869. Soon will the heavenly Bridegroom come

1 Soon will the heavenly Bridegroom come;
Ye wedding-guests draw near,
And slumber not in sin, when he,
The Son of God, is here!
Come, let us haste to meet our Lord,
And hail him with delight;
Who saves us by his precious blood,
From sorrows infinite!

2 Beside him will the patriarchs old,
And holy prophets stand;
The glorious apostolic choir,
And noble martyr band.
As brethren dear they'll welcome us,
And lead us to the throne,
Where angels bow their vailed heads,
Before the Eternal One.

3 There we, with all the saints of God,
A white-robed multitude,
Shall praise our glorious Lord, who deigned
To bear our flesh and blood.
Our happy lot shall be to share
His reign of peace above,
And drink, with unexhausted joy,
The river of his love.

Text Information
First Line: Soon will the heavenly Bridegroom come
Author: Anon.
Publication Date: 1886
Topic: Waiting for Christ: Closing Work
Tune Information
Composer: Theodore E. Perkins
Meter: C. M. D.
Key: G Major or modal
Notes: Alternate tunes: #486 or 686.

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