In Great Thanksgiving

Scripture References

Confessions and Statements of Faith References

Further Reflections on Confessions and Statements of Faith References

The Canons of Dort V, 13 explain that our assurance of eternal security and perseverance cannot “produce immorality or lack of concern for godliness in those put back on their feet after a fall, but it produces a much greater concern to observe carefully the way which the Lord prepared in advance” and it is “an incentive to a serious and continuous practice of thanksgiving and good works...” (Canons of Dort V, 12) Therefore, this sub-section contains songs which express both the desire and the commitment of the believer to walk in obedience for holy living. Woven throughout these songs are expressions of fervent desire for holy living, a dedication to follow God’s will, a surrender of one’s will, and prayers for the Holy Spirit to continue his sanctifying work.


In Great Thanksgiving


By Christ’s power
our old selves are crucified, put to death, and buried with him,
so that the evil desires of the flesh
may no longer rule us,
but that instead we may offer ourselves
as a sacrifice of gratitude to him.
—Heidelberg Catechism, Q&A 43
— Worship Sourcebook Edition Two

Additional Prayers

A Prayer to Celebrate God’s Goodness
Living God, you call, cleanse, and redeem our lives, making us over into the image of your Son. You regenerate the dead, empower the weak, embolden the shy. You seek the lost, feed the hungry, comfort the mournful. You are good beyond our imagining, and we toast your goodness today in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Cornelius Plantinga, Jr.

In Great Thanksgiving

Tune Information

d minor

Musical Suggestion

Moments of harmonic dissonance and a melody that stretches further with each phrase give this song its unique character. It is effectively sung in unison with guitar accompaniment.
— Global Songs for Worship

In Great Thanksgiving

Hymn Story/Background

This is a hymn of thanksgiving for God’s love and the forgiveness of sins, a plea to serve the Lord by seeking the lost, feeding the hungry, and teaching his way of peace and justice. It was written by a husband-and-wife team, Dick Melchizedek M. Solis and Mutya Lopez. Originally, the text “new life here” at the end of the first stanza referred to the dreams of Filipino and other Asian immigrants in the United States searching for prosperity, freedom, and opportunities. But it has been reinterpreted as a celebration of new life in Christ. This hymn, written in the 1970s for the Filipino communities in Salinas in northern California, was collected and recommended by the Filipino Caucus of the United Methodist Church for inclusion in the 1983 Asian American hymnal, Hymns from the Four Winds.
The tune name MALATE refers to an old district in Manila where the Methodist Church was located and where the Solises had served prior to their immigration to the United States. It was written by Mutya in an A = 3 D-minor scale (D = 6 7 1 2 3 4 6) with a flattened 7. Although the tune is in 4/4 time, the rthymic pattern of the opening of each phrase and the modulation to G minor at the appearance of the high Eb (from D = 333 4 3- to D = 666b 7 6-) are reminiscent of the music’s Spanish influence. The accompaniment is in a romantic style. The hymn may be sung as a soprano and alto duet. Be careful of the cross-relationship between F natural and F sharp. The prelude is for introduction only. Sufficient time for breathing is needed at the end of each stanza.
Hymnal Companion to “Sound the Bamboo”: Asian Hymns in Their Cultural and Liturgical Context, p. 263-64
©2011 GIA Publications, Inc., Chicago
— I-to Loh

Author Information

Born in the Visayas region of the Philippines, 13 July 1929, Melchizedek “Dick” Maraon Solis is from an artistic family. He received his AB degree in English. He belongs to the Presbyterian Church and dedicated himself to the ministry after graduating from a seminary. He also received a Doctor of Ministry degree in the United States. He and his wife, Mutya Lopez, immigrated to the United States and have been serving the Filipino community in Salinas, California. Solis is a talented writer, speaker, and community organizer. Among his publications are Link: A Novel About Real Power (Salinas, CA: SRMNK Publishers, 1997) and Philipinas A to Z: A Barangay Activity Book (Quezon City: Giraffe Books, 1997). He has written a number of hymns, such as “Come, Holy Spirit,” and has published a compact disc, Global Songs of Peace: Kapayapaan. He is retired but still actively writes and serves various communities.
Hymnal Companion to “Sound the Bamboo”: Asian Hymns in Their Cultural and Liturgical Context, p. 494-95, ©2011 GIA Publications, Inc., Chicago
— I-to Loh

Composer Information

Born to a musical family in the Visayas region of the Philippines, 11 May 1930, Mutya Lopez Solis is the wife of Melchizedek. She received her initial music training at Silliman University, earning an AB in music, with a major in piano. She subsequently earned her master’s degree in music education from Philippine Women’s University, Manila. In parish ministry, she is a strong partner with her husband, and she has set his texts to music in Filipino styles. She is a piano teacher, and she edited the publication Itugyan: Original Compositions, Transcriptions for Violin, Choral Arrangements by Prof. Zoe Radriguez Lopez (Salinas, CA: SRMNK Publishers, 1998).
Hymnal Companion to “Sound the Bamboo”: Asian Hymns in Their Cultural and Liturgical Context, p. 495, ©2011 GIA Publications, Inc., Chicago
— I-to Loh

Greg Scheer (b. 1966) has composed hundreds of pieces, songs and arrangements. His music is published by Augsburg Fortress, GIA, Abingdon Press, Worship Today, Faith Alive and in numerous hymnals. He has won commissions from the Iowa Choral Directors Association, Iowa Composers Forum, Linn-Mar High School String Orchestra, Chagall String Quartet and Northwestern College. His electronic piece, "Crossfade," was included on the CD ...from everlasting to everlasting... His string quartet "6" was featured on WQED in Pittsburgh and was also a winning composition in the 2000 Southeastern Composers' Symposium. His hymn "People of the Lord" won the Calvin09 hymn contest and was subsequently sung and published internationally.
— Greg Scheer
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