21. Forward, for the prize

1 Hark! your Captain cries
“Forward! for the prize,
Fear no earthly foe,
But onward go;
Foremost in the ray,
Boldly press your way,
When the sun is down,
Wear a victor’s crown.

2 Forward! for the prize,
Help the helpless rise,
From the miry ground
Where sins abound;
Cheer the faint and weak,
Words of kindness speak,
Crumbs of comfort rare,
With your comrades share.

3 Be a soldier brave,
Some sweet soul to save
From the tempter’s snare,
Now, do and dare;
In the morning’s bloom,
In the ev’ning’s gloom,
IN the shades of night,
Battle for the right.

4 When in heav’n we meet,
Looks of love we’ll greet,
On that happy shore
We’ll part no more;
There, the harps of gold,
There, the joys untold,
There, from sin made free,

Text Information
First Line: Hark! your Captain cries
Title: Forward, for the prize
Author: F. L. B.
Publication Date: 1892
Topic: Work
Tune Information
Name: [Hark, your captain cries]
Composer: Frank L. Bristow
Source: German


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