33. My God, thy boundless love I praise

1 My God, thy boundless love I praise;
How bright on high its glories blaze!
How sweetly bloom below!
It streams from thy eternal throne;
Through heav'n its joys for ever run,
And o'er the earth they flow.

2 'Tis love that paints the purple morn,
And bids the clouds, in air upborne,
Their genial drops distil;
In ev'ry vernal beam it glows,
And breathes in ev'ry gale that blows,
And glides in every rill.

3 It robes in cheerful green the ground,
And pours its flowery beauties round,
Whose sweets perfume the gale;
Its bounties richly spread the plain,
The blushing fruit, the golden grain,
And smile on ev'ry vale.

4 But in thy gospel see it shine
With grace and glories more divine,
Proclaiming sins forgiv'n.
There faith, bright cherus, points the way
To realms of everlasting day,
And opens all her heav'n.

5 Then let the love, that makes me blest,
With cheerful praise inspire my breast,
And ardent gratitude;
And all my thoughts and passions tend
To thee, my Father and my Friend,
My soul's eternal good.

Text Information
First Line: My God, thy boundless love I praise
Meter: P. M.
Publication Date: 1828
Topic: Being and Perfections of God; God is Love
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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