The refrain presents the theme of the text: "If ever I loved thee, my Jesus, 'tis now” a testimony of fervent love for the Savior, a personal love that chooses for Christ and against sin (st. 1), a thankful love for Christ's salvation, a love born in response "because he first loved us" (1 John 4:19; st. 2), and a love that leads through death (st. 3) to a vision of glory in heaven (st. 4) .
Psalter Hymnal Handbook
When Christians gather in worship, they are quick to testify of their love for the Lord who loved them. First, Our World Belongs to God, paragraph 36 claims that “our new life in Christ is celebrated and nourished in the fellowship of congregations, where we praise Gods name...”
And we know that we are safe in Christ’s love for we will experience “endless delight” in “heaven so bright” (stanza 3). Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 22, Question and Answer 58 claims that “after this life I will have perfect blessedness such as no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no human heart has ever imagined: a blessedness in which to praise God forever.”