Lord, You Have Searched Me
Copyright Information
- Text Copyright
- © 1987 Faith Alive Christian Resources
- Tune Copyright
- Public Domain
- Reprint/Projection Information
- Words: Permitted with a license from CCLI.com or from OneLicense.net. If you do not own one of these licenses, please contact the copyright holder for permission.
- Music: The Music is in the Public Domain; you do not need permission to project or reprint the Music.
Scripture References
Thematically related:
st. 1 =
st. 2 =
st. 3 =
st. 4 =
st. 5 =
Further Reflections on Scripture References
A versification of much of Psalm 139, "LORD, You Have Searched Me" comes from the 1912 Psalter; Marie J. Post (PHH 5) modified it in 1986 for the Psalter Hymnal. Stanzas 1 and 5, following verses 1 and 23-24 of the biblical text, frame the entire psalm. See PHH 139 for further commentary on Psalm 139.
Psalter Hymnal Handbook
Confessions and Statements of Faith References
Further Reflections on Confessions and Statements of Faith References
Stanzas 3 and 4 of this song express the wonder of knowing the creator God. In a similar way, Belgic Confession, Article 12 says in a spirit of awe: “God has given all creatures their being, form and appearance and their various functions for serving their Creator.”
Our World Belongs to God, paragraph 10 testifies that we are “made in God’s image to live in loving communion with our Maker...”
Later, Our World Belongs to God, paragraph 44 confesses: “…life is a gift from God…” that we receive “thankfully with reverence for the Creator.”