191. Grace Sovereign in Conversion

1 O! why did Jesus show to me
The beauties of his face?
Why to my soul did he convey
The blessings of his grace?

2 O how could he so sweetly smile
On such a wretch as I;
I who his name did once revile,
And his dear truth deny?

3 But ’twas because he loved my soul,
Because he died for me,
Because that nothing could control
His great, his firm decree.

4 Lord, for thy manifested grace
I’ll raise a cheerful song,
Till I shall see thy brighter face
’Midst the celestial throng.

Text Information
First Line: O! why did Jesus show to me
Title: Grace Sovereign in Conversion
Author: Burnham
Meter: C. M.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1844
Topic: Regeneration and Conversion
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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