P46a. God is the Refuge of his Saints

1 God is the Refuge of his Saints,
When Storms of sharp Distress invade;
E'er we can offer our Complaints,
Behold him present with his Aid.

2 Let Mountains from their Seats be hurl'd
Down to the Deep, and buried there:
Convulsions shake the solid World,
Our Faith shall never yield to Fear.

3 Loud may the troubl'd Ocean roar,
In sacred Peace our Souls abide,
While ev'ry Nation, ev'ry Shore,
Trembles, and dreads the swelling Tide.

4 There is a Stream, whose gentle Flow
Supplies the City of our GOD;
Life, Love, and Joy still gliding through,
And wat'ring our divine Abode.

5 That sacred Stream, thine holy Word,
That all our raging Fear controuls:
Sweet Peace thy Promises afford,
And give new Strength to fainting Souls.

6 Sion enjoys her Monarch's Love,
Secure against a threat'ning Hour;
Nor can her firm Foundations move,
Built on his Truth, and arm'd with Pow'r.

Text Information
First Line: God is the Refuge of his Saints
Language: English
Publication Date: 1766
Topic: Church: God fights for her; Church: its Safety in national Desolation; God: our refuge in national troubles (3 more...)
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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