25. I Know He is Mine

1 I know one kind Shepherd, a true, faithful Guide,
Who for man’s redemption was once crucified;
The Friend of friendless, the God-man divine;
This infinite King of the ages is mine.

I know he is mine, yes, I know he is mine,
A Brother most human, and yet most divine;
And tho’ all the armies of evil combine,
They shall not prevail, for this Jesus is mine.

2 O, where can I find such a wonderful Friend,
Whose love is so constant, so strong to defend?
The cords of affection so closely entwine,
Our hearts beat as one, for this Savior is mine. [Refrain]

3 Thro’out endless ages, this song I will sing,
“All glory to Jesus, my Shepherd and King;”
To him I’m united as branch to the vine;
And O, I am sure that this Savior is mine. [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: I know one kind Shepherd, a true, faithful Guide
Title: I Know He is Mine
Author: T. H.
Refrain First Line: I know he is mine, yes, I know he is mine
Language: English
Publication Date: 1916


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