8. Except Ye Repent

1. Have you ever closed your heart
To the Saviour's tender claim?
Have you ever taken part
With the world against His name?

Lo! He calls for your repentance
Now, poor wand'rer, tempest-tossed,
Hear the Master's solemn message:
"Come, repent, or you are lost."

2. Have you heard how Jesus died
On the cross that you might live?
Have you scorned the crimson tide
Which eternal life can give? [Chorus]

3. Why in blindness do you wait,
Wand'ring farther from the light,
Loving things which you should hate,
Sinking deeper into night? [Chorus]

4. Soon the summer days will go,
And the harvest time be past,
Then will cease His pleading low,
And your doom be sealed at last. [Chorus]

5. Oh, the tree that bears no fruit
Cannot always cumb'ring grow,
For His blade will smite the root,
And its beauty be laid low. [Chorus]

Text Information
First Line: Have you ever closed your heart
Title: Except Ye Repent
Author: Mrs. T. M. Griffin
Refrain First Line: Lo! He calls for your repentance
Publication Date: 1888
Tune Information
Name: [Have you ever closed your heart]
Composer: Rev. W. E. Penn
Key: F Major

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