a wonderful story that never grows old (Crosby)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
There's an ark of safety, will you enter inIda Scott Taylor (Author)English4
There's an hour that comes like a healing balmFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
There's music in the airFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
They are all, all thereFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
They are coming from the mountainsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
They are looking down upon us from the battlements of lightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
They are waiting by the shoreFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
They are waiting for the comingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
They are waiting, they are watchingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
They bore him gently from the fieldFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
They crowned our Savior's brow with thornsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
They hover around us, bright angels are nearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
They shall be mine, the jewels I loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
They shall walk up and down in His nameIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
They tell me of a land so fairF. J. Crosby (Author)English13
They took my Savior's name in vainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
They're echoing still over Bethlehem's plainIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
Thine forever, gracious KingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Thine forever, Thine forever, My Redeemer, will I beFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Thine, O God, be all the gloryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Thine on earth and Thine in gloryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
This golden hour is thineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
This is my mission wherever I go, Doing the will of JesusFanny Crosby (Author)English1
This is my story this is my songFanny J. Crosby (Author)1
This is my story, this is my song (Chorus)Fanny Crosby (Author)English1
This life is a garden where action and deedIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
This temple, Lord, our Sabbath homeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
ثناء لآب سما صنعهFanny Crosby (Author)Arabic1
Though kindred ties around usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English11
Though my sins were once like crimson redFanny J. Crosby (Author)English19
Though shadows perplex me, and dark is my skyIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
Though unseen, yet still we love TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Though your sins be as scarlet, They shall be as white as snowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English245
Those beautiful orbs, in glory brightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Thou whose arm has been my stayFanny Crosby (Author)English8
Thou art a Rock in a thirsty landFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Thou art exalted, King of kingsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Thou art fairer than the morningFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Thou art leading me, dear SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Thou art my great PhysicianFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Thou art, O Lord, the Truth, the LifeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Thou art precious, my RedeemerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Thou best of books, the word of GodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Thou blessed Lamb of GodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Thou didst love me, O my SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Thou gracious Lord, Creator everlastingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Thou, in whom no darkness dwellethF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
Thou, my everlasting portionFanny J. Crosby (Author)English409
Thou my only Savior, precious Friend divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Thou my Strength, and my RedeemerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Thou only art holyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English20
Thou ridest to conquer, all glorious thy nameFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Thou that hearest when I prayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Thou to whom my life I oweFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Thou who knowest all my weaknessFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Thou, whose all pervading presenceFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Thou whose blood was shed for meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Thou whose hand did lead thy chosen peopleFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Thou, whose hand thus far hath led meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Thou whose kind protecting handFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Thou, whose loving hand providethFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Thou wilt keep them, Lord, in perfect peaceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Though fondly we cherish the flagFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Though here I see but darklyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Though I journey day by dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Though joys like the sunshine illumine the wayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Though our path be dark and drearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Though the time is shortFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Though young in years, we all are taughtFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Though your sins may be as crimsonFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Three months a loving motherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Through the cleansing blood of JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Through the gates of the city, They are passing one by oneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Through the pearly gates on highFanny J. Crosby (1823- ) (Author)English3
Through the sacrifice of Jesus, the LambFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Throne of eternal loveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Through each perplexing care and strifeFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English6
Through the gates of pearl and jasperFanny J. Crosby (Author)English12
Through the march of by gone agesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Through the new JerusalemFanny J. Crosby (Author)English12
Through this wilderness belowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Through thy all atoning meritFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Thrust in the sickle, reap for GodFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Thy gentleness, O gracious wordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, aloneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
Thy will not mine be doneLily (Author)English2
Thy word is a lamp to my feet, O Lord (Crosby)Francis Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
தீ ஜூவாலை போலே வந்திரங்கும் (Tī jūvālai pōlē vantiraṅkum)Fanny Crosby (Author)Tamil2
Tidings from over the JordanFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Tidings, happy tidingsFanny Crosby (Author)English8
Tiefer Schatten liegt im TaleFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
Time is made of little momentsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Time on eagle pinions flyingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Timec ni Jesus ayabannatayFanny Crosby (Author)Tagalog2
திண்ணமாம் ஆசீர் இயேசென் நேசர் (Tiṇṇamām ācīr iyēceṉ nēcar)Fanny Crosby (Author)Tamil2
'Tis a blessed hope, and it cheers my soulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
'Tis a goodly pleasant land that we pilgrims journey throughFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
'Tis faith that leads the trembling soulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
'Tis for mercy, Lord, I pleadFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
'tis joy to meet our Savior hereFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
'Tis night, the drunkard sits aloneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
'Tis not by works that we have doneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
'Tis not far to JesusFanny Crosby (Author)English9
'Tis not for a name that the world may prizeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
'Tis not of myself, but the gift of Thy graceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
'Tis only a little way on to my homeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
'Tis our faith in Jesus brings the promise nearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
'Tis sweet to trust my King divine in every time of needFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
'Tis the balmy shower descendingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
'Tis the blessed hour of prayer, when our hearts lowly bendFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)English215
'Tis the blessed Savior callingFanny Crosby (Author)English1
'Tis the cross of Jesus that fills the world with lightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
'Tis the gospel message, hark, we hear it sayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
'Tis the gracious Savior callingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
'Tis the hour of social meeting, Blessed hour we love so dearFanny Crosby (Author)English1
'Tis the hour to meet in the dear retreatFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
'Tis the Lord who leadeth me stillFanny Crosby (Author)English1
'Tis the Savior's great commandFanny Crosby (Author)English2
'Tis the Shepherd's voice we hearFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
'Tis the voice of Jesus callingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
'Tis thy command that every oneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
'Tis well, 'tis well with my soul todayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
'Tis well with me for Thou, O LordFanny Crosby (Author)English2
To arms, to arms, and boldly standFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
To do my duty day by dayIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
To God be the glory, great things He hath doneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English206
To him that overcometh, will I give to eat of the tree of lifeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
To him who from bondage has brought meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
To Him whose care prolongs our daysFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
To the cross my steps I bendFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
To the field of the world and its conflict todayFanny Crosby (Author)English1
To the fountain flowing freeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
To the Lord our God, to the Lord our KingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
To the race, to the race, are we ready to run?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
To the rescue, to the rescue! There's a giant in the landFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
To the shadow of the Rock in a thirsty land I fleeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
To the shadow of the rock, Savior, would I fleeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
To the summer land of beauty we are goingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
To the work, to the work! We are servants of GodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English221
To thee, O Lord, in joyful praiseF. J. C. (Author)English2
To work, said a bird from the tree topFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Toil on and pray, EndeavorersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Toil on and pray, O reapersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Toil on though discouraged and wearyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Toil on with a trusting faithFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Toiler in life's field of laborFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Too late, ah, no, the pulse of life still throbsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Touch not nor taste the sparkling cupFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Touch not the wine cup, taste not the wineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Touch not the wine, the rosy wineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Trabajad, Trabajad, somos siervos de DiosFanny J. Crosby (1820-1915) (Author)Spanish8
Traget die Botschaft des Heilandes fortFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
تراح نفسي أمناFanny J. Crosby (Author)Arabic1
Traveler, haste, the day is waningFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Traveling homeward, traveling homewardFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Traveling onward from day to dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Tried and loyal soldiersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Trifle not your time awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Trim thy lamp and keep it burningFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Troubled heart, thy fear dispelFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Troubled heart, thy God is callingF. J. Crosby (Author)English8
Troubled in heart and spiritFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Troubled in spirit, broken in heartF. C. (Author)1
Troubled soul, why thus desponding?Fanny Crosby (Author)English2
Trust not the path before theeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Trust on, is not the Savior at thy sideFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Trustfully, trustfully, come I to TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Trusting in Jesus, my Savior divineFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Trusting, my God, in TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Trusting, my Lord, in TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Trusting Thee, O gracious LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Trygg i min Jesu armarFanny J. Crosby (Author)Swedish5
つみとがをゆるされ (Tsumi to ga o yurusa re)Fanny Crosby (Author)Japanese2
Tätt, vid korset, Jesus kärFanny J. Crosby (Author)Swedish4
Tu Santo Espíritu, SeñorFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish1
Turn away, turn away, from the bright drops that foamFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Turn, O turn, thy footsteps homewardFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Turn thee, O lost one, care-worn and wearyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Tuyo soy, Jesús, pues oí tu vozFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish3
Tuyo soy, Jesús, ya escuché la vozFanny J. Crosby (Author)Spanish7
Tuyo soy, Jesús, ya tu voz oíFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish5
Tuyo soy, Señor; por tu amante vozFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Твёрдо я верю: мой Иисус (Tvordo ya veryu: moy Iisus)Fanny Crosby (Author)Russian2
'Twas a moment of holy grandeurFanny Crosby (Author)English2
'Twas a night of long ago when all were sleepingF. J. C. (Author)English5
'Twas good to sit at Jesus' feetFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
'Twas not to the pool of SiloamFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
'Twas the love of Christ our SaviorF. J. C. (Author)English2
'Twill not be long our journey hereFanny J. Crosby (Author)English20
Two kings a war are wagingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Two paths lie before you, which one will you takeF. J. Crosby (Author)English3
У креста хочу стоять (U kresta khochu stoyat')Fanny Crosby (Author)Russian2
Ujmij mą dłonFanny Crosby (Author)Polish2
உலக பந்தம் அறும் நாள் வருமே (Ulaka pantam aṟum nāḷ varumē)Fanny Crosby (Author)Tamil2
Umringt mich die SorgeFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Un día yo he de faltarFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish3
Un gran Salvador es Jesús el SeñorFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish4
Under the blood are my sins of the pastFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Under Thy sacred bannerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Under Thy shadow abidingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Unfurl our temperance bannerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Unfurl the banner of the crossFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Uniambie ya Yesu Fanny Crosby (Author)Swahili1
Unser wartet ein heim voll erhabener prachtFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
உந்தன் பிள்ளை நான் (Untaṉ piḷḷai nāṉ)Fanny Crosby (Author)Tamil2
Unto the Savior honor ascribingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Up and away while the blush of the morningFanny Crosby (Author)English3
Up and onward, Christian soldierSallie Martin (Author)English4
Up and onward, Christian workersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Up and work, behold the morningMrs. Van Alstyne (Author)English3
Up, Christian, lo the trumpet callsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Up for Jesus, up and onwardFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Up with the birds at early dawnFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Up with the dawn of rosy lightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Up with the dewy mornFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Up with the morning, O pilgrim of ZionFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Up with the morning! up and awayFannie (Author)English2
Up with the morning's blushing rayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Usinipite MwokoziFanny Crosby (Author)Swahili2
വൻ ചെയ്തികൾക്കായ് സ്തോത്രം ദൈവത്തിനു (Van ceytikaḷkkāy stēātraṁ daivattinu)Fanny Crosby (Author)Malayalam2
Valley of Eden, beyond the seaFanny J. Crosby (Author)English11
வந்தோம் வந்தோம் யாம் எல்லோரும் வல்ல நாதா உம் இல்லம்Fanny Crosby (Author)Tamil2
Vår Gud vere aera, for han vann oss von!Fanny Crosby (Author)Norwegian2
വേലക്കു, വേലക്കു, ദൈവദാസന്മാർ നാം (Vēlakku, vēlakku, daivadāsanmār nāṁ)Fanny Crosby (Author)Malayalam2
Ven a la fuente de vidaFanny Crosby (Author)Spanish2
Venid a mí los tristesFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)Spanish5
Verlornes Kind, o sag, warumFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Very precious, O my SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Vi frelste nu erFanny J. Crosby (Author)Danish2
Victory through JesusFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Victory, victory, glorious victory, Onward, soldiers of the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
வீணாய் கைகள் கட்டி நின்றே (Vīṇāy kaikaḷ kaṭṭi niṉṟē)Fanny Crosby (Author)Tamil2
Vivo feliz, pois Jesus é Luz!Fanny Crosby (Author)Portuguese2
Voices, happy voicesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Voran, voran, im ChristenlaufFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
Vorwärts, aufwärts, Christi StreiterFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Vreau s’am pe Isus cu mineFanny Crosby (Author)Romanian2
Всевышнему слава! Он нас оправдал (Vsevyshnemu slava! On nas opravdal)Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)Russian2
Wacht auf, steht auf! der Meister ruft uns jetzt, drum horchtFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Während droben an dem HimmelFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Wait on the Lord, thy RedeemerF. J. C. (Author)English2
Wait on the Lord, wait patientlyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Waiting, watching and longingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Wake a song of gladnessFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Wake, and hear the gospel trumpetFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Wake every tuneful stringFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Wake from thy drowsy sleep, Yonder the day, yonder the dayFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Wake, listening skies, and tell the wondrous storyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Wake the joyful, joyful layFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Wake thou, my harp, O mighty LoveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Walk in the beautiful sunshineFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
Walking in his righteousness, the King of kingsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Walking with Jesus, my Savior divineFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Walking with Jesus our SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Walking with my Savior in the sunshineFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Wanderer, come home, you are slighting a SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Wanderer, come, there's room for theeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Wanderer from thy Father's houseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Wanderer, Jesus is callingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Wandering child, thy day is waningFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Wanderer, come to the only refugeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Wär' gleich blutrot die SündeFanny J. Crosby (Author)German6
Washed in the blood that was shed on the treeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Watch and pray that when the Master comethFanny J. Crosby (Author)English25
Watch with Jesus every hourFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Watchman on the walls of Zion, Tell, O tell, us of the nightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Wave aloft the temperance bannerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Wave the royal banner, raise the standard highFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Wave the temperance bannerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We adore Thee, O Lord, for the wonderful graceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We are a band of merry childrenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
We are a group of happy childrenMiss Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
We are bought through Jesus and to Him the praiseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We are bought with a price by the Lamb that was slainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
We are buds of promise fairFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
We are building day by dayF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
We are building in sorrow, and building in joyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
We are but little candlesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
We are children, happy childrenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
We are children, happy little childrenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We are children of a King Marching on to ZionFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
We are coming home to JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
We are coming in our gladnessFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We are coming once again, where we oft have metFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
We are coming, one and all, At the welcome Sabbath callFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We are coming, we are coming, O ye glad ones aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We are drifting towards the watersFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
We are fighting for prohibitionFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We are going away, some sweet glad dayFanny Crosby (Author)English1
We are going forth to the world's great fieldFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
We are going forth with our staff in handF. J. Crosby (Author)English9
We are going home rejoicingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
We are going, we are going To a home beyond the skiesFanny Crosby (Author)English21
We are happy children, Shall we tell you whyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We are happy gleaners In the field belowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We are hungry, Lord behold usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
We are little busy beesFanny Crosby (Author)English1
We are little children, Learning how to prayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
We are little children of aFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We are little children, Very young indeedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English11
We are little friends of JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We are little jewels, Brightly we will shineIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
We are little pansies, seeking for the dayIda Scott Taylor (Author)English3
We are looking away from the vale of timeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We are made perfect through sufferingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We are marching on like an army strongFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
We are marching on to glory, We are marching on to glory (Crosby)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We are marching on with a cheerful treadCarrie M. Wilson (Author)English3
We are marching on with shield and banner brightFrances J. Crosby (Author)English30
We are marching onward to the heavenly landFanny Crosby (Author)English2
We are marching through the world's great fieldFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
We are marching through the world with our colors now unfurledFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We are marching to a cityFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We are never, never weary of the grand old songFanny J. Crosby (Author)English67
We are on our march to gloryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We are pilgrims looking homeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
We are pilgrims traveling homewardFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We are ransomed by a King, and His mandate we receiveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We are sailing to the Christian's portFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We are singing, we are singingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
We are soldiers of a King (Crosby)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We are strangers like our fathers on the shores of timeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We are tenting today, where for years we have metFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We are traveling home to a goodly landFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
We are traveling on with our staff in handFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
We are traveling on through a world of sinFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
We are traveling on to the city of the blestFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
We are waiting, blessed Savior F. J. Crosby (Author)English5
We bless Thy name, O Lord, While in Thy house we meetFanny Crosby (Author)English1
We can learn a useful lessonFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We cannot fold our hands at easeFanny Crosby (Author)English3
We cannot wash our sins awayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We come a joyful bandFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We come again, dear SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We come again in bonds of love, an army strongFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
We come again, O gracious LordFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
We come, blessed Lord, in youth's bright morningF. J. C. (Author)English2
We come in His name, our Redeemer and LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We come in our weakness, we come in our needFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
We come, O Lord, to TheeF. J. Crosby (Author)English3
We come once again our Redeemer to meetF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
We come to ask Thy blessing, LordFanny Crosby (Author)English1
We come to be blest by our Savior tonightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We come, we come, an army strongFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
We come, we come, O gracious LordFanny Crosby (Author)English1
We come with smiling facesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
We come, with songs rejoicingIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
We gather again in the name of our LordF. J. Crosby (Author)English3
We gather in thy temple, LordFanny Crosby (Author)1
We gather rejoicing, we gather once moreFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We gathered round our fatherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We glory in the cross, Praise the Lord, praise the LordFanny Crosby (Author)English1
We greet one and allFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We have a firm foundationFanny Crosby (Author)English2
We have a home eternalFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
We have a Savior kind and trueIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
We have a tender Shepherd as kind as He can beFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We have been toiling, dear Master, todayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We have heard of a land on whose blue, ether skiesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
We have heard of the mansions in gloryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
We have met once more in the Master's nameFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
We have taken up the cross for the Master's sakeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
We have taken up the cross, we have girded on the swordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We hear in the morning, we hear in the nightF. J. C. (Author)English2
We journey through a wildernessFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We joyfully wake our choral layFanny Crosby (Author)English2
We know, dear Lord, thy gracious earFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
We know not the trials before usFrancis Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English5
We know not why our path at timesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We know, our Redeemer, Thy presence is hereFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We know that Jesus came on earthFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We lift our hearts to Thee, Thou glorious majestyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
We love our home, our Sabbath homeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
We love to gather at eveningFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
We love to sing of Jesus, He does so much we knowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We love to tell of Him who cameFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We march to the field with the sword and shieldFanny Crosby (Author)English1
We march with glad devotionFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We may trust in every wayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We met like the early disciplesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We must be born againFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We must not break God's holy lawFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We must watch for the good we may gatherFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We must work and pray together In the vineyard of the LordFanny Crosby (Author)English3
We need, O Lord, Thy grace divineFanny Crosby (Author)English2
We never grow weary of telling The story of Jesus our KingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We praise, adore, and bless theeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We praise our Creator for moments so brightFanny Crosby (Author)English2
We praise thee, blessed SaviorIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
We praise thee in thy holinessFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
We praise Thee, O Lord, for the bountiful harvestFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
We praise thee, our Father and FriendFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We praise Thee, we bless Thee, our Father and FriendFanny Crosby (Author)English4
We praise thee, we bless thee, our Savior divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
We praise Thy name, dear SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We shall all clasp hands in glory By and byFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
We shall cross the rolling tide, by and by, by and byFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
We shall meet bye and byeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We shall reach the summer landF. J. Crosby (Author)English29
We should never be discouragedFanny Crosby (Author)English4
We sing of a beautiful cityFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We sing of a glorious morrowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We sing of a land that is lovely and brightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We sing of a land where the servants of GodFanny Crosby (Author)English3
We sing of bright mansions in gloryF. J. Crosby (Author)English2
We sing of homes in gloryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We sing of the joys that await usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We thank our God and FatherFanny Crosby (Author)English1
We thank thee, dear Father, for what we have heardFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We thank Thee, Lord, for every joyFanny Crosby (Author)English1
We thank Thee, Lord, that childrenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We thank Thee, O Lord, for a Sabbath of restFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
We thank thee, our Father, for all we have heardFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
We thank thee, our Father, we thank thee todayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We walk by faith, and O how sweetFanny J. Crosby (Author)English28
We welcome this beautiful Sabbath of restFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
We welcome with delightFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
We welcome you all and our greeting shall beFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
We will rally round the banner of our heavenly KingFanny Crosby (Author)English1
We will shine for JesusIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
We will sing and make a joyful noise to GodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We will sing the old, old story, Though you ask for something newFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We won't give up the Bible, God's holy book divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Weak and sinful, O my FatherFanny (Author)English3
Weary and thirsty, O why wilt thou roam?Fanny Crosby (Author)English1
Weary child by sin oppressedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Weary child, thy sin forsakingFanny Crosby (Author)English17
Weary in spirit, whenever I standFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Weary not, my brother, Cheerful be thy songFanny Crosby (Author)English13
Weary not, O troubled soulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Weary of wandering, sorrow opprestFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Weary one from God astrayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Weary pilgrim, look to JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Weary soul, be not discouragedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Weary wanderer over the mainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English17
Weary wanderer, stop and listenFanny Crosby (Author)English5
Weit wie MeereswogenFanny Crosby (Alterer)German2
Weiter und weiter vom HeilandFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Welch ein lieber, treuer Freund ist JesusFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Welcome a guest that is nighFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Welcome hour that finds us hereFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Welcome, welcome, friend and pastorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Welcome, welcome, O RedeemerFanny Crosby (Author)English2
We'll give our hearts to JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
We'll hope in the midstLily (Author)English2
Well I remember the village bellFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We'll never lay down our armorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Wenn der Menschensohn erscheinet und den goldnen Morgen bringtFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Wenn Jesus kommt, um sein Volk zu lohnenFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Wenn Jesus kommt, wird Er wachend findenFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Wenn mein Stuendlein gekommenFanny Crosby (Author)German2
We're a little junior bandFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We're cleansed by the bloodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We're climbing the mountainFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
We're saved by the blood That was drawn from the sideFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
We're soldiers of an armyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
We're traveling on the heavenward wayIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
We're very tiny, yet we knowIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
We're winning the world for JesusIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
We've a little song for JesusFanny Crosby (Author)English1
We've been singing, we've been singingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
We've listed in the royal ranks, and girded on the swordFanny Crosby (Author)English1
We've something sweet to tellIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
What a comfort is JesusIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
What a joy to cast my burden on the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
What a joyous time to meetFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
What a shout was heard in the realms of lightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
What can fill my soul with joyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
What have I done for Thee, Jesus, my LordFanny Crosby (Author)English3
What I am, Thine eye can seeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
What of the night, O watchman? What are the signs afar?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
What of the night, O watchman? sayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
What precious things the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
What shall I do for JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
What shall I do to win my boyFanny Crosby (Author)English1
What shall I do, where shall I flee?Fanny Crosby (Author)English6
What shall it profit me by and by, O what shall it profit me then?Fannie J. Crosby (Author)English3
What! sitting at ease when there's work to be doneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
What will it matter, by and by, What will it mater, by and byFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
What will you do with Jesus? Think well ere you decideFanny Crosby (Author)English1
What wilt thou have us doFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
What wonderful words in the gospel of graceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Whate'er my afflictions or trials may beFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English4
Whatever you do, wherever you goFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Whatsoever we ask of JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When across the ocean wideFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
When all Thy mercies, Lord, reviewingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
When at morn we wake from sleepFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When cheerful we meetFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When Christ came in all his gloryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When Christ, the Son of God, aroseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
When clouds hang darkly over my wayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
When countless numbers came to shareFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
When dark the night, and onlyFanny Crosby (Author)English1
When doubt and conflict weigh me downFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
When doubts and fears, like gathering cloudsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
When faints the heart beneath the heavy burdenFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When I have finished my journey on earthFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
When I read the olden storyIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
When I sit alone at close of dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When I sit and think of JesusIda Scott Taylor (Author)English1
When in Jesus we believeFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)2
When in the likeness of JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
When Jesus comes to reward His servantsFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)English259
When Jesus laid His crown asideFanny J. Crosby (Author)English28
When lost among the wild, dark mountainsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English10
When my journey past, I am safe at lastFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
When my lifework is ended, and I cross the swelling tideFanny Crosby (Author)English241
When my spirit droops and faltersFanny Crosby (Author)English1
When my strength had well nigh fledFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
When my warfare is accomplishedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
When my way is hedged about meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
When our hearts are united to GodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When our hearts are wearyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
When our march is dreary, and hearts are wearyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
When our Savior in His gloryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
When our shattered bark is rockingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
When our vessel is rocked on the ocean of lifeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
When our voyage of life is endedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When our way is hedged about usFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
When parting tears our cheeks bedewFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
When pleasure crowns the festive sceneFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When silent falls the gushing tearFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
When tempests of sorrow ariseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
When the blush of morning lightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When the brave and hardy seamanFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When the clouds hang dark and heavyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
When the Comforter comes there is joy and peaceFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When the dark shadows are fallingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
When the dewy light was fadingF. J. Crosby (Author)English4
When the fair hills of promiseFanny Crosby (Author)English1
When the golden shadows dieF. J. C. (Author)English3
When the heart is in tune, its trembling chordsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
When the heart is wearyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When the heart made pure is the temple of the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
When the hearts we fondly cherishFanny Crosby (Author)English3
When the hopes that smile todayFanny Crosby (Author)English7
When the Lord Jehovah led His ancient peopleFanny Crosby (Author)English4
When the Lord went forthFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
When the Lord went forth with aFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When the Lord with His angels descendingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
When the moon is beamingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When the morning breaks in splendorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
When the morning light shall breakFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When the roses of youth all their beauty displayFanny Crosby (Author)English3
When the Savior shall come in His gloryFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When the sheep have all been gatheredFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
When the silver cord is broken, And we bid our friends, "farewell"F. J. Crosby (Author)English4
When the trump of the great archangelFanny J. Crosby (Author)English24
When the veil from our eyes shall be lifted (Crosby)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When the voyage of life is endedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
When the wintry winds are blowing, And all nature seeks reposeFanny Crosby (Author)English1
When tossing on the billowsFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
When we all get home, O happy, happy dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
When we gather in our Sunday schoolFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
When we hear the distant murmurFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
When we list to the chimeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
When we meet safe at home in the morningFanny Crosby (Author)English1
When we name the name of JesusFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
When we reach the royal city and our eyes behold the KingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
When we turn to God and leave our path of sinFanny J. Crosby (Author)English9
Where art thou, where art thouFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Where is now the happy circleFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Where is your passport to life aboveFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Where my Redeemer leads me, There will I goF. J. Crosby (Author)English5
Where my Savior's hand is guidingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Where my Shepherd leads I'll followFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Where, O where is yon vessel goingF. J. C. (Author)English4
Where shall I go, my Savior, O where but to Thee?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Where shall we go, when the heart is oppressedCarrie M. Wilson (Author)English1
Where the cloud of glory, restingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Where Thou dost bid me comeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Wherefore should our heart be troubledFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Which way will you journey? O pause and decideFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
While saints and angels cry aloudFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
While struggling through this vale of tearsFanny Crosby (Author)English3
While the golden scepter waitsF. J. C. (Author)English2
While the spring of youth so lovelyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
While the sun's bright raysFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
While to Zion we are marchingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
While we walk by faith in the King's highwayFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Whither are you going, pilgrims of a dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English8
Whither, pilgrims, are you going?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English37
Whithersoever Thou goest Let me Thy footsteps attendFrancis Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)English10
Who is ready, who will sayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Whole-hearted thanksgiving to Thee I will bringFanny J. Crosby (Author (refrain))English1
Whom have I in heaven above, Only Thee, my SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Whosoever will come to meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Whosoever, word of promiseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Why am I troubled though billows may rollFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Why art thou waiting till another dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Why cling to earth though sweet and fairFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Why do the holy angels singFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Why do we linger, we haveLILY (Author)English7
Why do you wait, when all things are readyC. J. F. (Author)English5
Why forbid them, Jesus saidFanny J. Crosby (Author)English6
Why is thy harp on the willowFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Why labor for treasures that rust and decayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Why labor for wealth that willFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Why not believe? O hear the Spirit pleadingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Why not come to Jesus? How can you slight and grieve Him?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Why not let the Savior lead us?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Why should our hearts repineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Why should we think of deathFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Why sit we down at ease in ZionFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Why unbelieving, why wilt thou spurnFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Why waitest thou, O burdened soulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Why will you roam far from your homeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Wie froh bin ich, dass Jesus kamFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Wiki e, wiki e hele aku anoFanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 (Author)Hawaiian3
Will you come, will you come, with your poor broken heartFanny J. Crosby (Author)English148
Will you come with us to JesusCarrie M. Wilson (Author)English1
Will you go? will you go to that beautiful city?Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Wir bringen die Botschaft von JesusFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Wir ergreifen all unsre Waff' und WehrFanny J. Crosby (Author)German2
With a perfect salvation, through Jesus our LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
With a steadfast faith together let us walk In the Lord's divine commandFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
With cheerful songs and hymns of praiseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
With filial love we cling to theeFanny Crosby (Author)English2
With gentle hand He leadeth meFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
With gladsome hearts our praise we bringFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
With Jesus ever nearCarrie M. Wilson (Author)English1
With joy the olive leaf we twineIda Scott Taylor (Author)English2
With our banners and shields, like an armyFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
With our Savior close beside us Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English3
With shield and banner waving brightFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
With steadfast faith I cling to TheeFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
With the beams that softly fadedFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
With the eyes of our faith on the hill of the LordFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
With the past again returningFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
With warm affection let us viewFanny J. Crosby (Author)6
With you alway, what a promiseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Within a courtroom's crowded wallsFanny Crosby (Author)English2
Within my breast is peace and restFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Within the gates, the wondrous gatesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Within the royal cityFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
我的詩歌是耶穌,憐憫冠我一生 (Wǒ de shīgē shì yēsū, liánmǐn guān wǒ yīshēng)Fanny Crosby (Author)Chinese3
我們不會疲倦不唱這首舊詩章;(Wǒmen bù huì píjuàn bù chàng zhèshǒu jiùshī zhāng;) Fanny Crosby (Author)Chinese2
我豈可再冷淡退後,使神聖靈終日擔憂 (Wǒ qǐkě zài lěngdàn tuì hòu, shǐ shén shènglíng zhōngrì dānyōu)Fanny Crosby (Author)Chinese1
我主,只有你的聖靈 (Wǒ zhǔ, zhǐyǒu nǐ de shènglíng)Fanny Crosby (Author)Chinese1
Wohin, Pilger, geht die ReiseFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Wohin wollt ihr, Pilger, ziehenFanny Crosby (Author)German1
Wonderful love that found usFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Wonderful love, treasure divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Wonderful Savior, blessed RedeemerFanny J. Crosby (Author)English13
Wonderful Savior, to love us so wellFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Wonderful tidings mercy is bearingSallie E. Smith (Author)English2
Wonderful, wonderful Savior divineFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Work and pray, O work and prayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Work watch and pray, the passing hour improvingFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Working for the Master, Working all the dayFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Working in the vineyard, working all the dayFrances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (Author)English4
Would you be forever blestFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Would you in wisdom and righteousness growFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Would you win a Savior's blessingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Wouldst thou be saved? No time to loseFanny J. Crosby (Author)English5
Wouldst thou find a friend to love theeFanny Crosby (Author)English4
Wrecked on the billow, rent by the galeFanny Crosby (Author)English4
يا مخلصي اصحبنيFanny Crosby (Author)Arabic1
Ye armies of the living GodFanny J. Crosby (Author)English3
Ye heralds of salvation Thy joyful news proclaimFanny Crosby (Author)English1
Ye souls of the faithful that are vainly pursuingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
耶穌發慈聲要召你回來 (Yēsū fā cí shēng yào zhào nǐ huílái)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Chinese2
예 수 나 를 위 하 여 (Jesus shed his blood for me, Bore for our salvation)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)English, Korean1
耶穌是我的,我有把握 (Yēsū shì wǒ de, wǒ yǒu bǎwò)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Chinese2
耶穌要來獎賞祂的僕人,或早或晚時不定 (Yēsū yào lái jiǎngshǎng tā de pú rén, huò zǎo huò wǎn shí bùdìng)Fanny Crosby (Author)Chinese2
Yes, a brighter morn is breakingFannie Crosby (Author)English1
Yes, I know thou art prayingFanny J. Crosby (Author)English4
Yes, we bid you welcome hereFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Yes, we will praise him, our wonderful SaviorFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Yesu atakaporudi tena Fanny Crosby (Author)Swahili1
യേശു എൻ സ്വന്തം ഹല്ലേലുയ്യാ! (Yēśu en svantaṁ hallēluyyā!)Fanny Crosby (Author)Malayalam2
Yesu mkononi mwakoFanny Crosby (Author)Swahili2
Yesu unihifadhi Fanny Crosby (Author)Swahili1
예수로 나의구주 삼고 성령과 피로 써서 듭나니 이 세상에서 내영혼이 하늘의 영광 누리로다 (Yesulo nauiguju samgo seonglyeong-gwa pilo sseoseo deubnani i sesang-eseo naeyeonghon-i haneul-ui yeong-gwang nuliloda)Fanny Crosby (Author)Korean2
一路我蒙救主引領 (Yīlù wǒ méng jiù zhǔ yǐnlǐng)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Chinese2
Yield while the Spirit isFanny J. Crosby (Author)English2
Yielded to God my body, soul and spiritFanny J. Crosby (Author)English7
Yonder the palace where dwelleth a KingFanny Crosby (Author)English2
永不灰心,永不沮喪 (Yǒng bù huīxīn, yǒng bù jǔsàng)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Chinese2
You are under condemnation, careless sinnerFanny Crosby (Author)English2
有福的 确据, 耶稣属我, 何等的荣耀 向我显明 (Yǒufú díquè jù, yēsū shǔ wǒ, héděng de róngyào xiàng wǒ xiǎnmíng)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Chinese3
有日銀鍊將要折斷 (Yǒu rìyín liàn jiāngyào zhéduàn)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Chinese2
Youthful voices, happy voicesFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Yupo Mungu wa neema Fanny Crosby (Author)Swahili1
讚祂!讚祂!讚美耶穌,我救贖主 (Zàn tā! Zàn tā! Zànměi yēsū, wǒ jiùshú zhǔ)Fanny Crosby (Author)Chinese2
主是我永遠的福分 (Zhǔ shì wǒ yǒngyuǎn de fú fen)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Chinese4
主,我是屬你,我聽你宣告 (Zhǔ, wǒ shì shǔ nǐ, wǒ tīng nǐ xuāngào)Fanny J. Crosby (Author)Chinese2
Ziehe doch, O Gott der GnadeFanny Crosby (Author)German2
Zieht frisch hinauf und nehmt es einFanny J. Crosby (Author)German1
Zion, thy temple, how lovely and beautifulFanny J. Crosby (Author)English1
Zion's mount His royal seatF. J. C. (Author)English3
Zoti më zgjodhi! Ç’hir qenka kjo!Fanny Crosby (Author)Albanian2

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