517. Where Is the Friend for Whom I'm Ever Yearning?

1 Where is the Friend for whom I'm ever yearning?
My longing grows when day to night is turning;
And though I find Him not as day recedeth,
My heart still pleadeth.

2 His hand I see in every force and power,
Where waves the harvest and where blooms the flower;
In every breath I draw, my spirit burneth:
His love discerneth.

3 When summer winds blow gently, then I hear Him;
Where sing the birds, where rush the streams, I'm near Him;
But nearer still when in my heart He blesses
Me with caresses.

4 And yet, to hide Him, oft a cloud prevaileth;
My prayer can reach Him, but my vision faileth.
Would I could see His face and heart so loving,
And cease my roving.

5 O where such beauty is itself revealing
In all that lives, through all creation stealing,
What must the Source be whence it comes, the Giver?
Beauty forever.

6 Be strong, my soul; hope, pray, await His favor,
And thou shalt know the sweetness of thy Saviour;
When in His gentle arms secure He holds thee,
His love enfolds thee.

7 Soon on that shore where stormy wave ne'er breaketh
The weary dove its final refuge taketh;
The timorous lamb shall by thy Shepherd's favor
Find rest forever.


Text Information
First Line: Where is the Friend for whom I'm ever yearning?
Title: Where Is the Friend for Whom I'm Ever Yearning?
Author: Johan Olaf Wallin
Publication Date: 1937
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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