Text:My mother

58. My mother

1 I had a faithful mother,
How oft in childhood's years
She soothed my little troubles,
And kiss'd away my tears!
With every wish I hasten'd,
Instinctive to her side,
Nor dream'd that I could lose her,
My constant faithful guide.

2 I had a praying mother,
She led me to the shrine,
Whence drawing heav'nly wisdom,
She taught me things divine;
Her lamp was trimm'd and burning,
Illuming all the way,
That leads thro' death's dark valley
Up to eternal day.

3 I've now an angel mother,
For she hath left this land,
And found a better country--
A home at God's right hand.
Could she now see my sorrow,
I know she'd pity me;
God, help me to subdue it,
Lest she my sin might see.

4 O had I still a mother,
I'd be more mild and meek;
I'd speak in kindly accents,
As she was wont to speak.
But these are vain resolvings--
I'll try to prove more true
To those whom God hath spared me,
Ere they are angels, too.

Text Information
First Line: I had a faithful mother
Title: My mother
Language: English
Publication Date: 1855
Tune Information
Composer: Mozart
Meter: 7s & 6s
Key: F Major or modal

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