CLXX. God's answer to a sinner complaining of grace delayed

1 Sinner, behold I've heard thy groan,
I know thy heart, thy life I've known;
I've seen thy hope from grace proclaim'd,
Thy trembling fear when Sinai flam'd.

2 To me, the mighty God, attend,
In me behold the sinner's friend;
'Twas I who gave thy conscience voice,
Thou hast oppos'd by sinful choice.

3 Think not to bribe my sov'reign grace,
Nor move me by a sorrowing face;
'Tis thine own heart makes grace delay,
And hides a pard'ning, glorious day.

4 Mov'd by thy fear, and not by love,
Thy daily pray'rs are sent above;
Thou hast not wish'd my will to meet,
Nor lain submissive at my feet.

5 The holy terms of gospel grace,
Have hid my glory from thy face;
To hearts and wills like thine oppos'd
The door of peace is ever clos'd.

6 Should thy proud will at length submit,
With holy sorrow deeply smit,
Thy voice would be the first to say,
I'm glorious in this long delay.

7 Stay, sinner, cease my grace to chide,
Nor think thy moans such sin can hide,
Delay no more, repent and live,
Or meet the death my wrath must give.

Text Information
First Line: Sinner, behold I've heard thy groan
Title: God's answer to a sinner complaining of grace delayed
Meter: L. M.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1799
Topic: God: His answer to a complaining sinner
Tune Information
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