83. He Will Meet Me at the Gate

1 My Saviour has a home prepared beyond the skies,
Where ransomed ones my coming await;
And when my Lord shall bid me enter Paradise,
I want to meet my Saviour at the gate.

I know he will meet me at the gate,
I know he will meet me at the gate;
When before the jasper wall, on my Saviour’s name I call,
Then I know he will meet me at the gate.

2 I long to see his face, my Prophet, Priest and King;
I long to meet those loved ones who wait
Within the Jasper walls, where harps of angels ring;
I long to meet my Saviour at the gate. [Refrain]

3 Within the city fair the streets are paved with gold,
There loved ones never more separate;
But sweeter still the thought that Jesus I’ll behold,
For surely he will meet me at the gate. [Refrain]

4 So all the way along by faith I’ll hold his hand,
My life and all to him consecrate,
And know that, when at last I reach the promised land,
My Saviour will be waiting at the gate. [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: My Saviour has a home prepared beyond the skies
Title: He Will Meet Me at the Gate
Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr.
Refrain First Line: I know he will meet me at the gate
Language: English
Publication Date: 1900


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