1 Dear Saviour, thro’ grace we have promised
With rev’rence to honor Thy laws,
To go as Thy word has commanded,
And work for Thy kingdom and cause.
To those who are mourning in sorrow,
Glad tidings of joy to proclaim,
To stand by the Church Thou hast purchased,
The church that is called by Thy name.
Dear Saviour, thro’ grace we have promised
With rev’rence to honor Thy laws,
To go as Thy word has commanded,
And work for Thy kingdom and cause.
2 Dear Saviour, thro’ grace we have promised
To rescue the poor and oppressed,
To care for the weak and the fainting,
And point to their refuge and rest.
Wherever the field of our labor,
Its duties together we’ll share,
And patiently carry our burdens
To Thee, our Redeemer, in prayer. [Refrain]
3 Dear Saviour, thro’ grace we have promised
Thy faithful disciples to be,
To find our delight in Thy service,
And give ourselves wholly to Thee.
And then when at sunset Thou callest
To yonder blest mansions above,
We’ll lay down the sheaves we have gathered,
And hear Thy sweet welcome of love. [Refrain]