685. Praise, happy land! Jehovah's name

1 Praise, happy land! Jehovah's name;
His goodness, and thy bliss proclaim:
For thee each blessing largely flows,
That freedom's lib'ral hand bestows.

2 Thy children are secure and blest;
Thy shores have peace, thy cities rest;
He feeds thy sons with finest wheat,
And adds his blessing to their meat.

3 Thy changing seasons he ordains,
Thine early and thy latter rains;
His flakes of snow like wool he sends,
And well the springing corn defends.

4 But he hath nobler works and ways,
To call his people to his praise:
To all our land his laws are shown;
His gospel's through the nation known.

Text Information
First Line: Praise, happy land! Jehovah's name
Meter: L. M.
Publication Date: 1828
Topic: Public and national Blessings and Afflictions; Thanksgiving
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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