96. Keep Smiling

1 If you only keep smiling as onward you travel,
Your path will grow clearer from day unto day;
Clouds that hang darkly o’er you will sooner be rifted,
And glorious sunlight illumine your way.

Keep smiling, keep smiling, whatever befall!
Keep smiling, keep smiling,—God reigns over all!
Toil and care will be lighter,
And skies will be brighter
If you smile, and keep on smiling for Him.

2 If you only keep smiling your cross will be lighter,
And trials, like dews of the morning, will flee;
For the sun is still shining, and God still is reigning,
No matter how threat’ning the future may be. [Refrain]

3 If you only keep smiling, some heart, almost breaking,
Will find in your presence a surcease from care;
For a smile to the lonely is ever a rainbow—
A sweet benediction that follows a prayer. [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: If you only keep smiling as onward you travel
Title: Keep Smiling
Author: C. H. G.
Refrain First Line: Keep smiling, keep smiling, whatever befall
Language: English
Publication Date: 1923
Topic: Joy


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