99. I See Thee Stand, O Lamb Of God

1 I see Thee stand, O Lamb of God
On Zion's mountain peak;
But oh, the path that Thou has trod
So long, so hard, so bleak!
On Thee was laid the weight and blame
Of all our sin and shame;
How deep Thou sankest in our woe
No man can ever know.

2 O spotless Lamb that on the tree
Received the cruel wound!
O boundless love! to set us free
He in our chains was bound.
He wore and broke our prison bands
With pierced feet and hands;
A victor bold, the tomb He broke,
Gave death its mortal stroke.

3 Behold them stand around His throne,
Those legions snowy white;
Each eye is gleaming like the sun
At this most wondrous sight.
The story of grim Calvary,
On which He made us free,
Is still among the angels' throng
The noblest, sweetest song.

4 Twelve thousand twelve are holding now
Their harps before the throne,
The Father's name upon each brow
Marks them the Savior's own.
As mighty, rushing billows roar,
They shout forevermore:
To Him who won us from our plight
Be glory, praise and might!

5 We thank Thee, Father, for Thy love
To Adam's fallen race;
Thou sentest Jesus from above
To die in sinners' place.
Praise we His name with fleeting breath,
Praise Him in life and death;
To Him who suffered on the tree
Praise through eternity.

Text Information
First Line: I see Thee stand, O Lamb of God
Title: I See Thee Stand, O Lamb Of God
Author: H. A. Brorson
Meter: 8, 6, 8L.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1928
Topic: Passion and Easter
Notes: Danish first line: Jeg ser dig, sødeLam, at staa; D. G. M. Bach
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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