167. O, How I Love Him

1 I have found a precious Friend,
On whose Word my hopes depend:
Jesus, Saviour, Brother too,
Ever faithful, ever true.

O, how I love Him,
O, how I love Him,
O, how I love Him,
My best, my dearest Friend!

2 When beneath Jehovah’s frown
My crush’d heart was sinking down,
Jesus heard my plaintive cry,
Came and bro’t salvation nigh. [Refrain]

3 When I struggled all in vain,
Peace and pardon to obtain,
Jesus came to my relief,
Bore my weight of sin and grief. [Refrain]

4 When the tempter’s pow’r assail’d,
And my courage well nigh fail’d,
Jesus brought His armor bright,
Made me Victor by His might. [Refrain]

5 When I sought to know His will,
Ev’ry purpose to fulfil,
Jesus took me by the hand,
Led me up to Beulah Land. [Refrain]

6 Now, when waves of care and woe
Come my soul to overthrow,
Jesus in His arms of love
Lifts me, bears me far above. [Refrain]

7 Now I’ll magnify His name,
His great goodness I’ll proclaim;
In my heart He comes to stay,—
Keeps me, saves me, day by day. [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: I have found a precious Friend
Title: O, How I Love Him
Author: W. J. K.
Refrain First Line: O, how I love Him
Publication Date: 1897
Tune Information
Name: [I have found a precious Friend]
Composer: Wm. J. Kirkpatrick


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