678. O holy Lord our God

1 O Holy Lord, our God,
By heavenly hosts adored,
Hear us, we pray:
To Thee the cherubim,
Angels and seraphim,
Unceasing homage bring,
Their homage pay.

2 Here give Thy word success;
And this Thy servant bless,
His labors own;
And, while the sinner's Friend,
His life and words commend,
Thy Holy Spirit send,
And make Him known.

3 May every passing year
More happy still appear
Than this glad day;
With numbers fill the place,
Adorn Thy saints with grace;
Thy truth may all embrace,
O Lord, we pray.

4 O Lord, our God, arise;
And now before our eyes,
Thy arm make bare;
Unite our hearts in love;
Till, raised to heaven above,
We all its fulness prove,
And praise Thee there.


Text Information
First Line: O holy Lord our God
Author: J. Young (1843)
Publication Date: 1895
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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