382. O Lord my God, I cry to Thee!

1 0 LORD my God, I cry to Thee!
In my distress Thou helpest me.
My soul and body I commend
Into Thy hands; Thine angel send
To guide me home, and cheer my heart,
When Thou dost call me to depart.

2 0 Jesus Christ, Thou Lamb of God,
Once slain to take away our load!
Now let Thy cross, Thine agony,
Avail to save and solace me;
Thy death to open heaven, and there
Bid me the joy of angels share.

3 0 Holy Spirit, at the end,
Sweet Comforter, be Thou my Friend!
When death and hell assail me sore,
Leave me, O leave me nevermore,
But bear me safely through the strife,
As Thou hast promised, into life!

Text Information
First Line: O Lord my God, I cry to Thee!
Meter: L. M. 61.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1893
Topic: Death and Burial
Notes: C. Winkworth, Tr. a.; German: O Herre Gott, in meiner Not - Dr. N. Selneccer, 1587
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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