1 Star of Bethlehem, thy glory
Long has been the lofty theme
Of sublimest song and story
Of our Lord and king supreme;
Still thy radiance seems to linger
In the eastern evening sky,
And with bright prophetic finger
Points to blissful realms on high.
2 Star of Bethlehem, blest emblem,
Of the Prince of life and light,
Seen of wise men, thou didst guide them
Thro’ the long and cheerless night;
Resting o’er the lowly manger,
Where the Savior’s bed was made,
Shepherd Jew and Gentile stranger,
At His feet their offerings laid.
3 Star of Bethlehem! How glorious!
Herald of the infant King,
Who, o’er sin and death victorious,
Shall His saints to glory bring;
Star of hope for every nation,
Let thy beams each soul inflame;
Light and life, and full salvation,
Dwell within thy sacred name.