P119i. Thy Mercies fill the Earth, O Lord

1 Thy Mercies fill the Earth, O Lord,
How good thy Works appear!
Open mine Eyes to read thy Word,
And see thy Wonders there.

2 My Heart was fashion'd by thy Hand,
My Service is thy due;
O make thy Servant understand
The Duties he must do.

3 Since I'm a Stranger here below,
Let not thy Path be hid,
But mark the Road my Feet should go,
And be my constant Guide.

4 When I confess'd my wand'ring Ways,
Thou heard'st my Soul complain:
Grant me the teachings of thy Grace,
Or I shall stray again.

5 If GOD to me his Statutes shew,
And heav'nly Truths impart,
His Works for ever I'll pursue,
His Law shall rule my Heart.

6 This was my Comfort when I bore
Variety of Grief,
It made me learn thy Word the more,
And fly to that Relief.

7 [In vain the Proud deride me now;
I'll ne'er forget thy Law,
Nor let that blessed Gospel go
Whence all my Hopes I draw.

8 When I have learn'd my Father's Will,
I'll teach the World his Ways;
My thankful Lips inspir'd with Zeal,
Shall loud pronounce his Praise.]

Text Information
First Line: Thy Mercies fill the Earth, O Lord
Language: English
Publication Date: 1740
Scripture: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Topic: Desire: of knowledge; Counsel and Support from God; Delight in Law of God (3 more...)
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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