102. Millennial dawn

1 Saints, exult! adieu to tears;
Gloriously the dawn appears:
Dawn of bright millennial years,
Our great Messiah's reign.
See his banner floating o'er
Ev'ry dark and heathen shore;
Gloom profound shall brood no more,
Nor idol gods remain.

2 Where in polar regions rise
Mountains of perpetual ice,
Beams of brightness gild the skies;
Prepare, prepare his way.
Frosts eternal own his word;
Mountains melt before the Lord;
Human hearts with joy accord
To him the victory.

3 On the sands of torrid zone,
Shines from far his great white throne;
Ethiopia is his own;
He breaks her captive bands.
Hear the voice of wailing hush;
See the limpid fountain gush;
Thirsty crowds around it rush,
And clap their joyful hands.

4 Isles, that grace the ocean's bed,
Long in superstition dead,
Hear the voice of him who bled,
And bless the rule he bears.
Saving health from him they prove;
Grace perfumes the air above
Round them rolls a sea of love--
A paradise is theirs.

5 Ships, that o'er the billows ride,
Beat by wind and angry tide,
Safely moors--securely glide,
On oceans deep and dark.
Howl the storm--let surges roar;
Night's black mantle shroud then o'er;
Storms and perils fright no more,
Since Christ is in the bark.

6 Hail the world's great jubilee--
Day of blood-brought liberty!
Satan bound--earth more than free--
Come forth, our choicest lays;
Pitch the blissful chorus higher;
Oh! for cloven tongues of fire,
Oh! for an immortal lyre,
To sing the reign of grace.

Text Information
First Line: Saints, exult! adieu to tears
Title: Millennial dawn
Publication Date: 1845
Tune Information
Meter: P. M.
Key: B♭ Major
Source: Scottish Air

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