LXXX. Magnificent free grace, arise

1 Magnificent free grace, arise,
Outshine the thoughts of shallow men;
Sov'reign, preventing all surprize,
To him that neither will'd nor ran.

2 Grand as the bosom whence thou flow'd,
Kind as the heart that gave thee vent;
Rich as the gift that God bestow'd,
And lovely like the Christ he sent.

3 Sin reign'd to death; but over sin
And death, with more impartial sway,
Grace spreads her more extensive reign,
And does eternal life convey.

4 For us Salvation wide displays,
Her ample all-refreshing wing;
Safe in the shade free grace we praise,
And all its peerless glories sing.

Text Information
First Line: Magnificent free grace, arise
Meter: L. M.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1816
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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