268. O thou who didst prepare

1 O Thou Who didst prepare
The ocean's sounding deep,
And bid the gath'ring waters there
In mighty concourse sweep:

2 Toss'd in our reeling bark
On this tumultuous sea,
Thy wondrous ways, O Lord, we mark,
And lift our hearts to Thee.

3 Jesus is nigh, Who trod
Of old that foaming spray,
Whose billows own'd th'incarnate God,
And died in calm away.

4 Though swells the threatening tide,
Mounting to heaven above,
We know in Whom our souls confide,
And fearless trust His love.

Text Information
First Line: O thou who didst prepare
Meter: S. M.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1871
Topic: Offices of the Church: For Those at Sea
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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