P119g. Let all the Heathen Writers join

1 Let all the Heathen Writers join
To form one perfect Book;
Great GOD, if once compar'd with thine,
How mean their Writings look.

2 Not the most perfect Rules they gave
Could shew one Sin forgiv'n,
Nor lead a Step beyond the Grave;
But thine conduct to Heav'n.

3 I've seen an End to what we call
Perfection here below;
How short the Pow'rs of Nature fall,
And can no further go.

4 Yet Men would fain be just with God,
By Works their Hands have wrought;
But thy Commands, exceeding broad,
Extend to ev'ry Thought.

5 In vain we boast Perfection here,
While Sin defiles our Frame;
And sinks our Virtues down so far,
They scarce deserve the Name.

6 Our faith, and Love, and ev'ry Grace,
Fall far below thy Word;
But perfect Truth and Righteousness
Dwell only with the Lord.

Text Information
First Line: Let all the Heathen Writers join
Language: English
Publication Date: 1740
Topic: Instruction: from Scripture; Counsel and Support from God; Delight in Law of God (2 more...)
Tune Information
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