29. Hymn for Baptism

1 Let Heav'n and Earth rejoice,
And sacred anthems raise,
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
For free and sovereign grace.

2 Behold the spotless Lamb,
Descending from above,
To bring the earthly stranger home,
Upon the wings of love.

3 O may our souls rejoice,
His precepts to obey;
Who to fulfil all righteousness,
Mark'd out the humble way.

4 Thus Jesus did descend
Into the liquid stream;
Which teaches sinners not to scorn
What him so well became.

5 O may we then march on,
Nor fear what men shall say;
Deny ourselves and take our cross,
Since Jesus leads the way.

6 We dare no longer stand,
As neuters to the cause;
But by the help of grace, we'll yield
Obedience to thy laws.

7 Into the watry tomb,
We cheerfully descend;
In token of our faith and love,
To our celestial friend.

8 Lord meet us here this day,
Who come to do thy will:
Grant us thy presence dearest Lord,
Thy promis'd grace fulfil.

9 Descend O heav'nly dove,
And wing our souls away,
Up to that bright and happy shore
Of everlasting day.

10 This day I'll make my choice
To serve the Lord most high;
Deny myself, take up the cross,
And do it cheerfully.

Text Information
First Line: Let Heav'n and Earth rejoice
Title: Hymn for Baptism
Language: English
Publication Date: 1800
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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