P63c. Great GOD, indulge my humble Claim

1 Great GOD, indulge my humble Claim,
Thou art my Hope, my Joy, my Rest;
The Glories that compose thy Name,
Stand all engag'd to make me blest.

2 Thou Great and Good, thou Just and Wise,
Thou art my Father and my GOD;
And I am thine by sacred Ties;
Thy Son, thy Servant, bought with Blood

3 With Heart, and Eyes, and lifted Hands,
For Thee I long, to Thee I look,
As Travellers in thirsty Lands
Pant for the cooling Water-brook.

4 With early Feet I love t' appear
Among thy Saints, and seek thy Face,
Oft have I seen thy Glory there,
And felt the Pow'r of Sov'reign Grace.

5 Not Fruits nor Wines that tempt our Taste,
Nor all the Joys our Senses know,
Could make me so divinely blest,
Or raise my chearful Passion so.

6 My Life itself without thy Love
No Taste of Pleasure could afford;
'Twould but a tiresome Burden prove,
If I were banish'd from the Lord.

7 Amidst the wakeful Hours of Night,
When busy Cares afflict my Head,
One Thought of Thee gives new Delight,
And adds Refreshment to my Bed.

8 I'll lift my Hands, I'll raise my Voice,
While I have Breath to pray or praise;
This Work shall make my Heart rejoice,
And spend the Remnant of my Days.

Text Information
First Line: Great GOD, indulge my humble Claim
Meter: Long Metre
Language: English
Publication Date: 1740
Topic: Converse with God; Longing after God; Lord's Day: Morning (4 more...)
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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