PCXLIII. A Psalm of David

1 Lord hear my pray'r, give ear when I
Do humbly call on thee;
Both in thy truth and righteousness
Make answer unto me.
2 And into judgment enter not
With him who serveth thee:
For in thy sight no man that lives
Shall justified be.

3 For th' enemy pursu'd my soul,
My life to ground hath thrown;
And made me dwell i'th' dark like them
Who dead are long agone.
4 Therefore my soul is overwhelm'd
With great perplexity.
My heart also within me is
Made desolate to be.

5 I call'd to mind the days of old,
I meditation use:
On all thy works, thy handy work,
I seriously do muse.
6 Moreover I do unto thee
Reach mine out-stretched hands:
So after thee my soul doth thirst,
As to the thirsty lands.


7 Haste Lord, hear me, my soul doth fail
Hide not thy face me fro;
Lest I become like unto them
Who down to pit do go.
8 Let me thy mercy early hear,
For I upon thee stay :
Wherein that I should walk, cause me
To understand the way.

For I to thee lift up my soul.
9 O Lord, deliver me,
From them who be my foes; I fly
To hide my self with thee.
10 Thou art my God, thy spirit good.
Teach me thy will to do:
Into the land of uprightness
Conduct thou me alfso:

11 Jehovah me O quicken thou,
Ev'n for thine own names sake;
And for thy righteousness my soul
From out of trouble take.
12 Thou shalt cut off mine enemies
In thy benignity.
And those destroy that vex my soul
For servant thine am I.

Text Information
First Line: Lord, hear my prayer, give ear
Title: A Psalm of David
Language: English
Publication Date: 1742
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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